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If you ask me, for example, abaout Pam, like,

What does Pam do? I answer, she�s a waitress, and

Who does she work with ? She works with Gino at
Gino�s Pizza where Gino ie owner and cook.
Near Pam, work her friend Jane and about Jane you
can ask me too, for example
How does Jane get to work? I answer:
Sometimes jane gets to work by taxi.
She�s a teacher at "A1 English School" and today
she came with paul. He�s a taxi driver and
today Jane works with Tommy. He�s a student.
The Gino�s pizza is in front of the City Hospital
where we can see Mei-Li and
what does and whatdoes she do?
She�s a nurse and today Mith her friend came too
and, What company does Mith work for?
He works for "City Eletric"
And Carla? What does Carla do?
She�s a Police Officer and today
She�s writing a ticket
Finily, if you ask me
Who said all about this? i Answuer:
John Doe a carrier pidgeon on the roof. Bye Bye.

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