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1. No hydrodynamic :- is used for only testing purpose , to check where setup and mesh is good ?

2. In steady state iterations means cycles.

3. In recirculation zone , pressure will be going higher.
4. Non manifold edge is which get shared by more than 2 trias(elements)
5. Cfl are of different types- diffusion based, convection based and based on speed of sound.

6) Characterstic length X total velocity= total time for flow

Give time approx. 3 times of the time

Q:-in backward flow setup.. meshing the mesh was not continuos ..why ??

ans:- cut shell cartesian mesh

Q:- WHy .stl only in import section? what about parasolid, iges, step, etc?

Q- how to re edit the boundary flagging ?

Q:- your website is not dynamic? Which is causing me a problem. the position of video is fixed, its not
getting changed.

Q:- Why we assigning regions?

Q- how time step number and cfl no. are related (backflow video) ?

Q- In paraview sometimes I see the surface triangles..

Q- how to save triangle with opposite normal in complex geometries?

Q-How to see the grid cells in between ?

Q- grid cells quality ?

Ctr+C – stop:-

To check cell counts with ranks

vi cell_counts_ranks.out
Week 3

Q- we were changing the plotnames in between the solution ..?

Q- no moving part but it generates grid every time ?

Q- log file extension ? can see without cygwin..?

Q- how to rotate the throttle continuosly

Q how to stop the screen to view the cell count and how to restart and background run ..?

Q- What was the aim for throttle body simulation? As the output ?

Effect of cfl number

Implicit mode and explicit mode ?

Week 4

Slip boundaries? What when ?

Shock wave application ?

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