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naviseccli -h IP Address -User Username -Password Password -Scope 0 zerodisk

-messner all start

naviseccli -h IP Address -User Username -Password Password -Scope 0 zerodisk

-messner all status

naviseccli -h IP Address -User Username -Password Password -Scope 0 zerodisk

-messner all getzeromark

naviseccli -h IP Address -User Username -Password Password getdisk all -serial

navicli -h <SP IP> zerodisk -messner B E D

navicli -h zerodisk -messner 1_0_4 start:

navicli -h zerodisk -messner 1_0_4 getzeromark
navicli -h zerodisk -messner 1_1_12

Naviseccli -h arrayhostname getdisk 5_0_1

EMC VNX (Block) storage enclosure commands

The following commands are used to discover storage objects of EMC VNX (Block)
storage enclosures. The used NaviSecCLI version should be 6.29, or later. It uses
nopoll option for commands.

getdisk -capacity -usercapacity: Command to get the disk capacities of enclosure.

getagent -model -rev: Command to get the agent model and revision.

arrayname: Command to get the array name.

getsp -ser: Command to get the serial number of the storage processors.

-xml port -list -sp: Command to get the array ports of the storage processors.

-xml getall -disk: Command to get the physical disks of the enclosure.

getdisk -serial: Command to get the serial number of physical disks of enclosure.

-xml getall -rg: Command to get the RAID group of the enclosure.

storagegroup -list: Command to get the storage group of the enclosure.

-xml getall -lun: Command to get the logical units of the enclosure

-xml metalun -list: Command to get the meta LUNs of the enclosure

-xml Snapview -listsnapshots: Command to get the snapshots of the LUNs.

-xml Snapview -listclonegroup: Command to get the snapview clones of the LUNs.

-xml storagepool -list: Command to get the thin pools of enclosure.

-xml thinlun -list: Command to get the thin LUNs created from the thin pools.

lun -list -showOnly NonThin: Command to get the thick LUNs created from the thin

port -list -reads -writes -bread -bwrite -sp: Command to get read or write on the
array port.

The format of the command is as follows:

naviseccli -h array ip -User username -Password password -Scope scope CLI

If you have specified the security file, the format is as follows:

naviseccli -h array ip -secfilepath path of Perm-File

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