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“República Bolivariana de Venezuela”

“Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación”

“L.B. Antonio María Piñate”

“Guarenas, Edo. Miranda”

5º “C”

English Works

Teacher: Students:

Bernie Rivas Nº 13

Samuel Ávila Nº

Guarenas, March 2013

Activity 1: Objects
1) The Cheese / 5 kg weight
A) How heavy is the cheese?
B) It is 11 pounds weight

2) The old man / 90 years old

A) How old is the man?
B) He’s 90 years old

3) This bridge / 5 miles long

A) How long is the bridge?
B) It is around 8 km long

4) England / 7500 km away

A) How far is England?
B) London is 4650 miles away

5) The famous “Formula Rossa” / 240 km per hour

A) How fast is that roller coaster?
B) It is around 150 miles per hour
6) That glass / 50 cm wide
A) How wide is that glass?
B) It is 19,5 inches wide

7) The Amazon River / 6800 km long

A) How long is the Amazon River?
B) That river is 4216 miles long
8) That well / 10 meters deep
A) How deep is that well?
B) That well is 32,8 feet deep

Activity 2: Agreement

1) Helena could get a car. (Christina)

A) So could Christina
B) Christina could too
2) Your car looks damaged. (My car)
A) So looks my car
B) My car looks too

3) That girl is very good when she sings. ( My friend)

A) So is my friend
B) My friend is too

4) My eyeglasses are breaking. (Your backpack)

A) So is your backpack
B) Your backpack is too

5) That computer is running slow. (the phone)

A) So is the phone
B) The phone is too

6) My bicycle didn’t run yesterday. (Those skates)

A) Neither did those skates
B) Those skates didn’t either
7) I do an exposition in class. (they students)
A) So do they students
B) They students do too

8) My girlfriend can’t go to the cinema. (I)

A) Neither can I
B) I can’t either

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