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YT Lesson 6 Joshua part 1 chapter 1:1-9

Introduction into Joshua

Recapping: The Heavenly Pictorial ~ an Earthly Reality

The pictorial of the Eternal Covenant in the heavens is a heavenly revelation of a

universal kingdom of Sons of God begun with a nation on earth, Israel.

The church was a mystery before Pentecost and yet the Old Testament
Scriptures declares her. Likewise, in the heavenly revelation the Church is a mystery,
yet hinted at within the figurative message of the stars with their signs.

The point in the heavenly revelation is that the Covenant Son’s inheritance of a
universal kingdom of Sons of God is tied into Israel’s possession of the land promised.

In this lesson we will begin a new series in the book of Joshua. The intended
purpose this morning is to tie together the figurative pictorial of the heavenly revelation
with Genesis 15 and with the introduction into Joshua.

Recapping: Genesis 15

“After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying,
Fear not, Abram: I thy shield, thy exceeding great reward…And He brought him forth
abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number
them: and He said unto him, So shall thy seed be” (Genesis 15:1, 5).

The LORD appeared to Abraham in a vision and showed Abraham who the heir
of his household would be in the revelation of the heavens (Genesis 15:5) ~ the
Covenant Son.

The Stars with their Signs Declare the Glory of God

In the sign Libra ~ the sign of eternity ~ God’s kingdom of Sons of God is

His nation the woman Israel ~ Virgo~ would bring forth His Seed Christ, the
Covenant Son.

The Covenant Son who is the King ~ Leo, who is over the jungle of men, the
Ruler of the Sons of God.

In the sign Cancer ~ He would be the One who holds the possession of the

In Gemini ~ Uniting the two realms ~ heaven and earth to form one universal

YT Lesson 6 Joshua part 1 chapter 1:1-9

In Taurus ~ This coming Ruler, the Judge of all the earth would do right.

In Aries ~ His power of rule ~ The Consecrated Righteousness of the Appointed


In Pisces ~ Under the rule of Righteousness ~ The Bridle or Reign of His

authority of the fishes of the sea of humanity would be under a new jurisdiction in the
kingdom come.

In Aquarius ~This son of Abraham ~ the Covenant Son ~ The Seed of God is
the record of living water for all nations and peoples. He is the Life Giver.

In Capricorn ~ He is the station of bearing for a multitude of Sons of God.

In Sagittarius ~ The Seed of God ~ the Covenant Son is the Conqueror over sin
and death brought into the world of mankind.

In Scorpio ~ He is the Destroyer of the enmity of man in the flesh by fire.

Thus bringing Abraham back into eternity with Libra ~ with the end of the age of
the Kingdom rule of 1000 years. That night under the luminaries, God laid out His
covenant plan to Abraham.

The Land of Promise

The next topic of discussion God has with Abraham was the land for the earthly
seed (Genesis 15:7). The topic of land connected to the Eternal Covenant displayed in
the heavenly revelation of the stars with their signs is for the earthly seed of Abraham.

God will use the nations mentioned at the end of Genesis 15 to develop the land
in preparation for His nation (Genesis 15:19-21). God tells Abraham that beginning in
the fourth generation (Genesis 15:16) Israel would arise and commence to
systematically drive out the nations occupying the land of Promise so that the land
wouldn’t become desolate (Exodus 23:29-31).

How the nation would receive the land will be through the inheritance of the Seed
~ Christ (Genesis 15:7, 8) as is revealed in the “Take Me” offering (Genesis 15:9-11).

Though the inheritance of the land would be far, far in the future ~ Abraham
had absolute assurance. Abraham got the picture. God’s Eternal Covenant was God’s
own, made with Himself and no other.

Abraham understood that nothing was required of him. God’s plan for a Kingdom
of Sons of God on earth ~ man in His image after His likeness would be fulfilled in the
Covenant Son.

YT Lesson 6 Joshua part 1 chapter 1:1-9

As of yet, the nation Israel has never occupied all the land that the LORD set
aside for them because as a collective nation they have not looked on Him whom they
have pierced as their Begotten Son partaking of the “Take Me” offering.

However, Israel has two things, the promise of the LORD through His word and
the assurance of the shedding of the blood of the covenant for the land.

Thus, when the Covenant Son returns to the earth and sets up His Kingdom,
Israel will receive her inheritance ~ her land, and it will be her land forever (Gen.17:8;
Ps.105:8-12; Is.60:21; Ezek.37:11-28; Dan.7:14, 27).

Conquest and Possession vs. Inheritance and Betrothal

We must remember that the conquest and possession of the land is not the
same as receiving the land as an inheritance. Nonetheless, in Joshua’s day Israel is to
go in and conquer and take possession of the land as it is hers by right of inheritance.

In the process of time ~ after many years of walking by faith following the LORD
when Abraham was as good as dead ~ meaning he no longer had the ability to produce
seed from his seed, the LORD God reaffirmed His promise to Abraham giving him seed
for seed.

The LORD opened the barren womb of Sarah his wife and she bore him a son
which God had them name Isaac ~ “laughter” (Genesis 17:19; 21:3, 6).


Isaac would be the son from whom the LORD God would establish His
Covenant. From Isaac’s seed ~ the Seed for the Covenant people would come.

When Isaac was forty years old he took a wife ~ Rebecca and like his mother
Sarah, she was barren and so Isaac entreated the LORD for his wife and she conceived
and had twin boys named Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25:24; 27).

Esau ~ Isaac’s firstborn, scripture says was a profane person (Hebrews 12:16) ~
a man outside of the sacred. Meaning Esau had no desire for the things of God ~ His
Eternal Covenant. Jacob on the other hand did have a desire for the eternal things.

Jacob / Israel

God later changed Jacob’s name to Israel ~ “Prince” (Genesis 32:28; 35:10).
Israel had twelve sons and from these twelve sons of Israel God formed the nation of
Israel, commonly referred to as the Jews.

YT Lesson 6 Joshua part 1 chapter 1:1-9

Seen within the miraculous conceptions and the names given and the name
changes of Abraham’s family ~ is the figurative pictorial of God signifying His Covenant
made with Himself, promised to Abraham ~ the Father of Many Nations (Genesis 17:5).

The LORD God would establish the Covenant with Isaac ~ “Laughter” (Genesis
17; 21) and confirmed it ~ or performed the glory of the truth of the Eternal Covenant
declared in the stars with their signs in Jacob/ Israel ~ the “Prince” (see Micah 7:20).

The Book of Joshua

Joshua 1:1, 2:

“Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the
LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ minister, saying, Moses my servant is
dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land
which I do give to them, to the children of Israel.”

With the introduction to Joshua it is taken for granted that the reader has an
understanding of who Moses is. We are not going to make that presumption.

Moses the Deliverer, Redeemer and Law Giver

Moses was the deliverer, redeemer and law giver of the nation of Israel.
According to the Scriptures, Moses and his older brother, Aaron, were sons of Israel
born generations later thru Jacob’s son Levi (Exodus 2).

By the time of Moses’ birth, the sons of Israel who had lived in the land of
Goshen due to a famine, had sold themselves into bondage in Egypt ~ a land not theirs,
and had served the Egyptians who afflicted them just as the LORD had prophesied

Moses was the designated leader of God for the deliverance of the sons of Israel
from the bondage of Egypt and although he was raised as an Egyptian ~ Moses knew
he was a son of Israel.

When he was to come of age, he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s

daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the
pleasures of sin for a season (Hebrews 11:24-26). Supposing his brethren understood
that God would deliver them by his hand (Acts 7:25) Moses slew an Egyptian who was
abusing one of his brethren.

But Moses supposed wrong, his brethren understood not that God would deliver
them by his hand and when the matter was made known to Pharaoh, Moses fled for his
life. By faith Moses forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king, and came to the
land of Midian (Hebrews 11:27; Exodus 2:15).

YT Lesson 6 Joshua part 1 chapter 1:1-9

For the next forty years the LORD God trained Moses to be the deliverer and
redeemer of the LORD’S people Israel ~ with the tending of the willful and timid sheep
of Moses’ father in law’s household. This was good training for Moses for the willful and
timid “sheep” of the household of the nation Israel.

Having delivered the people from Egypt and redeeming them through the Red
Sea and giving them the law, Moses the LORD’S servant has died and the next
generation of Israel will proceed to conqueror the land with Joshua, Moses’ servant, as

Joshua ~ More than a Conqueror

Joshua’s given name was O-she-a, the son of Nun (Numbers 13:16). O-she-a
has the meaning “salvation.” The name Joshua given to O-she-a by Moses was at the
time that Moses sent out the 12 spies to spy out the land of promise. Joshua has the
meaning “Jehovah is salvation.”

Joshua the son of Nun was Moses’s minister as the text says. The word used for
minister in the text has the meaning “to attend as a lowly and humble worshipper”
figuratively it means to contribute to the service of the worship of Jehovah.

Joshua was a young man when he departed Egypt according to Exodus 33:11.
The Hebrew word used for young in the text typically has the meaning of adolescence ~
the years between ages 13 and 19.

Laws of Warfare

However, Joshua had a birthday shortly after Israel’s departure from Egypt
because he went to war at the battle in Rephidim against the Amalekites in the second
month of Israel’s departing, and according to the law of war, a man had to be twenty
years of age (Exodus16:1; 17:8).

“From twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war in Israel”
were numbered (Numbers 1:45). As a mighty man of war, the LORD God would use
Joshua as the leader and defender of the nation to overthrow and defeat those nations
in the Land of Promise.

Joshua is most often called by his full name of Joshua the son of Nun. Nun is
believed to be derived from an Egyptian hieroglyph of a snake. Figurately in the
symbolism of the figurative language snakes ~ serpents ~ are figurative as the symbol
of the enmity.

The root-verb of the Hebrew word Nun has the meaning to propagate or
increase. It occurs only once in Scripture, in Psalm 72:17, where Solomon wishes the
name of the king of Israel to propagate.
YT Lesson 6 Joshua part 1 chapter 1:1-9

There is also a similar verb used in the scripture: (daga) meaning to multiply or
increase. This verb is only used in Genesis 48:16, but its derivatives are ubiquitous and
they all have to do with fish.

Fish, figurately in the symbolism of the figurative language of the scripture are a
pictorial of the sea of humanity.

Consequently, in the symbolism of the figurative language, “Nun” when

associated with the name Joshua presents a double pictorial. Joshua “Jehovah is
salvation” the son of Nun, as a mighty man of war ~ a lowly and humble worshipper ~ of
the fishes of the sea of humanity will contribute to the worship of Jehovah ~ thru
conquering the enemies of Israel ~ those nations at enmity with God and in possession
and occupation of the Land of Promise for the Kingdom of God!

Now Therefore Arise and Go Over

Joshua 1:2b-5:

“…now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the
land which I do give to them, to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your
foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. From the
wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land
of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your
coast. There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I
was with Moses, I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”

It is interesting to note concerning Israel’s taking of the land is limited to that

which was given to them as specified in Genesis 15. Now then, when Israel drew near
to a city they were to “proclaim” peace to the city first, giving the city the opportunity for
peace before destruction.

And even if the nation did refuse, all was not to be destroyed ~ the women,
children and livestock were to be spared and taken in by Israel to become part of their
“inheritance”. (See YT lesson on Genesis 15).

If the city was a city of Israel’s inheritance, the command was that Israel was to
save none alive that breathed.

We need to note that in the command to offer peace two issues are really
exposed. First, Israel is never the aggressor (the earth belongs to the LORD) and
second, the revelation of the hostility of all the nations of the earth towards Israel’s God.

YT Lesson 6 Joshua part 1 chapter 1:1-9

The Offering of Peace

Deuteronomy 20:10-20:

As we can see from the text, just because these nations are judged and will get
the fruit of their doing ~ never to recover as a nation, does not mean individuals from
these nations weren’t spared.

Individuals who sided with Israel and believed into the living and true God would
not be destroyed, as can been seen in their names being recorded in Israel’s Scriptures
with careful note of their lineage.

Rahab being the most prominent figure in the book of Joshua to believe into the
living and true God (see Joshua 2:11b, 6:17).

Joshua 1:6:

“Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an
inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.”

This exhortation of courage ~ or charge of the LORD that was first commanded
to Joshua was given shortly before the death of Moses and for good cause, for forty
years Israel has been in rebellion since she departed from Egypt.

Even though the generation that had come out of Egypt under the leadership of
Moses and Aaron had died in the wilderness, this new generation of Israel soon to be
under the leadership of Joshua and Eleazar is in transition.

According to the Scriptures in the first month of the fortieth year, Miriam the
prophetess, the sister of Aaron and Moses, died (Exodus 15:20; Numbers 20:1). Four
months later, in the first day of the fifth month in the fortieth year Aaron the High Priest
died (Numbers 33:38).

And then, in the fortieth year in the eleventh month on the first day of the month
Moses spoke unto the children of Israel all that the LORD had given him in
commandment. Teaching them in song, a song of the LORD as a witness for the LORD
against the children of Israel (Deuteronomy 1:3; 31:19). Why would Israel need to learn
a song that would be a witness against them?

It was during this period between the fifth month of the fortieth year
and the end of the fortieth year before Moses dies that the “new” generation of
Israelites with the same heart issue, committed whoredom with the daughters of Moab
while dwelling at Shittim and called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: “and the
people did eat, and bowed down to their gods” (Numbers 25:1).

YT Lesson 6 Joshua part 1 chapter 1:1-9

The valley was the place of rest after Israel’s two victories over the Amorite kings
Sihon and Og king of Bashan where Joshua and the second-generation Israel gained
military experience before crossing the Jordan (see Numbers 21:23-35).

And yet what is clearly evidenced with the new generation of Israel is the same
heart issue. Nothing has really changed with the exception of the leadership. There is
no submission of the heart.

Just as Moses led a people of his peers, so does Joshua. Joshua will need to
remember that contemporaries can sometimes be a rough crowd. Because the
contemporaries are peers ~ equal with the one called of God to lead ~ there is
sometimes jealousy for the so-called position of the leader.

Likewise, the leader because of the equality of his peers can resist the LORD’s
leading to lead his companions of contemporaries.

Thus, the result of the situation for both parties ~ is the minding of themselves
rather than the LORD.

The end product of jealousy and resisting of the LORD’S leading is the bitter
envy and strife in the heart, leading to wars and fighting among the brethren.

The Charge of Joshua

Deuteronomy 31:14-23:

The training for Joshua, the leadership and the sons of Israel will be
remembering. Remember this song of witness. Remember the rebellion of their heart.

What is understood from the song of witness is that what one “knows” and what
one “experiences” of the LORD’S provision ~ apart from submission of the heart ~ is
just knowledge and just an experience.

Apart from the submission of the heart it makes the extraordinary ~ the LORD
and His provision ~ nothing but ordinary. The lack of submission is the result of the
hardness of their heart.

This new generation of Israel would not consider themselves to be rebellious as

they are, after all they are going to arise and go over. Nonetheless, the evidence speaks
otherwise and Joshua must be trained to remember his charge from the LORD and look
not at those things which are seen ~ those things are temporal. He and the elders must
always ask counsel at the mouth of the LORD and only the LORD, who is their
expectation and hope.

YT Lesson 6 Joshua part 1 chapter 1:1-9

The Charge plus the Command of the Law

In Joshua 1:7-9 Joshua is reminded of the charge plus given the command of the
law. These three verses are personally for the leader in charge, “Only be thou” ~ you
Joshua be strong and very courageous.

Joshua as the new leader of the new generation of the nation must not be afraid
for the people, “for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I
sware unto their fathers to give them (Joshua 1:6).

Nor must he personally be afraid “Only be thou strong and very courageous.”
There is a fine line between leading people ~ escorting them and being responsible for
them ~ or feeling accountable for them. The people are Jehovah’s. They are His
responsibility. Joshua is free not to mind them.

Be Strong Joshua ~ Jehovah is Salvation

Joshua 1:7, 8:

“Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do
according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to
the right hand or to the left that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. This
book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therin day and
night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therin: for then thou
shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.”

Personally, he will need to be strong and very courageous ~ bearing in mind this
exhortation that he may observe to do according to all the law. He must not turn to the
right hand or to the left ~ that he may prosper wherever he goes. If he is minding the
people and not the LORD, he will be unable to do according to all the law. He must
meditate day and night on the book of the law to keep his own heart strengthened.

Now perhaps you are thinking really?! Day and night? It’s not like he doesn’t
have enough to do leading almost 3 million people. It is in the meditating on the law of
LORD that Joshua will find his strength, courage, prosperity and good success.

It is natural to look at the outward and make a presumption either of one’s self or
someone else ~ rather than living by every word from the mouth of the LORD. Joshua is
in training ~ all that grieves is but for a moment and all that pleases is but for a moment
~ only the eternal matters.

Joshua must with all his heart receive and believe ~ Joshua 1:9: “Have not I
commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou
dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

YT Lesson 6 Joshua part 1 chapter 1:1-9

Do not look at the seen and felt, do not look at the outward, do not look at the
inward ~ Look to the LORD.

This concludes our lesson.


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