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Book review

In these Memorias de mis putas trstes (2004)

Gabriel García Márquez tells the story of a longtimejournalist who, at age 90, decid
es to celebrate its anniversarywith a virgin girl of 14 years. To get it resorted to his
Rosa Cabarcas, owner of a brothel frequentedfor many years. A few days Gets the
girl; in the first meeting, Delgadina is sedated by the midwife, so you lose the fear.
The old man is sleeping and is dedicated to contemplating it.
The peculiar relationship lasts for a year and will make theelderly to remember its p
ast: the career of journalist, thelove of music, favorite books and taste for the puteri
a. Also,as anyone who loves, the protagonist will increase its activityto flatter her; w
ith these influences, motivations and a newlove, that will give meaning to the end o
f its existence, mayface the inevitable.
The book addresses, therefore the singular love of an old bya teenager. Although o
bviously after a certain age, the forceis depleted, the actor warns that emotion is in
the heart: theold man seeks to have a relationship, and in doing sorealizes that lov
e does not pass, as many men believe, onlyby intercourse, but that can also occur
through the caress, contemplation and silence.

History recalls, by its brevity and the intense plot, to El coronel no tiene nadie quien
le escriba. Realistic character, the departure of magical realism is total.
The result is a direct, intimate and, of course, sad story.
I highly recommend this literature not only because it makesyou look a little bit of hi
story but by the absorbing plot and thetest sample that love has no age.
more beautiful stories of his characters as Rosa cabarcas whichpersonally is my fa
vorite character because she always hasbeen the faithful love of life and lust respo
nsible for makingeveryone happy men and women desperate for the mprotective w
ings life choices that have had.

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