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Writing Up Your CREST Project –Things to Include.

1. Aim
What is your project about?
What are you trying to achieve?
Why is it interesting to you?
2. Hypothesis
This is a Scientific proposal e.g. “there is a link between the cost of suntan lotion and its effectiveness”
3. Research
What have you found out to prepare for your experiments?
Where did this information come from?
4. Variables

5. Equipment
6. Method
How will you do your experiments, including step by step instructions, diagram.
How did you plan your time? Who did what?
Did you consider other ways to do your project? What were they?

7. Risk assessment
Three columns-hazard, risk, control. Rate the risks if possible.
8. Results
High quality tables needed, units in headings only
9. Graphs
Would your results be better displayed as a graph?
10. Conclusion

What did you find out?

A Scientific explanation of your results.
Why did you get these results?
Which groups of people might find your project useful?
11. Evaluation
What went well?
What was difficult?
How did you overcome your difficulties?
What would you have done differently?
How reliable were your results?
Have other people been able to repeat your results?

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