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DAILY NEWS BULLETIN (Gable and Mail Despatches) Issued by the JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY, LID. Iudgate Honse, 107/111," Fleot Stroet, Telegrams: Jewcorrau London. London, E.¢.4. _ Telephone: Central 6501-3. Vol» XII. No. 99. 6 pages. and. Mey, 1931. 500 YBAR OLD SCROLIS OF _ ~HESCUED BUT LNA City AGAIN PEPGH BLACKNESS: % Wo BY TUD De POsIT: BY FSOODST SWISH COMMUNIT IWS “OF VILNA iC ORGANIS ih SEPARATE JEWISH ET . — Warsaw, April SOth, (Jewish Telegraphic Agency)+ ° {he nearly five-hundred year old synagogue (built 466 years ago), in the township of Druja; in‘the Vilna district, is flooded to a depth of four inetres. The Scrolls of the Law have been rescued with great difficulty, but the numerous Talmudic volumes stored there have been swept away. ' : The adjoining Beth Hamidrash, the Church, the market- place, and a great number of houses are submerged. Many houses have been swept’ away by the flvods. . 1,657 people, including 450 children, have been evacuated from the tcwn. The Government has made a grant of 1,000 zlotys towards the relief work there. he City of Wilna has again been plunged into pitch dark- ness at night by the failure of the electrical station, which has oen choked up by huge quantities of mud deposited by the flooded River Vilja. . The Jewish comminities 1n the various places in the Vilna district-are organising a separate Jewish Relief Committee. . A complaint that the Relief Committee for the Victims of the Vilna Floods set up under the chairmanship of the Governor of Vilna has only two Jews among its 70 members, no representative of any Jewish organisation, not oven tm Vilna Jewish Community, neving been invited to join it, wae made this week by the Polish- languaga daily "Nasz Praeglad" (reported in the J.T.A. Bulletin Gf April Soth.}. INSUFFICIENT RAIN IN PALRSTINE ‘CAUSES SERIOUS "ATER SHORTAGE. Jerusalem, April S0th. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). \ Ineaffieient rain during the winter has resulted in a serious water shortage in:the municipal reservoir in Jerusalem. Toe-rainfall was much less than last year, and aven then there was’ @ shortage during the hot months. It is understood that from June water will be brought by train from the vicinity of Ludd, as was done three years ago.. This is a very cumbersome’ and expensive method, and may be found in addition to be inadequate to solve the problem. It is ‘said that the Urtas Spring near Hebron, for the use of which the Palestine Governmont had- to obtain a judgment fre: the Privy Council a few years ago, overruling the-objection of the dese “Avabd population, will probably have to be resorted to again 3 yoor. : s The. acute water shortage in Jerusalem was evidenced a faw months ago, whon the householders, paying what is considered an vx- orbitant water rate, were supplied only once in 48 hours. During the summor poriod it is believed to be the. intention of the Water Department to fill the tanks only once in three days. " i Building activity may be seriously crippled by the scarcity of water, since the authorities will probably find it necessary to. restrict the supply for.building purposes in order to provide for tho most essential needs of the population. ane J.T.A, BULLPPIN. - 72 ‘ 2/5/31. INCREASS IN NUMBER OF WURDERS IN PALESTINE APART FF Obi_TFOS= = CONRTTTED TN 102s WASSACRES; Jerusalem, April 30th, (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). An increase in the number of murders in Palestine in 1930 over 1929, apart from the wholesale murder of Jews in tho riots of August 1929, 1s shown dy the figures just made public ere, revoaling 126 cepitel crimos committed in 1930 as compar- ed with 96 in 1929. With the increase of murders, the number of attompted murders also went up from 154 to 179, and serious assaults from 274 to $47. ‘Tho figures for highway robbery, theft and bur- glary and offences against women remained, however, prddtically stationary, & fact from which a local writer deduces that the argument brought forward by Arab propagandists that the orime figures are evidence that the economic conditions are becoming worse cannot be maintained, since if the eotnomic conditions were the cause of the crimes, the number of thefts and-robberies would have increased. The large increase in the number of murders and attempted ‘murders is due to the fact, he says, that if a fellah is told in 1929 that he may murder Jews; against whom he has no personal grudge, he feels that he may also murder his neighbour against Qa whom and against whose family he has long borne an unsatisfied and very real grudgo, There was a rise also in the number of cases of fraud, embezzlement and forgery brought to the notice of the police. There were 261 vases in 1929, and 342 in 1930. ‘There was a slight decrease in the number of witnesses who lied on oath, the number being 292 for 1929 and 279 for 1930. Fifty-two persons were sent to prison for life in 1930. Nineteen will serve 16 year:sentences. More than 500 will serve sontences varying from 5 to 15 years. Nearly 3,000 will serve sentoncee of less than two years. . Six mon were executed in Palestine in 1950, and seven in 1929, while in Great Britain, with a population of nearly 50 million the average ‘nwiber executed each year 1s only 10. Forming one out of every five in the population, the Jews have @ crime rovord of only one out of twenty, the figurés showing twenty offences by Moslems for every offence committed by a Jow, and sevonteon for every offence conmitted by a Christian. C AS. NEIoppouRs oF ARABS AND NOT 70 MAKE THEM SUBJEOT GAYS MAY DAY PROCLAMATION OF PALESTINE LABOUR FARTY: CALL TO FIGHT REVISTONIST DesiRUCT: Jerusalem, April 30th. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). The Zicnism of the workers aims to transfer the future generation to Palestine, to fight Revisionist destruction, to demo- cratise the Jewish Agency, and to build up.a working-class Pales~ tine, says the May Day proclamation issued to-day by the Palestine Labour Party. . The proclamation calls upon the Socialist (Second) Inter-~ recognise the rights of the Jews comihg to Palestine as néighbours of the Arabs and subjugate them, concluding with @ protest against the persecution to which Socialists and Socialist Zionists are being subjected in Soviet Russia. CLASH. BETYEEN PALESTINE LABOUR FED?RATION AND REVISIONISTS LEADS TO oo A x o ONTS! \ Jerusalem, April Soth. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). a : . The Revisionist daily "Haam" appeared to-day half-size, in 2 gonsequense of a olash with the palestine Labour Federation, Fiste- druth Haovdim, who held up the .printing work. : : The conflict arose. when the "Haam moved in a new printing press, and decided to ongage Revisionist workers for it, while the: vistadruth insisted that the unemployed workers who are registered /With its Labour Office should be. engaged. . le i a joa os £ A | “tee 60 he BOLERTIN, -3- 2/5/31. AL LUDONDORFP BROAKS “ITH HITLER: D'NOUNCES FIM AS BS TRAYER ‘OF GERRAN FVOPLR AND ASSOCIATE OF FRE “MASONS, Berlin, April 50th. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). General Erich von Ludendorff, the famous German Commander in the Great Yar, who was associated with Fitler in their joint putech in Munich in 1923, has now declared war on his old colleague, in consequence of a call which Hitler has issued to his followers to fight Ludendorff's Tannenburg Bund. Hitler is a dangerous betrayer of the German people and an associate of the Freemasons, General Ludendorff writes. . When Lucendorff, Hitler, and their associates 4n the Munich Putsch in 1923 stood their trial in February 1924, General Luden- dorff made a long speech to the court declaring himself a violent, antlsemite and proceeding to maké a fierce attack also upon the — Catholics, the Socialists and the French. During the war, he said, I hed the oppertunity of studying the Jewish question, which is primarily @ race question. A Jew cannot underetand the German idealand the Gorman soul, The Jews are demoralising the German people. Jewish influence is injurious to the country and must be destroyed. General Ludendorff attributed his defedt in the war to the intervention of Jawry with its world-wide ramifications mobil- ised against Germany, supporting his allegations by quoting from the "protocols of the Zlders of Zion". The Catholics were pro~ oO ting the Jews, he said, and the Catholic hicrarchy was in leagué with the Jews‘and the Freomsons. ‘lo want to have a Ger many racially purely Germanic, free from Jowlsh-Varxist-Catholic domination. © . Ludendorff has broken before with another of his old comrades, Field-Marshal Windenowg, the Mresident of the German Republic, because when he sent Hindenburg a telegram at the end of 1928, urging him to protect him against tho Jews and Freemasons who were plotting to assassinate him, the Proaident had not even replied to his telegram. At one time General Ludendorff expressed great admiration for ur. Henry Ford, vecause of the antisemitic propaganda he was conducting in the "Dderborn Independent" and by means of his book "The Internationel Jew", imt when Mr. henry Ford made his public apology to the Jews in 1627, he denounced him and alleged that he had turned Jew and hed joined the Palestine Lodge of the Freemasons. Last August, General Iudendorff also broke with his wife, who has been intimately associated with him in his antisemitic propaganda, and brought civorce proceedings against her. It was C- suggested at the time that he had taken this course because he had been persusded of the folly of the campaign against the Jews, Catholics and Freemasons, into which she had led him, and because of which he is no longer teken seriously as a politician, and it was said thet the divorce might be followed by a recantation. RITUAL MURDER CHARGE NO INSULT TO JES BUT HISTORICAL FACT GERMAN ~ GOUPT FINDS IN ACQUITTING BITLIRIST D'PUTY CONBBELS: FINDS PROOF IN WANT GAURGHES DESIGATED TO CHRISTIAN SAINTS MARTYRED By RTE EES Berlin, April 30th. (Jowish Telegraphic Agency). : The ritual murder acousation 1s not an insult to the Jews, but.a historical fact, since many churches in Germany, Austria and other countries are dedicated to Christian saints who were martyred for ritual purposes by the enemies of the Chrigtien faith, the “ost Berlin District Court has found in acquitting Deputy Goebbels, tho Hitlorist leader in Berlin, on a charge.of insulting the Jews by publisiing an article ‘in the Hitlerist paper’ "Angriff", of which he iis the editor, whore he said.that Jews commit ritual murder, It had not been established, the court said, ithat the article was an insult to the Jowish religion, since it spoke only of fanatical adherents of the Jewish religion, and not of all who practise Judiasm. The verdict of the vourt and the ground on wich it 1s based have caused consterfiation and indignation among the Jewish poptlation here. : : 5 - ie a a a J.T. A, BULLETIN. -4- - 2/5/31. ‘. No punishment for accusing Jews of committing ritual murder was the decision of the Cerman Supreme Court, the Leipzig Reichsgericht, last February, whon 1t quashed the verdict of grilty brought in by the Cologne District Court against the editor of the local Hitlerist paper, the "Westdeutsoher Beobachter", Joseph Prohe, whom it had fined S00 Marks for writing in his perer that the Jews in obedience to the Talmud practise ritual murder, fraud and perjury, and drink Christian blood in order to beocme reconciled to the Jewish God. . The Reichsgericht found that Prohe could not be convict~ ed, vecavee he did not know that the ritual murder allegation was designed to rouse enmity against a certain section of the popula- tion. Dr. Theodor Wolf, the famous editor of the "Berliner Tagedlatt", drew altention recently to the tendency of the German courts, including the Supreme Court, to acquit antisemites, com- plaining that the Gerran courts have been dangerously infected by Hitlerism, en@ have been encouraged by the growth of Hitlerist strength te allow their dogmatic antisemitism to overrule the prin- ciples of abstract justice, introducing definite anti-Jewish bias in their judgments. The first case in which Jews were actually ectused of having killed a Christian child for ritual purposes was that of St. William of Norwich in 1144, Similar charges were brought at Gloucester in 1168,at Bury-&t. Edmunds in i1e1, ed at Winchester in 1192. In none of these cases was there any trial, but populer rumour was considered sufficient to establich the martyrdom of the children, ‘ahd this proved a considorable source of attraction to _-the Cathedrals and Abbeys of these towns. The case of little st. Mugh, of Lincoln 4s mentioned by Chaucer, and is perpetuated in an old Hgglish baliad. : In 1462 at Rinn, near Innsbrueck, in Austria, a boy named, Andreas Oxner was said to have been murdered by Jews, his blood being carefully collected-in vessels. Inscriptions in the Church of Rinn allege that the money paid for the boy to his godfather by the Jews to whom he had sold him was found to have turned into leaves and that a lily blossomod upon his grave, Jn 1476 occurred also the case of St, Simon of Trent. i GLEADER OF HITLERIST ATTACK ON JEWISH SHOPS IN BERLIN LAST ~ OCTOBEP DUR: WENT JUST ARRESTED OCTO iG OPENING ¢ LIAWENT J . Berlin, April 30th. (Jewish Telagraphic Agency). The ringleader of the Hitlerist riots in the Leipziger- strasse, the centre of the West End shopping district of Berlin, on October 15th.;: the day“of the opening of the Reichstag, when the windows of numerous dig Jewish shops were amashed, has just been arrested, the -polioe authorities report. He is George Kietzewski, e 36 year old member of the Fitleriat Perty. Definite proof hes been obtained that Kietzewski went about Giotributing stones and that he gave orders for them to be ‘thrown at the shop windows. _- «Out of 103 people who were arrested for window-smashing and violence during the demonstratidns on the aay of the openin, of Perliament, 39 were members of the Hitlerist Party and 68 others admitted being aympathisers, the Prussian Minister of the Interfor,: Forr Severing, declared in the Diet last February, repudiating the Bitlorist contention that the disorders were the work of the Left -Partios who wanted in that way to disoredit the Hitlerist movement. ANTI-JEWLSH MAY DAY PROCESSION PLANNED IN BERLIN PROHIBITED. BY POLICE. . Berlin, April 30th. .(Jewish Telegraphic Agenoy). J An antisemltio May Day Seabps tration’ winounded for to- morrow, the Ist. of May,—by-the Hitlerist (so-called National Socialist Party}to bée:held in-the Jewish parts of the West End of Berlin, has been prohibited by the Berlin Police. Prestdent, ~ | 7 . To _ PAS, BULLETIN, -5- 2/6/31. EINSVRLN REPUSRS AQTRACTIVE OFFER T0 TAKE UP PERMANENT POST AT ~~ wooo VASAL (EN UN PERTIN TR” Perlin, April. Soth. (Jewish Telegraphic Agetisy). SCS ‘The University of Pasadena, jn California, where Professor ‘Albert Einstoin wes recently doing research work at C Saunt Lson Obsorvatory, made him a very attractive offer to stay there pormenentiy, the J.1.A. learns exclusively, not only in rogard to salary and spoolal facilities for research work at the Observatory, which ia the largest and best equipped in the worié, but in addition not requiring him to deliver any lectures ant permitting him to stay 4n Berlin for six months every year during. the sumer. Professor Einstein refused the offer, however, being disinclined te uproot himself end go to settle in a new country. He feels also that ‘Berlin has met him as far’as possible, and notwithstenging the Hitlerist atmosphere now existing in Berlin, he has decided not to change his-permanent place of residence. He woulé, however, be prepared to ageept.en offer to go to Pasa- dena for the winter months, without becoming a permanent member ‘of the staff of tho Pasadena University. , . .'. When Professor Einstein was in. America last Decembor suggestions were made in well-informed quarter’s-in close touch with him that if the wave of Hitlerism in Germany did not subside ho might decide not to go back there $o meet‘ attack end vilitica- jon. * . . Questioned on this point before he ‘sailed from New York for Pasadena, Professor Einstbia.said: Ons should-not speak publio~ ly about conditions which I hope will not come to pass, still. less should one make decisions in pdvance, He aid not, however, deny the suggestion, and people in close-tousk, with him assured tho J.T,A, that ho was vory much disturdsd about tho situation in Gera many and had been contemplating that 1 there was no improveyent he would prefer to make his home elsewhere, so that he gould con- tinue his scientific work in quiet. When Professor #lAstein left Germany for america, the Hitjerist chief organ, the'"Voolkischor Beobachter" wrote: Ail we have to say about At is‘that we hopo that he will never come back to Germany. : ECONOUTC BOYCOTY WOVEMENT AGAINST Ji Eovno, April 30th. (Jowlsh Telegraphie Agency). The Fodoration of ‘Lithuanien Kerchauts formed about a year ago, with Govornment assistance, which ains at ejecting Jews from trade, industry end artisanship’ in Lithuania, has adopted a resolu- tion at its first Congrese held here declaring its intention to wrest trade, industry and erticanship out of Jewish hands. . The Congress has decided to apprcach the Government to ask it for a special fund to assist Lithvenien merchants to fight Jewish ocitpetiticn, and to iseuo instructions that all orders for goods and work placed by State and local Government bodies should be given only to Christian merchants and industrialists» ‘The gomplete ‘prchtbition of ‘tradiig and work on Sundays ‘has also beon man ded. speeches delivered-a _ fomanded att Pe ed-at the Congress were ‘strong: In an editorial dealing with the Congress, tha Jewish ! Gatiy here, the (Tyiédishe stime", warns the fesdeve of the Federa- i 0 venture on langerons eof nh semitien and economic boyectt. ootine Of obagrintan, ant PA, BULLETIN. - 6 2/5/31. IC BOYCOTT AGAINST JEWS IN POSEN AND POMERANIA, Wargav, April 30th. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). The Contral Foderation of Jowish Small-qaders in Poland, which has its headquarters hore, has received an appeal from its vanoh in Kalisz to intervene with the Government against tho viclent antisemitic econumic agitation which is being conducted in the provinoes of Posen and Pomerania. While the annual market day was being held in the town- ship of Krotossyn,.in Posen, the branch writes, a large detach- mont of hooligans attacked the Jewish traders, maltreating them and Jcotving their stalls. -A Jewish deputation which went to the police headquarters in the town to ask for protection was told that the Police Chief could not see them. the police officers who were asked to protect the Jews repiied that it was no part ! of their duties to give protection to Jewish pedlers. =. | only a’ eudden downpour of torrential rain saved the Jows from a serious outbreek, thoir aggressors leaving them to rush for shelter. ‘Meanwhile, the Jewieh traders were able to place the rest of thetr goods in eecurity. A deputation of the Central Federation of Jewish Small- (2. traders here has visited the Ministry of the Interior, drawing attention to the critical position of the Jewish amall-traders in Posen and Pomerania, who are given no protestion by the police and the authorities against the frequent attacks made upon their person and property. COMPULSORY SUNDAY CLOSING LAW IN CZECHO-SLOVAKIA: NO EXEMPTION FOR _SABBATH- OBSERVING JEWS. . Prague, April 30th. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). ‘The Government order for the enforcement of Compulsory Subday Glosing in Bratislava (Pressburg) has just been issued. There are a number of provisions exempting from its operation poole trading in articles of religious use, pastrycooks, perish- able flowers and fruitdealérs, cattle-transporters, etc. No - exemption is given, however, to businesses and shops which keep closed on Saturday. A protest meeting of Sabbath-observing shopkeepers and businesomen has boon held at Bratislava, addressed by the Jewish Deputy, Dr. J. Retsz and by Dr. Beer, and Dr. Singer. The meeting has decided to send a memorandum to the Government, de- manding the modification of the iaw. The Government intends to proceed next to regulating the Sundey closing question in Carpatho-Russia. In view of the special circumstances obtaining there and the fact that 90 per cont. of the shopkeepers ere strictly observaht Jews, special * arrangements will be made not to create hardships for the Jewish population, the J.T.A, understands, and even the Federation of Co- operatives ih Carpatho-Russia, which is not partioulerly friendly to the Jews, is urging the authorities to give exemption to shép- :keepers and businessmen who keep closed one day in the week. FORMING ALL-ROUMANIAN JEWISH NATIONAL PARTY TO CONTEST PARLIAMENT- Soe ry Bucharest, April 30th. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). a At @ meeting of the membera of the Jewish Parliamentary » Club and the Exécutive of. the Jewish National Party of the 014 Kingdom, held here under the chairmanship of Senator Dr. Ebner, the President of the Jewish Club of Deputies, 1t has been Unanimously agreed to unify the existing Jewish political organisa- tions in all the four provinces of Roumania. A provisional committee has been formed consisting of the four members ‘of the Jewish Perlia- ‘ mentary Club andthe members of the Presidium of the Jewish National , Party of the 014 Kingdom, which will co-opt tepresentatives from 41l_the four provinces. The enlarged committee 1s meeting here on Sunday » May Sra. to deoide the tactios of the Jewish Party. in the ‘coming Slections ‘0. Ww: tl 1 . -Parlicnont toned ‘owing. the Premier's dissolution of Mayer

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