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ESO207: Data Structures and Algorithms

Programming Assignment 2 Due: 14 September 2017

Problem 1. Stacks Write a program that takes an arithmetic expression given in infix notation,
parses it and evaluates it and gives the output value as a single integer. Your program should return
an error if the input is illegal. The numbers in the expression are integers. The operators come
from the set of characters {+, −, ∗, /, %, (, )}. The operators act on integers and return integers,
as per their usual definitions (for e.g., 24/9 = 2 and 24%9 = 5). We assume the usual precedence
among operators, that is, from lowest to highest, {+, −}, ∗, {/, %}, {(, )} where, + and binary − are
at the same level of precedence and have left to right associativity. Your program should correctly
identify and return an error if the input infix expression is malformed. You may use any method
of your choice. (80)
Problem 2. The problem is the same as the previous problem where now we additionally allow
the unary − operator. The − operator appropriately signifies a unary minus operator or a binary
minus operator depending on the context. We assume the usual precedence among operators, that
is, from lowest to highest, {+, −}, ∗, /, unary − and brackets. (20)

1. It might help to write a tokenizer module that parses the input. The input may be thought
of as divided into tokens, where each token is either a number or an operator. Define a token
structure that has a TkType field and a TkVal field. The TkType field takes one of two values,
Operator or Operand – these values may be defined as global constants in the program. If
the type of the token is Operator, then, the TkVal field can store the opcode (operator code)
for that operator. For example, one may define the opcode of + as 1, opcode of − as 2,
opcode of unary − as 5 and so on, as global constants in the program. If the type of the
token is Operand then the TkVal field is the integer value of that operand. Note that it is the
tokenizer that should correctly distinguish between the two operators, binary − and unary
Once the tokenizer is written, one can focus on the problem at hand, which is to evaluate
the expression. One approach could be to transform the expression into postfix, and then
evaluate the postfix expression. The other approach is to directly evaluate the infix expression.
If operators have opcodes, contiguously numbered from say 1 to k, then one can define the
precedence relation by keeping an array Priority such that Priority[opcode] gives the priority
of the operator whose code is opcode.
A standard way of evaluating infix expressions in a single pass over the input is to keep two
stacks, one for the operands, and another for the operators. If the next token is an operand,
then it is pushed onto the operand stack. If the next token is an operator, then, the decision
is based on this operator. If it is ‘(’ then it is pushed on stack. If it is ’)’, then, we pop an
operator from the stack, apply this operator to the corresponding operands on the top of the
operand stack (depending on the arity of the operator) and push back the resulting value on
operand stack. This is continued until the matching ’(’ is met. If the operator is something
other than the brackets, then, we compare the current operator with the operator on the

top of the operator stack. If the current operator is higher in precedence than the top of
the stack operator (or equal in precedence), then the current operator is pushed onto stack.
Otherwise (the current operator is lower in precedence than the current operator on the top
of the stack), the operator on the top of the stack is evaluated using the operands on the top
of the operand stack and the result is pushed back on to the operand stack. This process is
repeated until either (a) the current operator is higher in precedence than the one on the top
of the operator stack, or, (b) the operator stack has ’(’ on its top, or (c) the operator stack
is empty. In all these cases, the current operator is pushed onto the operator stack. Finally,
when the end of the input is reached then the operators in the stack are popped one at a
time, and evaluated against the operands in the operand stack, the result is pushed back,
until the operator stack is empty (also one should not meet a ’(’ on the stack. There should
just be one value on the operand stack, which is the answer.

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