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in Brooklyn. lehman was convinced that the museum Isshould forget about trying fo atract visitors from the other side of town and try to appeal instead fo people from the suitounding area. ‘The neighbouthood's changed,’ he — explains, ‘but this is where the museum is, and we can't — and won't ~ pretend we're somewhere else.” «The free evening events, called ‘First Saturdays’, are ; Lehman's way of reaching out 10 people. They are certainly popular: the crush of visitors has forced the |New museum fo move the dance floor from the entrance hall to entury the cor park. Lehman is delighted with the result: ‘Ws sbeen lberemorkable to hear people soy, “I live four blocks away, 2s, but ‘and I've never been in this buikling before”. The great she no thing for me is when you see teenage boys looking at art ted to in the golleries without being handcuffed fo their parents, le their he says, What's more, the annual number of visitors to the 1o girls emuseum has roughly doubled, from 250,000 10 half a hrough milion since the scheme was introduced. Similar where institutions across the country are now calling, wanting to cene is know how much it cosis ‘to throw a good party’. The Horings ‘answer, incidentally, is about $25,000 per event. ‘And se,’ he eeworth every dime,’ says Lehman ught, “I Tonight, @ woman called Akesha, who seems to feel the MME vindicate the new direction the museum has token, is sjonding on the edge of the dance floor. Akesha walked fo the museum from her home, but hasn't been here since leprimary school, when a teacher organised a tip to see ‘an exhibition, ‘The free concert Is why | come,’ she admits, ‘but | must come back and look round the museum.’ Others who come to dance find their way into the galleries almost by accident — like Jean-Michel, who Jost his friends in the crush of dancers and thought he might os well take a look at the art. The real achievement of First Saturdays is, therefore, both more significant ond more profound than the increased visitor numbers vend, Ww come iding os he city’s museum they put sn count ists. But ton the IMME sugges! Most people visit art museums because they itwas lfewant to have a special ‘artistic’ experience. The Brooklyn rounding IME Museum of Avi has introduced thousands of people to the 2001 folk RE dec thot museumgoing can be a perfectly ordinary part of their lives. aa What has attracted the man called Bryan to the museum this evening? A the chance to meet new people B tho type of music being played © the range of entertainment on offer D the fact that it costs nothing to get in In the past, the museum attracted few visitors because of ‘A. the poor quality of the exhibitions it put on. B the negative way it was described in reviews. the part of the city where it was located. the limited space it had for exhibitions. ‘What does ‘them’ in line 24 refer to? ‘A museums B guidebooks © visitors, D exhibitions What did Arthur Lehman decide to do when he became director of the museum? ‘A. concentrate on art from Brooklyn B change the type of things exhibited improve the appearance of the building get local people interested in the museum What has pleased Arthur Lehman most about Free: Saturdays"? ‘A Young people are showing an interest in art. Other museums are now trying to copy the ides. ‘The idea has made money for the museum. ‘The music and dancing has been particularly popular ooo ‘What does the word ‘vindicate’ in line 7 mean? ‘A. prove that something is right B disagree with something © make us think about something D_ be an exception to something In the last paragraph, the writer shows that she ‘A is unsure about the real value of ‘First Saturdays. B_ admires what the museum has managed to do. © doubls that the scheme will have long-term success, Dis surprised by the way visitors have reacted to the art

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