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Madilyn Holder

Definition Essay

November 11th, 2017


When a heart stops, that is when life has come to a stop and death has overcome the once

warm body. According the google, it is the permanent ending to a living cell. (Where’s The


This event affects all living organisms, whether or not they are the ones dying or the ones

witnessing death, causing despair, confusion,and even anger. Death is supposed to be sad and

leave people feeling empty, however, death can also be beautiful. For the some, it is a passage

from a treacherous and painful world into a peaceful and still state. An example of this beautiful

side of death can be seen in the play Romeo and Juleit. Yes, these young lover both suffered a

terrible fate but through Others it can also be an unfair mistress that takes what she wants when

she wants for no apparent reason, returning it to its well known connotation of a hideous event.

Similar to the idea that death is different for every person, whether it is beautiful or

atrocious, death also affects others differently. Innocence is stripped away from children as they

learn about death, however can give experience to soldiers on the battlefield as they charge into

the unforgiving unknown. The ruins of someone you love can yo your own life as you turn to

alcoholism while it other triumph through, knowing their life will be better without that person in

their lives.

As complex as death is with its confusing affect and its unknown aftermath, it is also

simple in the fact that it will always happen. It can random, predicted, accidental or purposeful,

but it will happen. Would you support assisted suicide?

Green means lack of organization

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