CS Five9 PDF

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Case Study | Five9

Successful cloud-based contact center provider

turns to DemandGen International® to build OVERVIEW
revenue engine for lead capture and conversion. Situation:
Growing SMB company needed the most effective
Situation approach to support enterprise market expansion.
solutions, and cloud-based contact center provider Solution:
Five9 is one of the hottest com­panies in this high-growth Rapidly deploy a sophisticated, highly automated,
sector: dominating the small and medium business scalable revenue engine.
space. After posting double-digit growth over the
past several years with almost no outbound mar­keting, Results:
the company decided to go up-market to the enterprise Dramatic pipeline uplift in 6 weeks: no lead
space, and brought Doug Sechrist, Vice President of left behind.
Demand Marketing, on board to lead the way.
“My task was to continue the historical success on a
grander scale: to feed a growing sales team and enable team developed a plan of action, including scrapping the
bigger deals—without screwing up everything that Five9’s existing demand funnel, developing a new one, enhancing
marketing and sales teams were already doing right,” lead scoring, developing an entirely new gating strategy
explains Doug. Getting the most out of Five9’s Marketo and subscription center, and running campaigns under
system would be critical, but Doug discovered that it the new approach.
wasn’t doing anything very impactful. “They had built
lead scoring, but Sales wasn’t really using it: Sales just Like Schoolhouse Rock’s ‘How a Bill Becomes a Law,’
cherry-picked the leads they wanted to work, and 70% the team created a clear, memorable approach to
of them were left behind. Marketo was populating understanding ‘How a Lead Becomes a Deal.’ “We have
Salesforce, but that data wasn’t being used for anything; posters of the architecture hung in the CEO’s office,
any lead that wasn’t qualified immediately was archived, my boss’s office, all the sales cubes,” explains Doug.
and archived leads were never touched again. Some “It’s a reminder to everyone that we’ve got this proven
nurtures were running, but nobody was measuring process for how everything needs to happen, and
their effectiveness at accelerating the funnel.” everyone needs to be on board. Here’s what lead scoring
does and why, and how it impacts you, and the same
Five9 needed a solid revenue engine for lead manage- with nurturing. That was the foundation for building the
ment, to enable efficient, effective capture and conver- revenue engine.”
sion. Doug’s team created a blueprint for the lead work-
flow from entry to close—and then turned to DemandGen After that, it was full steam ahead throughimplementation
to get it done. “This is the third company where I’ve and deployment.
worked with the DemandGen team; it’s a real partner-
ship,” Doug reveals. “We needed horsepower, and the During the Project
breadth of different DemandGen brains to help us think Five9 Marketing Operations Manager Divya Jumani,
through all the different components. And because we who “lives and breathes in Salesforce and Marketo,”
think similarly, I knew we could hit the ground running.” was responsible for driving involvement with the Five9
stakeholders, and collaborating with the DemandGen
Solution consultants who did the majority of the heavy lifting.
Getting Started Throughout the workshops and brainstorming sessions,
The project kicked off with DemandGen’s thorough audit Doug and Divya looked to DemandGen to guide their
of the Marketo system’s architecture and the business thinking and consider different use cases. “It’s second
processes around it. Though a series of workshops, the nature to them to look at all the options and give us the

“And as we were building out lead scoring, tables, and so
forth, they were able to jump in and help us out when we
needed them.”
“This is the third company where
The team deployed the new demand funnel in phases.
I’ve worked with the DemandGen “For a time we had two demand funnels, in order to
prove the value of the new approach,” Divya explains.
team; it’s a real partnership.” “For example, we knew that a lead shouldn’t be called
Sales Qualified just because it is coming from an SEO or
SEM source, but Sales needed to see how lead scoring
could decide that in a scientific way. It was all about
proving ourselves.”
Doug Sechrist, Together, Five9 and DemandGen planned, built, and
Vice President of Demand Marketing implemented everything start to finish—signed contract
to full deployment—in six weeks. DemandGen’s controlled
deployment methodology and dedication enabled a
smooth transition. “Everyone was on call for us,” recalls
Divya. “Their commitment and insights were critical. If it
best practices,” Divya observes. “They always start with had not been for DemandGen, we wouldn’t have been
the end in mind and work backward to get us there. able to do this in such a short time.” Adds Doug, “This
For example, when we talked about contact status, project was the fastest end-to-end implementation of a
Nova probed into what we really were trying to do and new demand funnel, lead routing, full lead scoring, and
explained which fields should be linked to the contact subscription management that I’ve ever seen. It was
record so we won’t lose the activity history once the awesome to get this done in my first two months on
lead is converted.” the job: being able to show what we can do and have
Divya and the DemandGen consultants worked hand- immediate impact.”
in-hand to create all the new campaigns and workflow
actions in Marketo, and a DemandGen developer Results
constructed highly functional new forms. “We wanted to The results of these initial projects—a new demand
be ready to roll as soon as as everything was approved. funnel, new lead taxonomy and routing, lead scoring,
We were moving at a crazy speed, and checked with each forms, progressive profiling, and a new gating strategy
other all the time, even after business hours and over the with subscription center—have been excellent. “We have
weekend: DemandGen was constantly on top of it,” Divya seen a dramatic uplift in the volume of opportunities we
remarks. And DemandGen’s support extended beyond are able to send to the sales team, and the lead quality is
project details. For example, Five9’s Salesforce instance is much higher Doug reports. “We are taking Five9 solutions
complex, and the company’s own contact center product to market in an entirely new way, and the pipeline is
is deeply integrated, so making changes to Salesforce growing at a faster rate than the company has ever seen.”
could be challenging in more ways than one. “It’s hard for A new sales development team has been brought on
Sales to accept change, but we needed to make all these board to handle the increasing volume.
changes. The DemandGen people really helped me craft
the story to get the buy-in we needed from Sales and and “At the most basic level, it makes our lives simpler,” Divya
the core IT team that handles Salesforce,” Divya confides. asserts. “We’ll certainly exceed our planned numbers,
“I tend to get too technical, so they coached me on how but most important to me is that I can SEE the leads flow
to talk about the concept and the ROI, the what’s-in-it- through the funnel. I can tell how many leads are coming
for-me kind of thing. Our lead consultant has a knack in, net new leads, total leads in contract: we truly have no
of getting people to understand the 360-degree view lead left behind. I used to be nervous when people asked
of things: she’s an awesome collaborator.” questions, but now I’m confident in reporting results.”
Laughing, she adds, “In fact I was asked questions at
A DemandGen solution architect built the actual a couple of recent conferences, and I felt like a pro...
workflows in Salesforce. “They did wizardry in Salesforce I could answer all of them!”
that we could not have done internally,” remarks Doug.

Sales and Marketing at Five9 are now aligned from the
top down, with Marketing firmly inserted into the
sales process.
“DemandGen was constantly on
• The two teams meet weekly to review funnel stages,
velocity, and progress, providing everyone with top of it...It’s second nature to them
a much better understanding of the lead sources
and marketing spend. According to Doug, “We know to look at all the options and give us
where every lead we’ve generated is in the cycle,
and we know who’s responsible for it.” the best practices.”
• With the new lead scoring model, approximately
90% of the leads passed to Sales make their way
into the pipeline. “The lead scoring reports are the
‘aha’ moments: now we can show Sales real value,” Divya Jumani,
Divya observes. Marketing Operations Manager
• Quite a few opportunities are being uncovered
from tens of thousands of archived leads. Marketing
has begun to reengage with these dormant leads,
and the sales development team is successfully
moving them along in the funnel. “We are so in love with DemandGen,” Divya declares.
“Everyone is so approachable—it’s their culture.
The feeling you get is that they’re just part of your
The Future extended team: they are part of Five9.”
“Marketing automation is a journey: it’s not just going to
be done one fine day,” notes Divya. Currently the team is Doug agrees. “DemandGen is an ideal bolt-on to your
refining lead scoring to help identify the tipping points for team. If you want to get something very sophisticated
conversion, creating drilldown reporting dashboards, done very fast in a high-quality way, they give you the
and looking at additional tools for business intelligence. resources, strategy, and brain power to do it. Even when
we run into things we didn’t plan for, DemandGen always
“The company is confident enough of our success to raise has someone at the helm ready to go. They have so
our investments in demand marketing, so we’ll continue much collective brainpower and sophisticated knowledge;
to work with DemandGen to build out that original they bring all the best ideas from the industry to bear
blueprint of a sophisticated, highly automated, highly on what we’re trying to do, and push us to explore
scaleable revenue engine,” confirms Doug. The team what else we can do. They help us be our best.”
plans to revise the marketing analytics process
to get even greater insight into the demand funnel.
A new nurture strategy will fill mid-funnel gaps that have
been revealed by the new reporting, and an automated
program will handle sales development follow-up.

Learn more about DemandGen’s marketing automation and lead management services.
www.demandgen.com 925-678-2504 info@demandgen.com

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