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Good morning, everyone

If you have any questions, I'd be very happy to answer them at the end

The subject of my talk about my holidays in Peru

It was the first time I visited Peru

Ask some people about the topics that I will discuss
My goal was to go to Machupichu and the best beach that is Mancora that's what they told me

I'm going to divide this talk into four parts

Let's begin by they way of life, the way that most of the popluation in Peru make a living by being either
in the military foreces or they have small buiness's or are business workers.

Now, we'll move on to talk about the customs and traditions

I highlight just a few magical places and experiences that must be lived and appreciated when you visit
this country. A good example of this is:

Inti Raymi

Traditional show held in the Saksaywaman Citadel, in Cusco, which stages the worshipping of the
ancient Sun god of Inca Cultures

"Danza de tijeras" (Scissors dance)

A colorful and risky sequence of jumps and dancing to the rhythm of a pair of scissors.

Weavers of Taquile island

Lake Titicaca still upholds this tradition that is done equally by men, women and children, and who
produce some of the country's finest textiles.

Thirdly I'll talk of Food and drink

The drinks that they drink are a lot of herbal substances such as coffee. An example of a traditional meal
from Peru could be Ceviche, Ceviche is a meal with shrimp and it is mixed with lemon and it is cut into
small pieces, then you add other things such as onions and more, although I did not like it very much, I
tried it in beach Mancora I didn't like because is just lemon with mixed pieces of fishes raw. One more
example of a traditonal meal is, Papa la Huancaina which consists of lettuce, egg, olives, and a spicy

As you are aware, Official languages is Spanish and, wherever they are predominant, Quechua, Aymara,
and other native tongues in accordance with the law.

To sum up Peru, is land of the legendary Incas, has retained much of its mythical feel. The cultural
capital of Cuzco provides a glimpse into the country’s proud history, as the center of the Sacred Valley
and the explorer’s base for the lost city of Machu Picchu.

Well, that's all i have to say. Thank you for listening

Any questions?

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