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ECD Corp ECD Corp Preliminary oen MicroMate 1.3 Chess Documentation The current version of Microcness has lots of nifty new featuresy among them are: r resets the board to its initial states, reads in the font, and resets the bitrate. Under most circumstancess the r key snould never be usedy instead the call key should be used to reinitialize the games NL The Vewiine key 1s used to cause the computer to make its nove. sp The Soace bar is used to enter your move, the results are inmediateiy evident on the display. The following are Meta shitted 4 The Meta Histake key 1s used to unmake the most recent move, yours 2r tre computer's. € Exchange the sidas of the ooard, the ahite side becomes tne dlack and vice-versae Use this if you wish to opens > increase the size of the voard (decrease bit- rate). «< the ooposite of Meta >, it decreases the size of tne board. s This is tne nost gifted key in Micro Chessy since It controls two separate functions! set speed and play with self. UCness is capable of playing on three different selectable speeds. As they get faster, the gene gets worse. To set the speeds, one needs to hit Meta ss followed by 1+ 2, or 3 (one being slowest and best, three oelng fastest and worst) Meta s also allous the computer to olay against itself. This is perfect for for demo ourposes and other foolishness. To instruct the machina to play with itself, nit Meta s followed by another s. the machine will begin immediately. (Notet to escape this feature. hit call wnich will eeinit the camee) oRAFT Tee - 4 02/20/78 203245 est Hon Eco Coro €co Corp Preliminary oem MicroMate 1+3 Chess Oocunentation How to play Uchess The voard is arranged as foilowst wooaesos 123456786 Tne moves are entered from rignt to lett, rank-file-rank-flles No spaces or othar characters until you are sure that the move entered is the one you want. Then enter it witn the space bare A mistake may be removed using tne Meta m keys examolet p-k4 is entared as (if you are playing black) o4d4 spacedare The entered move is followed with a newline to Instruct the computer to start play. When it is done the board will be uodated and Ucness will wait for your next commands ORAFT 16-2 02/20/78 2032-5 est Mon ECD Coro Eco Corp Preliminary oem MicroMate 1-3 Zhess Documentation ANIMATED SPACEWAR The following keys control the shiost Command Ship 4 Snipz Fire torpedoes 3 k Accelerate formard s 1 Rorate counter-clockwise a ; Rotate clockwisa t 2 Jump througn hyperspace d and e t and * Shields on/off (toggle) k Cloaking on/off (togglad l Slow spin counter-clocnasse d $ Stow span cloceaise + eshiftot Notest 1+ Tne number of torpedoes is limited. 2. You can run out of power to moves 3+ You can run out of power to put up shlelds. 4+ Inere is a finite non-zero provadility that you itt selt destruct during a nyoerspace jump. 5. It hit wnile your snields are up» there is a finite time betore tney will recharges It tne game is set to more than 1 hit to klil, the hits are cunulativet you cannot repair a hit. 7+ You can run into your own torpedoes and destroy yourself. B+ Any ship collision will result in the destruction of both vesselse 9. Most of the above conditions can be changed by hacking with MMagice ORAFT 19-4 02/20/78 2255.6 est Mon Microthess Documentation FRIGHTENING} «3 LASULYT7.01 ‘THE MICROCHESS BOARD IS ARRANGED AS FOLLOWS: Computer H G PF Rank = E F D 1 c 1 B e A 12345678 You The game is initialized with the Computer playing White, 1f you wish to open, the board may be reversed by hitting the Meta shifted E key. Moves are entered useing the normal Alpha- Numeric keys by rankfilerankfilc. There should be no spaces or alternate characters between the characters used to make a move. If when entering the move, you realize that you have made an error in keying in, simply re-type the move as you want It, as if it was the first time you were making it.

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