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Kate Reyes


Literature P.5

1 December 2017

Works Cited

Bauer-Wolf, Jeremy. “Video Games as a College Sport.” Inside Higher Ed, 9 June 2017, Accessed 30

Nov. 2017.

In this article Jeremy answered the question being whether starting an eSports organization at

schools help influence other schools to start one too.[this sentence identifies the central question

of the article]. After discussing with Michael Brooks, the founder of the National Association of

Collegiate eSports he examined the different reaction of parents regarding this program. It was

also discovered that schools are actually joining in on the digital innovation of a way of

attracting more students to apply and attend their schools. [this sentence explains the sources that

he used]. A program that seemed so out of reach is finally here to stay. It’s a dream come true to

the gamers attending these colleges. They are getting paid to game, with scholarships or

tournament money! [The two previous sentences explains the thesis of the article].
This article will support my capstone by allowing me to show schools the benefits eSports has on

one of the things they care the most about, money. More students attending their campuses

means more money. Also happy students equals motivated students! eSports is the program of

innovation and with this article I will be able to show the rise of eSports in my capstone. [This

sentence explains how the article will be relevant to your capstone product].

Campbell, Colin. “Are Video Games Harming Your Kids?” Polygon, 27 May 2017, Accessed 1 Dec. 2017.

In this article Campbell questions the controversy in video games, and how much gaming time is

“too much” gaming time. [This sentence identifies the central question of the article]. He uses

the research of Dr. Rachel Kowert showing areas affected by gaming like addiction, aggression,

cognitive development, sexism, social well-being, as well as physical and mental health. [This

sentence explains the sources he used]. Campbell states how he has children himself and worries

about them spending too much time on screens, especially video games. He worries as other

parents do but understands the beauty behind it so now all that is left is to balance the time.

[These sentences explain the thesis of this article]. This article will help my capstone by

providing me with the insight of a worried but understanding parent. As a passionate gamer I

cannot let my biased opinions take over my capstone research. [This sentence explains how the

article will be relevant to my capstone].

Gray, Peter. “The Many Benefits for Kids of Playing Video Games.” Psychology Today, Sussex

Publishers, 7 Jan. 2014,

benefits-kids-playing-video-games Accessed 29 Nov. 2017.

Gray critically analyises the question of how limited children should be to video and computer

games. [This sentence identifies the central question of the article]. Peter used research from

many other articles to explain the benefits of gaming mixed with his opinions and thoughts. He

examines through civics, psychology, and science articles to build the conclusion that

videogames have more benefits than harm. [This sentence explains the sources he used].

Think twice before limiting children to using technology, technology is the future and they are

our innovation, so why limit them from what they will become and change. [This sentence

explains the thesis of the article]. This article is loaded with important points and information

regarding the benefits of videogames. It also has the solutions to most backlashes or concerns

videogames have against them, most of them being solutions I already thought of prior to this

article. [This sentence shows how this article will help my capstone].

Pellisier, Hank. “Your Child’s Brain on Technology: Video Games.” Great Schools, Great

Schools Org, 26 Feb. 2016,

and-video-games/ Accessed 1 Dec. 2017.

Hank questions if technology has taken over the children in each household and if the benefits
are really worth it. [This sentence identifies the central question of the article]. Studies and

research from different universities like one in Toronto, have helped answers some of

Hank’s questions in his article. Giving me a detailed view on the benefits and different

ratios.[ This sentence explains the sources he used in the article]. This article discusses

whether kids in this generation are brainwashed in technology and if we should worry

about their developing brains. [The previous sentence explains the thesis of the article].

This article will help enrich my capstone with direct research answering the cons to video games.

Most cons are myths in video games and with this direct research I can show nothing but

facts on my capstone.

Wolman, James. “Why Video Games Are NOT a Waste of Time.” Venture Beat, 11 Mar. 2014, Accessed

30 Nov. 2017.

James answers the questions most gamers are dying to hear. Video Games help with the critical

thinking of gamers, and problem solving. This research will help my capstone in many ways it is

exactly what I need!

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