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lay Money Revisited

Nick's best selling bill switch handling completely updated. A Monopoly bill (Or a
coupon, ATM receipt, bus pass, etc.) is held at the fingertips of one hand and is
visually turned into real US currency. Includes multiples variations and clean ups.

Nest of Office Supplies

Nick's personal replacement for the LePaul Card to Wallet. The signed card or any
small object appears inside of a sealed envelope that is wrapped in tin foil,
inside of a small bubble mailer. It all fits in your breast pocket and can be made
for around .

Dye Another Day

Nick's streamlined handling for Billy McComb's Half Dyed Hank that now only
requires 2 silks and one special dye tube. No dye tube switch required. Nick
teaches how all the props can be made at home. The perfect stand up routine that
fits easily in your coat pocket.

A paper match is ripped out of a book of matches, torn in half, and then is
completely restored... but with the match head in the middle. The match can be
pulled on by the audience and can even be lit to prove it's real. Everything can be
made at home.

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