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1. You are walking behind the school by the lake on a warm summer day.

Suddenly you hear

someone frantically shouting that her son has fallen into the water. He can’t swim. When you
reach the area, you see his body beneath the surface. He is not moving. You can reach him and
get him out, but he is unconscious. What do you do?
2. You are playing shinny hockey when you see your teammate slump to the ground and is
unresponsive. A bystander who does not know CPR is present. What do you do?
3. You are at Stampede with some friends, suddenly you hear a loud commotion and see a woman
laying on the ground. Upon entering the scene, you see that her face seems to be drooping
somewhat on the left side and she also seems unable to move on that side of her body. What do
you do? What if she becomes unconscious?
4. You’re having Christmas dinner with your family. You’re sitting around, eating, talking, and
drinking. When suddenly your sibling clutches their throat. They are not speaking, and their lips
begin to turn blue. What do you do? What if they become unconscious?


Outstanding (80%-100%)- student has no trouble remembering what they need to do before and during
CPR. They know what is happening in the scenario and can remember the steps of CPR without any
prompts and are not deterred by any questions posed by the teacher.

Good (60%-79%) - student has some difficulty recalling what to do before and during CPR. The student
may be unsure about what is happening in the situation and needs many prompts from teacher to
remember the steps of CPR. Some questions posed by the teacher may deter them.

Less than Satisfactory (59% or less)- student cannot recall what to do before or during CPR. They do not
know what is happening in the scenario and cannot recall the steps of CPR.

Test out of 50 marks

1 mark off- didn’t pinch nose, chest compressions too fast/too slow, one for each HHPLT, did not know
what happened to the person in the situation, mannequin not placed correctly, elbows not locked

5 marks off- wrong chest compressions and/or breaths

5 marks off- forgot head tilt chin lift

2 marks off- forgot to check for hazards

If student needs more than one prompt in scenario they will receive one mark off for each prompt off
after that

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