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YT Lesson 5

God’s Eternal Covenant

The Land of Promise ~ Part 2


The LORD answers Abraham’s question by showing him who the heir of his
household would be in the revelation of the heavens, by taking him out that starry night
and showing him the gospel in the stars ~ and the LORD says “so shall thy seed be”
(Genesis 15:3,5) ~ the Covenant Son.

The next topic of discussion the LORD has with Abraham was the land he would
inherit for his earthly seed. We need to be careful that we do not lump everything
together. The Eternal Covenant for a kingdom of sons of God that the LORD made
with Himself that was displayed in the figurative message of the stars with their signs
and the cutting of the Eternal Covenant on earth that was signified in the blood offering
of the animals, is one and the same Eternal Covenant with different aspects being

The topic of land is connected to the Eternal Covenant displayed in the heavenly
revelation. The land is for the earthly seed, and how the land would be received will be
through inheritance. The land would be received through the inheritance of the Seed
(the Covenant Son raised up) ~ Christ as is revealed in the “Take Me” offering (Gen.

The Eternal Covenant offering ~ the “Take Me,” was not a ceremonial offering of
the law. Why? Because there was not yet a nation in Genesis 15. The law would be
instituted later with the nation Israel. The institution of the ceremonial offerings of the
nation were to take place in the fourth generation (Genesis 15:16), which began with the
LORD’s Passover on the night of their departure from Egypt. The ceremonial offerings
were a memorial ~ a celebration of honor dedicated to the remembrance of the
Covenant Son. But that is not what the “take me” offering is in Genesis 15:9.

For Example:

Let’s look at the offering of Passover. When we think of the Passover lamb, we
think of the Passover lamb as a propitiatory offering. Without meaning too, we lump all
lambs as sin offerings. And when the word “salvation” is used we automatically think of
an offering for sin.

The LORD’s Passover was not a propitiatory offering but a Passover offering.
The blood of the Passover lamb was marked on the door posts and lintels as the sign of

YT Lesson 5

a “salvation” offering ~ out of the land of Egypt so that the death Angel might pass over
that house marked with blood.

It signified that the household as receiving the “salvation” offered in the LORD’S
Passover and the departing from the land of Egypt. If the Passover lamb had been a
propitiatory offering for sin unto salvation of Eternal life, that generation who escaped
Egypt through the salvation of the blood of the LORD’s Passover lamb would not have
died in the wilderness in unbelief (Heb. 3:8-19). Thus, we need to distinguish between
the ceremonial offering and the “Take Me” offering in Genesis 15.

Ceremonial Offerings

The ceremonial offerings: the Trespass offering, Sin offering, Peace offering,
Burnt offering, First fruits or Drink offering was the commemorating ~ the celebration of
the Person and Work of the Seed. The ceremonial offerings were offered by a son of
Israel as a remembrance of the Covenant Son.

Who offers the “Take Me” offering? God does. The “Take Me” Eternal Covenant
offering, offered by the LORD God was for the land of promise, promised to Abraham
and his seed. God had already given Abraham His word ~ in promise (Genesis 13:15).
With the “Take Me” offering is the covenant of blood shed for the property of promise.
Figured in the offering is the “legal” documentation.

And although the animals offered in the “Take Me” offering figured the attributes
of the Person and Work of the Eternal Covenant, we cannot look at the “Take Me”
offering as an offering of salvation or we will miss the picture, and our focus will not be
on God but on man.

The issue is that the “Take Me” offering, although a memorial offering
commemorating the Son of the Covenant, was not a ceremonial offering of the law to be
offered by a son of Israel. It was a covenant offering, a contract made between the
Eternal Godhead for land to be given as an inheritance from the estate of the God of
Glory to the sons of Israel.

The animals with their order of sacrifice in the “Take Me” offering is simply the
reaffirmation that the issue of God’s Eternal Covenant is Eternal life. Eternal Life
likewise, pertains to Israel. Just because she is God’s special people, a nation made for
Himself ~ does not mean she will inherit the land as an unregenerate nation. She
must be born of God’s Seed Christ in order to have her inheritance.

The reason a she goat was offered in the Eternal Covenant offering and not a
lamb is because the covenant for the land is in relationship to the nation ~ as the
figurative message of the Eternal Covenant in the heavenly revelation declares. The
Lamb was for “Because God so loved the world…”
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The goat was a sacrificial animal used extensively in the sin offering but
specifically the goat was used as a sacrifice for the nation Israel on the Day of

Atonement carries the idea of covering over. Israel’s sins are “covered over” until
the day of her atonement ~ when the regenerate nation Israel ~ the believing seed of
Abraham look on their only Son whom they have pierced ~ the Seed Christ ~ the donor
of the estate and are born again ~ a nation of Sons of God. When she marries her King
~ He in turn will give them their land as a betrothal gift upon her marriage.

As was mentioned in our last lesson, the she-goat is symbolic of strength under
control. The Goat will stand its ground. Goats are known for the nurturing for human
consumption ~ milk and cheese, and the goat’s hair was used as a covering for clothing
~ so it will and is for the nation Israel.

The Heavenly Pictorial ~ an Earthly Reality

The Eternal Covenant in the heavenly revelation (stars) is an earthly reality.

When you look up and understand the contract in the heavens (Gen. 15:5), then you
also understand it is picturing an earthly reality. The pictorial of the Eternal Covenant in
the heavens is a heavenly revelation of a universal kingdom of sons of God, figured with
a nation on earth.

Just as the church was a mystery before Pentecost ~ but the Old Testament
Scriptures nonetheless declaring she would be; likewise, in the heavenly revelation she
is also a mystery, yet hinted at within the figurative message of the stars with their

Remember, we cannot lump everything together ~ this causes mixture which

God hates. Nor can we exclude one assembly over another. We cannot exclude Israel
and make it all about the church any more than Israel can exclude the nations. This kind
of thinking excludes Jesus, the Covenant Son.

We must look at the Eternal Covenant the way in which God intended it to be
seen. The nation Israel will be the head nation in the Kingdom age providing the
nurturing and admonition of the LORD to the surrounding nations of the world. But first ~
she must be a nation of born again Sons of God to get her inheritance as a betrothal

The point in the heavenly revelation is the Seed’s inheritance ~ Christ’s

inheritance of a universal kingdom of Sons of God ~ is tied into Israel’s possession of
the land promised, hence the cutting of the Eternal Covenant offering.

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Order is everything. First is the natural ~ the earthly seed, afterward the spiritual
~ the heavenly creation of Sons of God, the church. What we are considering within the
text of Genesis 15 is the woman (Israel). Not only is God going to form for Himself from
the loins of Abraham the nation Israel, but He is going to give her the land promised.

Though the inheritance of the land would be far in the future ~ Abraham had
absolute assurance. He had watched the Covenant for the land being “signed” by the
consuming fire of the smoking furnace and burning lamp. Each figured the One in
whose blood the Eternal Covenant would be ratified upon earth ~ the Light of the world.
Abraham got the picture. God’s Eternal Covenant was His own, made with Himself and
no other.

Nothing was required of Abraham. God’s plan for a Kingdom of Sons of God on
earth ~ man in His image after His likeness would be fulfilled in the Covenant Son.

The remainder of the text in Genesis 15 concerns the boundaries of the land and
the peoples/nations already occupying the land.

Genesis 15:18:

Boundaries of the Land

Many see the boundaries of the land covenanted with Israel recorded in Genesis
15:18 “from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates” as being from the
Nile River in Egypt on the south to the Euphrates on both the east and north, the
Mediterranean Sea being the western boundary; thus, including the Sinai Peninsula,
Jordan, part of the Arabian Desert, and Iraq, formerly Babylon.

However, there are problems with this allocation. The main reason it doesn’t fit is
because of Ezekiel’s vision of the division of the land for the tribes of Israel (Ezekiel
47:13 through 48:35).

“The river of Egypt” in Genesis 15:18 is most often identified as the Nile because
it is the most prominent river in Egypt and because of the plagues God sent Egypt in
order to show His power over their gods, as well as prepare the people to let His people

However, the Nile River as such is not identified by name in either the King
James or the New King James anywhere in Scripture, and for the other Bible versions, it
does not appear until Genesis 41 and Pharaoh’s prophetic dream.

Therefore, instead of the Nile being “the river of Egypt” referred to in Genesis
15:18, most likely it is the Wadi el-Arish to be the southern boundary, as it was Israel’s
boundary with Egypt at the height of Israel’s glory under Solomon’s reign for a short
time, a token for their future inheritance.
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Genesis 15:19-21:

Several questions come concerning the 10 peoples/nations listed in the chapter.

Why these peoples/nations? Where did they come from? Why mention them by name?

Now unless you are really into genealogy this portion of the passage of Scripture
seems kind of boring, except, when you consider that God never does anything without
design or purpose. So, what is so significant about these peoples/nations?

Table of Nations ~ Canaan’s line

These 10 nations listed who already occupied the land are set in contrast to
God’s nation for the Divine purpose of the revelation of the wrath of God against all
ungodliness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness.

We are first introduced to the “ites” ~ these peoples/nations ~ in Genesis 10 in

what is referred to as “The Table of Nations” in the genealogies of Noah’s three sons.

Of these 10 peoples/nations listed in Genesis 15, the Jebusite, Amorite, and the
Girgashite, as well as the Hivite and Hittites (Heth) can be linked directly to Canaan,
the fourth son listed in Ham’s genealogy.

In Genesis 12:6 when Abraham arrives in the land of promise, the land of
Canaan ~ the Canaanites were in the land. The question comes ~ why is this
significant ?

Because, the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance when he
separated the sons of Adam (at Babel ~ see Deuteronomy 32:8, 9). And He set the
bounds of people according to the number of the children of Israel.

Except, at Babel there was not yet a nation of Israel. The land promised to
Abraham belonged to the Canaanites and now God was giving Abraham the land. The
Canaanite’s were not squatters on Israel’s land, the land belonged to them.

The LORD does not give and then take away land depending on His mood. Why
is He giving the land to Israel? The answer lies in the fact that Canaan’s line broke
God’s covenant (Isaiah 24:5) and the peoples/ nations of the sons of Canaan were
cursed because of their abominations through which they defiled the land (Leviticus18).
Which led God to not only drive them out of the land allotted them with the dispersion at
the Tower of Babel, but due to their iniquity being so great, God had to order the
complete extermination of the Canaanites. This would be accomplished when the
“iniquity of the Amorites was full” and God’s nation was sent in to take the land now to
be theirs (Levticus18; Deuteronomy18:9-12; 20:1).

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Archaeological discoveries have uncovered many illustrations of the utter

disgrace of the Canaanite morality. The extermination of the nation is due to the
enormity of the depravity of the iniquity, which was the result of the worship of the host
of heaven.

Romans 1:17-32:

 When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful.
 Became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened.
 Professing to be wise, they became fools.
 They changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to
corruptible man, and birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Man
has perverted the pictorials of the heavenly revelation. Genesis says, the
image of man is in the image of God. What they did was make Deity into a
man and then made man into a Deity, perverting the truth of God come in a
seed coat.
 God gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to
dishonor their own bodies between themselves.
 They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the
creation more than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
 For this cause: God gave them up to vile affections: the changing of the
natural for that which is unseemly. Women with women and men with men ~
each burning in their lust one toward another; receiving in themselves the
recompense of their error. They perverted the use of the seed.
 As they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to
a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness,
maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things,
disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without
natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
 Who knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are
worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do

Thus, in chapter 12 of Genesis with the arrival of Abraham in the land of Canaan
and the mention of the Canaanite being in the land, is a figurative pictorial of God
laying claim to His “property” with the arrival of His man.

Hence the two “nations” of peoples ~ the idolatress peoples/nations of the “ites”
of the line of Canaan and the nation Israel yet to be formed are set in contrast (Genesis
12 & 15).
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However, before the LORD brings the sons of Israel back into the land under
Joshua and the Captain with the drawn sword, God will use these nations to develop
the land in preparation for His nation.

Once this is accomplished in the fourth generation, then Israel would drive them
out systematically so that the land would not become desolate (Exodus 23:29-31).

Conquest and Possession vs. Inheritance and Betrothal

The conquest and possession of the land is not the same as receiving of the land
as an inheritance. Nonetheless, in Joshua’s day Israel is to go in and conquer and take
possession of the land as it is hers by right of inheritance.

It is interesting to note concerning Israel’s taking of the land, that Israel limited
themselves to that which was given to them as specified in Genesis 15. Meaning that
although their coming terrified the people of Moab, so much so, that Balak sent for
Balaam to curse them. The Israelites would have only passed through Moab’s territory
because it was not part of the land allotted them. So Balak having Balaam cursing Israel
was a debatable subject.

The same is true with Edom. However, because Edom wouldn’t let them pass
through, instead of Israel fighting against them, they went around them. Thus, Edom,
Moab and Ammon are blood relatives through Esau and Lot, who eventually lost their
identity as “nations.” However, they will have their lives preserved in the future as the
nation Jordan.

Which I believe will provide somewhat of a safe haven for God’s people when
Israel needs to “pass through again,” at the end of the age and therefore will be one of
the nations (Jordan) in the Kingdom Age.

When Israel drew near to a city that was their inheritance, they were to
“proclaim” peace to the city first, giving the city the opportunity for peace before
destruction (Deuteronomy 20:10-20).

And even if the nation did refuse, all was not to be destroyed. The women,
children and livestock were to be spared and taken in by Israel to become part of their
“inheritance” as with the case of Rahab.

We need to note that in the command to offer peace two issues are really
exposed. First, Israel is never the aggressor and second, the revelation of the hostility of
the nations of the earth to Israel’s God.

YT Lesson 5

The Raging Nations

Psalm 2:

The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof. The dominion of the earth He
has given to man, with the understanding He is the Sovereign over His realm.

We need to make one comment of Rahab. As the Israelites drew near, the
people of the city knew of their coming and also what had been transpiring concerning
Moab and even to that which happened in Egypt and they are afraid of Israel.

According to the word of Moses, Israel is to first proclaim peace and yet when
Joshua gives the command to conqueror the city of Jericho, the command is to “utterly
destroy all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep, and
ass with the edge of the sword (Joshua 6:21).

Why does Joshua give this command when it seems to be in direct violation to
Moses’ instructions? Are you wondering about this? Oh good, we will be addressing that
in a later lesson.

The conquest of the land and the extermination of those “Ites” extended into the
days of David, King of Israel. However, just because these nations are judged and will
get the fruit of their doing ~ never to recover as nations because of their depravity of
humanity does not mean individuals from these nations were not spared.

Individuals who sided with Israel and believed into the living and true God would
not be judged/destroyed, which can been seen in their names being recorded in Israel’s
Scriptures with careful note of their lineage.

For example:
Caleb and Uriah
Just to mention a couple by name in the Scripture. In Joshua’s day Caleb is a
Kenite. In 1 Chronicles 4 Caleb is mentioned alongside the descendants of Judah.
Numbers 13:6 he is listed as a tribal leader in Judah. So although a Kenite, God sees
Caleb with Judah.
Likewise mentioned in the days of King David is Uriah the Hittite. Uriah was a
soldier in King David's army (2 Samuel 11:3-27). He was the husband of Bathsheba and
was murdered by order of King David. Yet Uriah is given the honor of being mentioned
in Matthew’s genealogy.
Thus, the point being is that although the peoples/nations of the Canaanite line
are completely exterminated, individual believers of the nations will have an inheritance
in the Kingdom Age included in Israel’s territory.

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Why name those peoples/nations in chapter 15? The answer is twofold ~ first of
all God never forgets His promises and He knows the borders of His inheritance. He
shared it with Abraham who is to share it with his earthly seed because when Joshua
leads the people in to claim their inheritance they needed to know what land belonged
to them because they represented God.

Second ~ a people who are destroying themselves and who would willingly
destroy others are condemned to be destroyed. The Canaanite’s are a “repeat” figure of
the wickedness of the sons of humanity whose every imagination of the thoughts of the
heart are only evil continually ~ every man doing that which is right in his own eyes (see
Genesis 6:5; Judges 17:6).

No matter the generation, the outcome is always the same ~ in Noah’s day
before the Canaanites ~ Judgement. At the end of the Tribulation ~ Judgment. At the
end of the Kingdom Age ~ Judgment.

Far be it from the LORD that the righteous should be as the wicked. God hates
mixture. Genesis18:25 “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”

In conclusion:

As yet Israel has never occupied all the land that the LORD set aside for them,
they are still unregenerate. But, when the LORD returns to earth and sets up His
Kingdom, Israel will receive her inheritance, and it will be her land forever (Gen.17:8;
Ps.105:8-12; Is.60:21; Ezek.37:11-28; Dan.7:14, 27).

This concludes our lesson ~ next is a new series in the book of Joshua.

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