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I looked at Alex and Nick in turn as Doctor stood in the corner of this grand room, watching me.

Okay…so getting things straight first, Alex had red hair, like the…fire that just singed his clothes slightly,
spiky and died orange at the tips. Nick looked exactly the same as Alex, minus the hair. Nick’s hair was
blue and spiky, died white at the tips. Oddly enough, they both looked twelve.

“Right then…I have…‘Mystical Abilities’ that somehow let me control the weather like I’m a
freaking goddess. And a pet named Mike, or whatever he is and now two servant kids? What the fuck is
going on in here?” That, of course, was me. I sighed and looked around at the room, and felt again the
disappearing effects of the medicine. But this time, it was different. Instead of that happy elated feeling,
I had a pounding, searing headache. Doctor saw the movements in my feet and legs, as they curled up to
my chest and ran somewhere, I couldn’t tell where…everything was too bright and loud. I could hear the
far off voice of Alex, but he was right next to me.

“Hold on…coco just hold on-” His hands were thrown off of me. I was…burning and freezing at
the same time, echoes of words in my head, that image of the girl. It all came to me at once. I could hear
the cracking of the woodwork around me, vines growing from a dead tree. People were, everyone was,
where was everyone? There had to be people here…they were just here… I reached out to try and feel
my way around, my vision was gone, all black. My hands clutched at nothing as I shivered, but sweat at
the same time.

A sharp pain entered my shoulder, shoulder? Or was it my thigh maybe? I couldn’t tell, I couldn’t
breathe. I couldn’t do anything. Reaching for a breath I couldn’t take, waiting for the gripping sound of
my heart that I couldn’t hear. There was pressure on my hand, and another sharp onslaught of pain. This
was more of a burning pulse.

The thump of my heart returned, with a shot of a riffle, and the beat of a drum pulsed slowly
and steadily as the breath came quickly, and left again. I could feel the input of air, and felt a rush of hot
breath escape from me. Soon it was easier to catch this flow of breathing, but painful now, my muscles
tense. An urge to relax them flew through me, and I collapsed onto something soft, a bed, correction,
my bed.

“Coco…come on coco wake up…come on… squeeze my hand if you can” There was more
pressure on my hand and I slowly processed the words and told my mind to squeeze, but stopped
myself. If I squeezed I feared that I would dig my nails into this persons flesh. If I opened my mouth I’d

Another hour passed, I counted every second.

The seconds ticked longer in this hour, and still the pressure stayed on my hand.

Now I felt the pressure with my skin, I could feel the rough hand of Doctor, steadily squeezing
my hand to the rate of my heart. Again I tried to squeeze back, but it failed once more.
Individual curves and scars on Doctors hands were clear to the sense of touch I had now. Every
second now was at the appropriate time. I heard the instruction in my head now, and my brain released
the pent up anxiety and released as I squeezed his hand.

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