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Canada is the biggest country of America.

Luxembourg is the richest country of the world.
San Cristobal y Nieves is the smallest country of America.
USA is the most powerful country in the world.
Italian food is the best in the world.
China is the most populated country of the world.
Thailand is the cheapest country of the world.
Denmark is the coldest country of the world.
Slovenia is the most beautiful country of the world.
Niger is the poorest country of the world.

Mexico is prettier than Cuba.
Canada is cleaner than Mexico.
Syria is warmer than Canada.
Qatar is more expensive than Mexico.
The technology in America is more Advance than Mexico.
The people in Japan is smaller than the people in USA.
The Mexicans tacos are more delicious than the American tacos.
Egypt is sunnier than Norway.
United Kingdom is rainier than Israel.
Dubai is more comfortable than Colombia.

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