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TRAIN YOUR EYES TO SEE WHAT IS James instructs us to define our events carefully

GOOD because how we see our circumstances will

affect our attitudes and actions. Not only does
He who diligently seeks good seeks favor, but he James tell us to define them carefully, but he
who searches after evil, it will come to him. also tells us to define it all as joy! Not just the
good times but all of our circumstances,
Proverbs 11:27
including trials, are to be defined as cause for
All our lives, we have trained our eyes to see joy. How can we possibly do that? Read on, as
what is bad. From an early age, we have been James continues:
training ourselves incorrectly. We get up and
Consider [define] it all joy, my brethren, when
read the morning newspaper over breakfast,
you encounter various trials, knowing that the
getting our minimum daily requirement of bad
testing of your faith produces endurance. And let
endurance have its perfect result, that you may
1. Train your eyes to see evidence of His be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing
Presence, not evidence of His absence. (James 1:2-4)

We have to retrain our eyes. The reason is this: We get to define it all as joy, even our trials,
Whatever we’re looking for is what we will see. when we know the positive outcome any event
can have on our lives-deepening our faith,
Likewise, if we look for the best in other people, producing endurance and making us complete
then we will see the most beautiful people in the and lacking nothing. Now that’s a powerful
world everywhere we turn. What you are promise!
looking for, you will begin to see.
Change your definition, considering it all joy,
2. Look for evidence of His Presence and watch your faith grow, your endurance
increase and your life become complete. You’ll
Train your eyes to see evidence of God’s lack for nothing, simply because you’ve chosen
Presence, not evidence of His absence. If you to define things the way God defines them.
are looking for God’s absence, you will
conclude that this world is a God-forsaken 4. Define things the way God defines them
place! On the other hand, if you are looking for
evidence of His Presence, you will soon see that David is one of my heroes. He was one of
He is with us even in the darkest of moments. Israel’s greatest leaders, a man after God’s own
heart (see 1 Sam. 13:14). David faced many
3. Change your Definition challenges, but he seemed to rise above every
one! Even when his foes were far bigger,
One way to cultivate staying power is to change something always seemed to carry him through.
your definition of an event or circumstance.
How was he able to do this? David was a man
After all, the way in which you define your who defined things, not as he saw them, but as
circumstances will determine, to a large degree, God saw them.
how you will respond to that event.
“You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a
Consider [define] it all joy, my brethren, when javelin, but I come to you in the name of the
you encounter various trials (James 1:2) Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel,
whom you have taunted” (1 Sam. 17:45)
CULTIVATE a Spirit of GRATEFULLNESS, 6. Cultivate a Grateful Spirit
regardless of your circumstances.
In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will
It was in the cave of Engedi where David for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thess. 5:18)
displayed a quality of leadership that was to
become a hallmark of his life. He was hiding in Cultivate a spirit of gratefulness, regardless of
the cave when Saul entered, unaware of David’s your circumstances. Not just when things are
presence. Weary from his pursuit of David, Saul going your way, but in everything! Grateful
fell asleep. Here was David’s golden opportunity attitudes never develop automatically. We must
to rid himself of Saul and end the king’s cultivate them and train them according to God’s
merciless crusade! David’s men urged him on: directions, much like programming a computer.
If we set ourselves up with the right
(1 Samuel 24:4,6) programming, we will get the right results. The
good news is we can program our attitudes with
David chose to see circumstances and events gratitude so that we can reap wonderful results.
from God’s perspective, and in so doing, he
received strength and courage from the Lord. 7. Take time to Appreciate
His “eye was clear” (see Matt. 6:22). His
perspective was God-pleasing. This is why God In training your eyes to see what is good, take
made David successful in all he did. That kind the time to enjoy the simple things again. Pause
of strength comes only as a result of having the long enough to smell the flowers. Stop long
right attitude. David was a man after God’s own enough to sit down and see a sunrise or a sunset.
heart, because he defined events the way God Cultivate gratefulness.
defined them.
When you do, you’ll begin to condition your
5. Don’t mess up inside the Father’s House attitude, to cultivate a grateful spirit and you will
soon have a garden blooming with contentment.
The prodigal had indeed messed up his life
outside the father’s house. However, because of 8. Learn to Enjoy the Ride
a bad attitude, his elder brother messed up his There are going to be challenges and hills to
life inside the father’s house. Instead of looking climb on this journey. That’s given. Once you
for what he could be grateful for, he found a
know that hills and trials will always be there,
reason that could justify his anger. you will be able to expect them and no longer be
Looking for what is bad in life can cause a surprised by them, which will free you up and
person to develop a deadly cancer known as enable you to enjoy the ride
ungratefulness. Ungratefulness affects our
Tips to enjoy the Ride:
attitude in subtle ways that may not surface for
years, as in the case of the prodigal son’s bother. 1. Take five minutes today and write down
Because of his perspective, which was focused the names of two people you appreciate.
entirely on himself and his problems, he
couldn’t see the situation the way his father saw Write them a note of thanks.
it. Because of his bad attitude, the young man 2. Don’t forget to laugh.
refused to welcome back his brother, and he 3. Do one thing for yourself today.
missed the blessing.
4. Make a new friend today.

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