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Lecture 1

Different composition of cell wall of bacteria

And plasma membrane
Compare archaea and bacteria’s cell

Gram staining reaction to differentiate gram positive and negative

Gram positive has thick pepticglycolayer, when dehydrate them with
ethanol, pores closescrystal violet complex cannot be extracted out and
retained inside the cell.
Opposed to gram positive, gram negative has thin pepticglycolayer in the
cell wall, when it is dehydarted with alcohol it breaks, the crystal violet
complex can be extracted out

Both gram positive and gram negative bacteria has negative charges on
Tetcolic acid in gram positive
LPS(charged sugar) in gram negative

Pepticoglycon cannot be found in other organisim except for bacteria

Crosslinked interbridge
9/24/2016 7:12:00 AM
9/24/2016 7:12:00 AM

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