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1. The first European invader of Indian soil _______ Ans. Alexander the Great

2. The first person to reach the North pole by over land journey _________.Ans.
Robert Peary

3. Air Force Day is celebrated on _______. Ans. 8th October.

4. The largest diamond in the world is ________________.Ans. The Cullinan

(Over 1½ Ib)

5. The old name of Indonesia is ___________. Ans. Dutch East Indies

6. This is called the Land of Morning Calm _______. Ans. Korea

7. It is the brightest star ___________ Ans. Sirius (also called Dog star)

8. It is the national emblem of USA ________ Ans. Golden Rod

9. The full form of TERI is ________________________Ans. Tata Institute for

Energy Research

10. The World Forest Day is celebrated on _______ Ans. 21st March

11. Which state is called orchid paradise in India? Ans. Arunachal Pradesh

12. Which is the capital of Egypt? Ans. Caira

13. What is bibliophobia? Ans. Fear of books

14. What is the full from of PHD? Ans. Doctor of philisophy

15. Who is the author of ' My Experiments with Truth'? Ans. M.K.Gandhi

16. What is the currency of Italy? Ans. Euro

17. Who is the first African American President of the United States ofAmerica?
Ans. Barack Obama

18. Which Leader used the slogan "Jai Hind"? Ans. Subhash Chandra Bose

19. Which animal eats snow? Ans. Yak

20. Which activity based show is presented by the host Rob on Pogo TV?Ans,

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