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Mirando, Mark B.

Eng 23

2013-00862 Prof. Judy Ick

“I was screwed. It all started with an utterance.”

I was screwed.

It all started with an utterance.

It was mid-June morning when my Mother introduced me to my second learning ground apart from
home – the grade school. Everything was so scary, the noise of the children talking about colors,
numbers, shapes, brawling about what’s cool, brawling about the stars that the teacher use to
tattooed on their skins. It was a mid-June morning and I was the new star. I was the center of

It was 7 o’clock and our first class is English. I was in second grade.

My teacher instructed us to get our notebook and she explained that “we will do a few spelling
exercises today”.

I was nervous, not knowing the first word, I froze. I watched my teacher as she utters the first word
that we need to spell, the first word of our first task on my first day in class.

I became sweaty as I watch my teacher breathed the first word of the spelling exercise, the first word
that will break the hymen of my ignorance.

It all started with an utterance.

I was screwed.

I inscribed the word onto my notebook: “ADICSION”.

It was a midsummer mid-year afternoon. Our professor in Theatre 142 (Intermediate Stage
Direction) assigned us to stage a sonnet. At home, I looked for a good sonnet. I particularly liked
Sonnet 116. While looking at an analysis of the sonnet I’ve found out a little trivia about
Shakespeare that bewildered my thoughts. I’ve found out that he invented the word “addiction”, and
it all came back to me, the memory of my first day, my first mistake that day.

I lost my virginity to him [W.S.] that mid-June morning of my preschool years, the day I spell

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