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GENETICS _-Gthetics is the study of heredity and variation among organisms. Gregor Johann Mendel (1822- 1884) first made a systematic search into the principles of inheritance and developed this branch of Biology for which he is known as the “father of Genetics”, Mendel an Austrian monk, derived his principles from his Plant Hybridization experiments of the common, garden pea plant (Pisum sativum ases like Haemophilia, Colour blindness, Cystic fibrosis, Thalassemia and Down syndrome are common genetic disorders. ‘The following are common terms used in the field of Genetics: - ‘The nucleus of every cell contains threads of DNA, called chromatin fibres. which undergo super coiling to form chromosomes during the Prophase stage of cell division. Each species has its own number of chromosomes like 46 (23 pairs) for humans. Each chromosome is chemically composed of DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) and proteins (histones and non-histones). ‘Chromosomes contain genes. Genes are lengths of DNA on the chromosome, which carry instructions for making proteins. We have 46 chromosomes in each cell of our body with many genes on them and each of them hes ar exact copy of all the genes. But not all of these genes are wsed by one cell. Just a few genes will be switched on in any one cell at any one time. We have 23 pairs of chromosomes of which one pair is called sex chromosomes as they determine the sex of the individual while the others determine other bodily characteristics like height, colour of eyes, type of hair, type of enzyme ete. A pair of chromosomes of the same shape and size one from each parent is called “Homologous chromosomes”. Genes are passed on from parent to offspring (children) inside gametes (sperms and eggs). Gametes have only 23 chromosomes unlike other body cells and so are called “Haploid cells” while the body cells are called “Diploid cells” as they contain 46 chromosomes. 4 particular gene produces a particular characteristic called “trait”. ‘The position ca the chromosome where genes are located is called “locus”. ‘The alternative forms of the same gene are called “alleles”. Each trait is controlled by a pair of alleles on the same locus of homologous chromosomes. “Alleles” are defined as the alternative forms of the same gene occupying the same locus on homologous chromosomes and affecting the same trait in different ways. Trait Alleie one Allele two. Height T (tall) 1 (short) | Flower colour R(red) | (whitey | Eye colour | B (brown) a biblue) Type of hair C (straight) 2 (curt Bf When both the alleles on the same locus of homologous chromosomes are identical they are called “Homozygous alleles”. When both the alleles on the same locus of homologous chromosomes are different they are called “Heterozvgous alleles”.

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