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Frentika : “Hay guys what are you doing here?”.

Yolanda : “Hay...nothing just babbling”.

Meilinda : “What book you bring fren?”.

Frentika : “Oh this is Novel “Kambing Jantan” I borow it from library”

Ayun : “Who is the writer?”.

Frentika : “Raditia Dika”.

Yolanda : “Oh yes I know him,he is my favorite writer. He is humorist,friendly,and smart”.

Frentika : “Yes I think so. By the way... where is Septy?”.

Meilinda : “May be in canteen”.

Ayun : “she told me when break time,she will go to consultation room”.

Yolanda : “Is she have a problem?”.

Ayun : “I don’t know”.

Septy : “hay guys how is live?”.

Frentika : “I’m well buddy, what about you?”.

Septy : “I’m very well,thanks”.

Yolanda : “Sep, why are you today? Why not go to school but nobody send a letter tells
that you were sick?”.

Septy : “Actually I was not sick Yol”.

Ayun : “So why you did not went to school?”.

Meilnda : “so, why is Sep?”.

Frentika : “Just tell me exactly?”.

Septy : “I skipped a day before I was called by headmaster. He told me about paying of
school fees”.

Ayun : “so, you still have arrears?”.

Septy : “Yes, Yun. I'm so confused. My parents wrote to eat mediocre, but still have to
take care of my tuition. I do not know, maybe I want to quit school wrote”.

Frentika : “Sep, Education is very important. What about your future when you're out of

Yolanda : “Yes Frentika right Sep. You need go to school because education will be key
your future”.

Septy: : “I know, but you also know that the condition of my family is not good”.

Ayun : “I know, but I cannot help you Sep. Sorry!”.

Meilinda : “Well, tomorrow I’ll give you the money for the payment of the cost of your
school dependents. How much do you need?”.

Septy : “350,000 rupiahs, Mei you serious? I do not want to bother you?”.

Meilinda : “Yeah, I’m serious. I'm your friend, friends cares about the condition of his
friend, I could ask my parents.

Frentika : “yes Mei, you’re right. So she can continue his study”.

Septy : “I do not know what I can say any more”.

Ayun : “Okay, let's say your problem is over Sep. Seems it’s time to go, let's get to

All : “Oke”.

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