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Background of the Study

The Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophylla) commonly called “Langka or

Nangka” is a species of tree in the Artocarpus genus of the mulberry family

(Moraceae). It is one of the popular fruit species in the Philippines. This is

manifested by its wide distribution and cultivation. In Eastern Visayas production

has steadily increased through the years which enables it to ship to other regions

and major cities like Cebu and Manila some one hundred (100) to three hundred

(300) fruits or two (2) to three (3) tons per week.

Every part of the jackfruit tree has its respective uses.The immature fruit is

used as a vegetable and feeds while the mature fruit is used for desserts and it is

processed into beverages and sweets.Its trunk is used as a lumber for houses and

building materials.The leaves of this fruit are used as a medicine, fodder, and as a

compost material.Its latex is in the list of ingredients for glue and paste. The seed

is used for food, also used in feeds, used for planting materials and for making

candies.Its roots are used for handle for farm implements

Coffee is a beverage prepared from dried ground beans of Coffea

arabica, an African evergreen; the berries are rich in caffeine, which

stimulates the CNS and cardiorespiratory system and results in mild

addictive symptoms.

We pursued this study because using this study, instead of throwing the

jackfruit seeds; it can be made into new and useful products in

everyone’s daily life.(https://isd-research wiki

Statement of the Problem

Jackfruit is a common fruit widely known and found in the

Philippines. This study will determine the feasibility of coffee made

from Jackfruit seeds.

It seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the acceptability of jackfruit (Artocarpus herophylla) seeds

for making a coffee in terms of :

a) Color

b) Texture

c) Aroma
d) Taste

e) Body

2. Is there a significant difference in the ratings of jackfruit seeds for

making cooffe interms of: taste,aroma,texture,color ,as indicated by men

rating from twenty(20) respondents?(10 men's) (10 women's).

3. Is there a significant difference between the characteristics and

acceptability of the coffee samples from jackfruit seeds and

commercial coffee with sugar?


 There is no significant difference between the characteristics of the

coffee samples from jackfruit seed and commercial coffee with


 There is no significant difference between the acceptability of the

coffee samples from jackfruit seed and commercial coffee with

Significance of the Study
There were many researchers who succeeded in previous studies in

utilizing different seeds in making coffee. In this study, the researchers

are trying to produce coffee from jackfruit seeds since coffee is a part of

almost everybody's life. Some of the people whose jobs need them to be

awake are people who have night shift jobs and students who are also

studying or making their projects late at night also need to be awake

enough to avoid certain errors. Companies that use jackfruit in

manufacturing products can have more profit since they can use the

seeds instead of just throwing them away. The country’s waste disposal

problems will decrease for the seeds will be used to form new products.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is limited to the feasibility of coffee from jackfruit

seeds. Three samples would be made and all three would have one

teaspoon of sugar per one cup of water. Sample A would have three

teaspoons of jackfruit seeds that are roasted, boiled and ground, Sample
B would have three teaspoons of jackfruit seeds that are only boiled and

ground and Sample C would have three teaspoons of commercial coffee.

It is the scope of the study to compare the characteristics and

acceptability of each sample of coffee from jackfruit seeds and

commercial coffee with sugar. The samples would be evaluated and

rated in terms of color, texture, aroma, taste and body.

Definition of terms

Aroma The pleasing smell sensation which comes from freshly brewed


Body Coffee A brewed beverage with a dark, slightly acidic

flavor prepared from the roasted seeds of

the coffee plant.

Grinding To reduce to powder or small fragments by

Roasting A cooking method that uses dry heat, whether an

open flame, oven, or other heat source.

Taste The relation between acidity, aroma, and body

gives coffee its taste: caramel, chocolaty, fruity,

sweet, piquant, etc.

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