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Common suffixes that form adverbs

A suffix is a group of letters that may be added to the end of a root word to form
another word. Here are some suffixes that form adverbs.

Suffix Meaning Sample sentences
happily Everyone worked quietly
-ly (added to in a certain
slowly while waiting for feedback
adjectives*) manner
quietly on the project.
backwards Gregory walked away
-ward(s) (added in a certain
sidewards without glancing
to directions) direction
eastward backwards.
sideways Our office is halfway
in a certain
-way(s) midway between the museum and
halfway the train station.
The effects of the workers'
-wide throughout countrywide
strike were felt nationwide.
*If the root word is not an adjective, turn it into an adjective first before
adding "-ly". For example: 1) root word = beauty; adjective = beautiful;
adverb = beautifully; 2) root word = sleep; adjective = sleepy; adverb =

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Forming tag questions II

A tag question is a question used after a statement when seeking confirmation of the
statement. Here are the rules for forming tag questions with compound subjects,
compound verbs, and compound sentences.

1. When there is more than one subject (a compound subject), the pronoun in the question
tag follows the pronoun used when the subjects are combined.

You and I should go to the seminar, shouldn't we? (you + I = we)

Michelle and Claudia are both accountants, aren't they? (Michelle + Claudia = they)

2. When there are two or more verbs (a compound verb), the question tag follows the same
rule as when there is only one verb.

Blake can sing and play the guitar, can't he?

Blake sang and played the guitar at the company picnic, didn't he?

3. For sentences that have two or more subject-verb sets (a compound sentence), the
question tag is based on the last subject-verb set.

Hugues is a good teacher, and he taught you well, didn't he?

John and Marla can speak Japanese, but John can’t read it, can he?

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Imperatives with question tags

Imperatives can have question tags.

1. The question tag "won't you" is used to invite somebody to do something.

Sit down, won't you?

Have some coffee, won't you?

2. For suggestions that include yourself, begin the imperative with "let's" and add "shall

Let's sit down, shall we?

Let's have some coffee, shall we?

3. “Would you” is for polite commands.

Get me something to drink, would you?

Send him an email, would you?

4. “Can you” is for friendly commands. It is less formal.

Pick up the phone, can you?

Carry this bag, can you?

5. “Will you” and “can't you” are less friendly and less polite.

Be quiet, will you?

Work faster, can't you?

6. “Will you” is the only question tag used with negative imperatives.

Don’t tell anybody, will you?

Don't get mad, will you?

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How to leave instructions

Study the phrases used to leave instructions.

Dexter is going on a monthlong business trip to Malaysia. Before his trip, he meets with his
team to leave them some instructions.

Dexter: You must continue our weekly meetings with the other sales teams. You should
also meet with the quality assurance team and the training team at least once while I am

Farida: Okay.

Dexter: For your meetings with the other sales teams, I want you to find out which
products have the highest sales and which products have received the most complaints.

Jeremy: Do we email you the updates?

Dexter: Yes, please email me all the updates. For your meeting with the quality assurance
team, I would like you to give them updates on all our projects.

Farida: And the training team?

Dexter: I would like you to also update the training team on our progress. On that note, can
you please invite the human resources team to that meeting? They want to know how
many more consultants need to be hired for the projects.

Jeremy: I see. Noted.

Farida: Is there anything else that needs to be done?

Dexter: Please continue working on our projects. If anything important comes up, call me
on my cell phone. Thanks, guys.

Farida: Will do. Thanks, too, Dexter.

Jeremy: Thanks, Dexter.

Some phrases for leaving instructions:

Can you please ...? Can you please send Ana an email?
Please ... Please call Jim for me.
I would like you to ... I would like you to take charge of the office while I am gone.
You should/must ... You should meet them once a week.
I want you to ... I want you to send me a daily report.
(imperative) Call me if/when ... Call me if something important comes up.

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How to give instructions to an assistant

Study the phrases used to give instructions to an assistant:

Stella works as a personal stylist. She dresses up people for special events and occasions
and often does their shopping for them too. Stella is very good at her job. Plenty of people,
including famous actors and actresses, are booking her as their stylist. Because of her busy
schedule, she decides to get an assistant to help her.

Stella: We need to shop for several very important people this week and I need your help.

Paula: Okay. How can I help?

Stella: I need you to call up the designers you'll be visiting for this week. I left a list of the
things that you should get from them.

Paula: I see.

Stella: After picking up the clothes, I want you to leave them at the apartment and then
call the clients up to tell them that the clothes and the accessories are ready to be picked

Paula: Got it.

Stella: I'll be picking up the other clothes from the other designers and I'll be visiting the
mall to look at some accessories. I'll be meeting you at the apartment by 5 p.m. If anything
comes up, please call me.

Paula: Okay.

Stella: Thank you, Paula!

Some phrases for giving instructions

Can/Could you please ... ? Could you please print this document for me?
Would you please ... ? Would you please arrange those files alphabetically?
Please ... Jake, please confirm the attendance of the people I've invited to the meeting.
You should/must ... Terrence, you should be here by 9 a.m. tomorrow.
I need you to ... Clark, I need you to pick up the client from the airport at 10 a.m.
I would like you to ... Helena, I would like you to check the files for Mr. Kennedy.
I want you to ... Lawrence, I want you to clear my schedule for tomorrow.
(Imperative) ... Call Mr. Thomas. Tell him that I need to cancel our meeting on Monday.

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Most commonly used conjunctions I

Conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases or sentences. Listed below are the
nine most commonly used conjunctions in the English language.

Conjunction Meaning Sample sentences

We discussed the plans and
and adds information
agreed on deadlines.
They discussed the plans but
but makes a contrast
they couldn't agree on deadlines.
You can call the client now or
or gives choices
wait for them to call you.
Shelley came late to the meeting
because gives a reason because there was a lot of traffic
on the way.
Ferdinand was late so his
so gives a result
colleagues had to wait for him.
You have to simplify your ideas
so that gives a purpose so that everyone can understand
Andy will go on holiday if he
if gives a condition
finishes the project.
gives a negative We can't process the order
unless condition; means "if [one] unless you confirm your credit
does not..." card details.
gives the time for an We will deliver the order when
event to happen we receive your payment.

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Reflexive and intensive pronouns

The following are reflexive and intensive pronouns: "myself," "yourself," "himself,"
"herself," "itself," "oneself," "ourselves," "yourselves," "themselves."

1. Reflexive pronouns show that the person who does the action is the same person who
receives the action.

He cut himself when he was slicing vegetables.

She bought herself a new dress.

2. When the reflexive pronoun follows the preposition “by,” it means that the action was
done by the subject/s and nobody/nothing else.

I painted the house by myself. I did it in two weeks.

We worked on this report by ourselves. Our boss was on a business trip.

3. Intensive pronouns emphasize a noun or a pronoun. Intensive pronouns are different

from reflexive pronouns in this way: when the intensive pronoun is taken out of a sentence,
the sentence will still be understandable.

I don't want to talk to the CEO's assistant. I want to talk to the CEO herself.

He asked his team to come early, but he himself arrived late.

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How to make suggestions

Study the phrases used for making suggestions.

Greg and Cathy are organizing the company's anniversary party.

Cathy: I suggest a '70s theme for the company's anniversary party.

Greg: That's a good idea. Why don't we dress up as the cast from Mamma Mia?

Aaron and his team have been meeting for two hours.

Aaron: I think we are all feeling a bit tired. How about a short break before we resume the

Anna: Let's have a 15-minute coffee break.

Murray is showing his magazine layout to Jill.

Murray: Do you like this design?

Jill: How about changing the font? I think it would look much better if we used a different
font in a bigger size.

Murray: Thanks for the suggestion, Jill.

Carter and Michelle are making plans for their German clients.

Carter: Let's take our new clients out to dinner. Which restaurant should we take them to?

Michelle: What about the new restaurant that serves a fusion of Italian and Spanish

Carter: Sure! Let me get the phone number for that restaurant.

Ethan and Nicole are planning a surprise party for their boss, who is turning 50.

Ethan: Who should host the boss' surprise birthday party?

Nicole: We could ask Nancy to host the party. She is very outgoing and quite popular.

Phrases used for making suggestions:

Why don't you/we ... ? Why don't we call for an emergency meeting?
You/We could ... We could take them to the new Italian restaurant.
Let's ... Let's have a short break.
What about ... ? What about hiring more people?
How about ... ? How about extending the deadline?
I suggest ... I suggest we postpone the launch.

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How to offer one's help

Study the following dialogues and take note of the phrases used in offering help to

Trina greets Mr. and Mrs. Adams as they enter Urban Lodge Hotel.

Trina: Welcome to Urban Lodge Hotel. What can I do for you today?

Mrs. Adams: Hi. We'd like to book a room for two, please. What rooms are available?

Trina: As of the moment, we only have one room available, and that would be our deluxe
room. Would you like me to book that for you?

Mrs. Adams: Yes, please.

Sarah, a help desk agent from ABC Telecoms, entertains a phone call from Mr. Will
Matthews, a customer.
Sarah: ABC Telecoms help desk. This is Sarah speaking. How may I help you?

Mr. Matthews: Hi, this is Will Matthews. I can't seem to access the Internet right now. Is
there a problem with the connection?

Sarah: I'm sorry, Mr. Matthews. There is a problem in your area, but it is already being
repaired. You should be able to connect to the Internet in an hour.

Mr. Matthews: I see. Thanks for informing me.

Sarah: You're welcome, Mr. Matthews. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Mr. Matthews: No, that would be all. Thanks.

Bill offers to help his co-worker, Bob.

Bill: Hi, Bob! I thought you were supposed to leave early today.

Bob: Yes, I'm almost done. I just need to seal this hole, then I'll head home.

Bill: Oh, okay. Do you need help with that?

Bob: No, thanks. I got it. Just please hand me my hammer. It's inside my toolbox.

Bill: Okay. Here you go. Would you like me to hand you some nails?

Bob: No need, thanks, Bill.

Bill: No problem. 01/11/2017
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Phrases for offering help:

What can I do for you today?

How may I help you?
Is there anything else I can do?
Do you need help with that?
May I help you?
Can I help you?
Would you like me to ...?
Can I get you anything?
Do you need some help?
Do you need anything?
Would you like some help?

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Common suffixes that form nouns

A suffix is a group of letters that may be added to the end of a root word to form
another word. Here are some common suffixes that form nouns.

Suffix Meaning Sample sentences

breakage All breakages will be charged to the

shrinkage customer.

an action or a exploration Sea explorations resulted in the

result of an starvation discovery of new places.
The seating arrangement can have a
-ment significant effect on the participants in a

The United States of America

-ence celebrates its independence every 4th
of July.

brotherhood Visiting his hometown brought back

childhood memories of his childhood.
a state of being
happiness Alice couldn't hide her happiness when
meanness she learned of her promotion.

friendship Under Tony's leadership, the company

leadership grew faster than anyone expected.

an act, belief,
Communism Mao Zedong founded Communism in
-ism practice or
Impressionism China.

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Common suffixes that form adjectives

A suffix is a group of letters that may be added to the end of a word to form another
word. Here are some suffixes that form adjectives.

Suffix Meaning Sample sentences
can receive an I need to choose a more readable
action; font for my report.
inclined towards
something She looks friendly and agreeable.
having the qualities Their accidental meeting led to a
-al seasonal
of discussion of a new business idea.
Mr. Anderson is a successful
-ful full of successful
possesses or uses
-ic hygienic He plays an electric guitar.
up something
has some qualities His childish behavior makes him
-ish boyish
of very unreliable at work.
You shouldn't be careless in
-less without homeless
calculating the costs of the project.
Laura’s friendly smile welcomed the
-ly acts like motherly
participants to the conference.
having a lot of; full
-ous ambitious Ms. David is very ambitious.

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How to make and handle inquiries

Study how the speakers make and handle inquiries.

Travel agent: Thank you for calling World Wide Travel! How can I be of service?

Client: Good afternoon. I would like to inquire about your promo package for Singapore,

Customer: I'm calling from Los Angeles. I was wondering if your shop has a branch here?

Customer service representative: I'm sorry to inform you that we do not have a branch in
that area.

Customer: I'm interested in your office furniture collection, specifically the desks. I was
wondering if they are included in the sale?

Customer service representative: Thank you for taking an interest in our products. Can
you please tell me which particular desk you are inquiring about?

Some phrases used in making inquiries:

I would like to inquire about ...

I am calling to inquire about ...
I was wondering if ...
I am interested in ...
I would like to know ...
I have a question about ...
Can you please explain ...

Some phrases used in handling inquiries:

How can I be of service today?

How can I help you?
I am sorry to inform you that ...
Thank you for taking an interest in ...
Is there anything else I can help you with?
Should you have any other questions ...

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How to make and handle orders

Study the phrases used for making and handling orders.

Matilda Jenkins is a young businesswoman who will be opening a new Internet café called
MJ Computer Services. She calls the shopping hotline of Electro Warehouse to order 10
AppleOne desktop computers and five Neo inkjet printers.

Sales representative: Thank you for calling the Electro Warehouse shopping hotline. My
name is Frances and I will be assisting you today.

Matilda: Hello, Frances. I would like to place an order.

Sales representative: May I please know your full name, telephone number, and shipping

Matilda: My name is Matilda Jenkins, and my telephone number is 842 4683 861. The
shipping address is Unit 3 Parasol Commercial Building, Gardenia Street, Fountain City,

Sales representative: Thank you for that information, Ms. Jenkins. Your telephone
number is 842 4683 861, and your shipping address is Unit 3 Parasol Commercial
Building, Gardenia Street, Fountain City, Florida, is that correct?

Matilda: Yes, that's right.

Sales representative: All right then, what products would you like to order?

Matilda: I need 10 AppleOne desktop computers, please.

Sales representative: Okay, Ms. Jenkins. Let me repeat your order. You would like 10
AppleOne desktop computers for a total of $2,279.00. Is there anything else that you
would like to purchase?

Matilda: Oh, please add five Neo inkjet printers.

Sales representative: OK, so that's 10 AppleOne desktop computers and five Neo inkjet
printers. The total amount of your order is $4,474.90. Will you be paying by credit card or

Matilda: I will be paying by check.

Sales representative: OK. Your order will be delivered in three days. Please prepare
your payment amounting to $4,474.90. Since you will be paying by check, please make it
payable to Electro Warehouse.

Matilda: I will do that.

Sales representative: Thank you for choosing Electro Warehouse! Have a great day!

Phrases for making an order 01/11/2017
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I would like to place an order ...

My name is ...
The shipping address is ...
I need ...
Please add ... / No, that will be all.
I will be paying by ...

Phrases for handling an order

My name is ... and I will be assisting you ...

May I please know ...
Thank you for that information ...
Your shipping address is ... is that correct?
What products would you like to order?
Let me repeat your order. You would like ... Is there anything else ...?
Will you be paying by ... ?
The order will be delivered on (specific day or date)/in (number of days).
Please prepare your payment amounting to ...
Thank you for choosing ...

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Common suffixes that form verbs

A suffix is a group of letters that may be added to the end of a root word to form
another word. Here are some common suffixes that form verbs.

Suffix Meaning Sample sentences

The company plans to liquidate
-ate pollinate
its assets.

weaken The addition of new team

-en shorten members will hasten the
hasten completion of the project.
to make
or do
You must be able to justify your
-fy or -ify simplify
decisions to your boss.

-ize familiarize Brian drew some sketches to

(American), finalize help his clients visualize his
-ise (British) visualize plans for the building.

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How to describe sequences

Study the phrases to describe sequences.

The computer science center is holding a seminar on how to use websites to attract
customers. The participants are people who own small businesses and would like to
expand them.

Mr. Richard Grant is giving a short lecture on how to create an effective website that would
attract customers.

"First, you need to know what you're going to put on your website. You also need to have a
concept for the way you want your website to look.

"Once you know what you want to put on your website, you need to know who your target
market is. Do some market research, and try to find out who your audience is. Find out
what they do, their age range, and their interests. This information will be useful in building
a website that catches the attention of your target market.

"After conducting some market research, do a keyword research using keyword tools to
know how many people search for topics related to your business. This would help you get
more information about your potential clients as well as the popularity of the keywords
related to your business.

"Next, figure out how much time and money you're willing to invest in your website.
E-commerce sites which sell products and services need more maintenance and attention.
There are also considerations like shipping, sales, order form security, and inventory

"After figuring out how much you are willing to commit to your website, narrow down your
ideas to the ones that stand to make the most profit.

"Once you are done organizing all of your ideas for your website, choose a webhost. If
your website is going to be complicated, you will have to spend a little for a good webhost.
You can choose a free webhost, but the URL of your website will probably be something
like:, and your website will be full of ads.

"Then, find someone who offers website-building services. If you don't want to hire anyone
because you'd rather build your website yourself, you can choose to learn HTML or CSS

"Once your website is done, upload it through FTP. If you hire a professional to design your
website, he or she will take care of this for you. After this is done, do a test drive of your
website and see how it functions and if it is user-friendly.

"Finally, to drive potential customers to your website, you need to advertise. Submit your
website to search engines like Yahoo! and Google."

Words and phrases to describe sequences 01/11/2017
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First, _____.
Next, _____.
Then, _____.
After, _____.
After this is done, _____.
Once you're done, _____.
Finally/Lastly, _____.

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How to describe processes II

Take note of the phrases Robert uses to describe his company's workflow.

"Hello. My name is Robert Kent and I am your training manager at Sunshine Travel
Agency. Welcome to the company. Today, I will discuss our workflow and your role as
personal travel assistants.

First, the client comes to us with a list of his travel requirements and preferences. This
includes the number of days for traveling, the kind of place he wants to stay in, and the
spots he wants to visit.

Second, you, the personal travel assistant, will receive the request from the client and
check to make sure that all the necessary details are included in the request. After that,
look for a broker agent who can help you find a travel package that suits the client's needs
and preferences.

The broker agent will ask transportation companies to provide travel service offers that will
fit the customer's needs and preferences. Once the broker agent finds several travel
service offers that fit, he books them. The broker agent will then provide the list of travel
service offers to you. You will sort out this list to a maximum of five options and present it to
the client.

Next, the client chooses the travel service offer he likes best. Once the client has chosen an
offer, inform the broker agent so that he can confirm the travel service offer with the
transportation company. The broker agent will also cancel the other travel service bookings

Then, the client will provide his credit card details. Finally, process the client's payment
through his bank. Do this carefully to avoid double payments and bank errors. We want to
make sure that the client gets a carefree travel experience."

Phrases you can use in describing work processes

To show order:

The first step is ... The first step is to open the client's file.
The second step is ... The second step is to check his information.
Before this ... Before this, you have to check if you have the right account number.
After this ... After this, click on send.
Following this ... Following this, get his credit card information.

To give instructions:

Get ... Get his credit card number.

Enter ... Enter the person's name in the database.
Press ... Press the buzzer to get assistance.

To explain the connections between steps: 01/11/2017
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So as to/so as not to ... We need to press the buzzer so as to save time.

This is because ... This step is needed because it cuts the work time.
Once the ... Once the person's name is in our database, it's easier to access his file.
... so that ... We need to log in so that the time we spend online can be monitored.
... in turn ... You need to save the file and, in turn, the computer will automatically make a
backup copy.

Adverbs to describe how actions should be done:

quickly We need to send reports quickly.

properly We have to name our files properly.

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Basic logistics functions and processes

Logistics - the process of bringing things where they

are needed, when they are needed.

Functions: What Logistics Does

inventory control
knowing where a product is, and how much of it is in
that place

keeping things in good condition, and fixing them when they get broken

making the needed product

studying the needs of a project, getting hold of these needs, and being ready for possible

procurement / purchasing
getting/buying what is needed, in the right amount, from outside sources

making sure that the delivered items are the right amount and in the right condition

moving things and people from one place to another

keeping the product properly so it does not get damaged while waiting to be moved

Processes: How Logistics is Done

requirements determination
studying/knowing what is needed, and how much; and when, where, and why it is needed

getting what is needed, by borrowing, buying, renting/leasing

keeping acquired materials in good condition

moving people and materials to where they are needed, when they are needed

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Present perfect tense

The present perfect tense links the past and the present.

1. The present perfect tense is formed by: "has / have" + past participle.

He has seen "The Mona Lisa."

They have finished the project.

2. The present perfect tense is used to say that a past action is still related to the present.

There have been many problems with the new computer system.

3. It is used to say that you have done or experienced something in the past.

I have visited France three times.

4. It is also used to say that you have never done or experienced something before.

I have never visited France.

5. It is used to talk about change that happened over a period of time.

Your work has improved since your last performance appraisal.

6. Its negative form, "have not / haven't," is used to say that an action or event that we
expected has not happened yet. Using the present perfect tense suggests that we are still
waiting for the action or event.

They haven't started the meeting.

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Present perfect vs. simple past

The simple past tense and present perfect tense are used in different ways.

1. The present perfect tense says that the subject possesses ("has") a past experience.
The simple past tense simply says that the subject did an action in the past.

I have studied the trends in the market.

I studied the trends in the market.

2. The present perfect tense expresses that an action started in an unspecified or unknown
time in the past and has not yet been completed. It is also used with adverbs such as just,
already, recently, yet, etc. The simple past tense expresses that an action began in the past
and ended in the past.

My English has improved since I moved to Australia. (My English is still getting better
every day.)

My English improved when I moved to Australia. (My English is not improving


3. The present perfect tense can also be used to express that an action is finished but still
affects the present. The simple past tense expresses that the past action is not connected
to the present.

We have hired only eight new sales agents. We need to hire two more.

We hired eight new sales agents last week.

4. In its negative form, the present perfect tense talks about an action or event that you
expected but didn't happen. In its negative form, the simple past tense talks about an
action that didn't happen.

I thought my English would improve when I moved to Australia, but it hasn't.

My English did not improve when I moved to Australia.

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How to describe the rise and fall in sales

Study the phrases used in the presentation below.

Mark Pearson is the sales manager for Gold Medal Sports Apparel. He is giving a
presentation to the CEO and using a graph to show the rise and fall in the sales of the
company over the past year.

Mark: Our net income last year started at 10,000,000 euros in January. That is our
average sales productivity.

Sales remained the same in February. This continued until March, with most of the
profits coming from regular wholesale orders.

CEO: What about the sales after March?

Mark: By April, sales began to drop due to the lack of wholesale buyers. They continued
to decline steadily until they reached a slump in July.

CEO: But did things improve after that?

Mark: Yes, actually. By August, the Premiere Football League season kicked off and sales
for our sports apparel experienced a dramatic recovery.

Then there was steady growth in September and October. This was with the help of our
retail outlets and marketing promotions on football gear and uniforms.

Sales reached their peak during the final stretch of the League's season in December
with a net income of 12,000,000 euros. Profits for Gold Medal Sports Apparel have held
stable since then.

CEO: That's good to know, Mark. Well done!

Phrases you can use in describing the rise and fall in sales:

Our net income last year started at _____.

Last year's net income started at _____.
Our average sales productivity is _____.
Sales remained the same in _____.
This continued until _____.
By _____, sales began to drop due to _____.
Sales continued to go down steadily until they reached a slump in _____.
By _____, sales began to increase due to _____.
Sales continued to rise in _____.
Sales reached a sharp increase in _____.
Sales for our _____ experienced a dramatic recovery.
There was steady growth in _____.
Sales reached their peak during _____.
Sales have held stable since then. 01/11/2017
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Types of financial reports and records

The following are some types of financial reports and records.

annual report
This is a comprehensive (complete and detailed)
report containing the company's year-end financial
statements and explanations on financial performance
and current as well as future strategies/plans.

balance sheet
This is the principal financial report of a business
entity showing the assets, liabilities, and net worth of
a company during a specific time period.

This is a report showing account figures expected in a future time period. The figures are
usually based on actual performance as well as company goals.

cash flow statement

This is a financial statement showing the movement of cash -- where it comes from and
where it goes -- through each account within an accounting period.

comparative financial statement

This is a financial report that shows figures of account balances through different time
periods (can be in months, quarters or several years) to give easy comparison for analyzing
financial performance and making key business decisions.

general ledger
This is an accounting record which groups together similar transactions.

income statement/profit-and-loss statement

This is a financial statement detailing the revenues (all money earned) and expenses (all
money spent) resulting from business operations at a given period. The “bottom line” of an
income statement is the profit or loss.

This is an accounting book where transactions are recorded for the first time. It follows the
double-entry bookkeeping system in recording transactions. The journal shows the date,
accounts, ledger number and brief explanation of the transaction.

statement of retained earnings

This is a financial statement detailing to the stockholders how much money the company is
keeping and how much is being distributed.

trial balance
This is a list of all the accounts with open (non-zero) balances in the general ledger, usually
arranged in the same order as the balance sheet. Once audited and finalized, the trial
balance becomes the basis for the balance sheet.

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