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Benjamin Gallimore

January 26, 2018

Spanish 202

Reflection 1

This semester I am taking Spanish 202. This class is continuing with what we learned last

semester in 201 and learning more communication skills. We are just about to finish up the first

chapter of the semester. We have gone over some expressions and some new vocab as well as

how to conjugate certain types of words with the same type of ending. This reflection will consist

of what we have gone over and how I have learned the material as well as my opinion of the

class and what I need to improve on.

I have learned some new vocab in this first chapter by reading short stories. My professor

has assigned me and the other classmates a short story to read before class and answer some

questions that go along with the story. Reading is one way that I can learn the language better. If

I see a word in the text that I am unsure about I can look at the other words in the sentence and

they will give me some clues on what the word or words might mean. We have covered some

new conjugations for example how to conjugate words such as exaggerate and frustrate.

The ways that I can improve in this class is to study the vocab more and read the stories

more than once. I understand the general meaning of the story after reading it once but I can

catch new things and be able to summarize the article better after another time. Doing more

Spanish outside of class will always help me as well. Talking to others in Spanish and attempting
to have a conversation with them helps me out more as long as the other person cooperates. This

chapter has gone by pretty well and I hope I can improve on the next one.

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