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After unzipping the donwload file:

1. Copy the contents of the folder which correspond to your Maya version in your
prefered plugins folder.

2. Open Maya and type this in the command line:

getenv MAYA_APP_DIR, open a system window in the path displayed, close Maya.

3. Copy the file pdiMaya30.txt to your Maya modules folder( if it doesnt exist
create it), in the path displayed.

4. Edit pdiMaya.txt file and change the route to where you have installed the
plugin, save it.

5. Launch maya, under Window->Setting/Preferences->Plugin Manager it must appear an

entry called "pdiMaya3xDemo", check it to load the plugin.


copy the contents of the folder pdipro30lMaya2013 to E:\PDI\Maya_2016.


C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\maya

open it in windows an copy the pdiMaya.txt to the modules folder.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\maya\modules

edit the pdiMaya30.txt file and replace the route,

+ Thinkinetic 3.0 E:\Temp\pdiMaya\


+ Thinkinetic 3.0 E:\PDI\Maya_2016

save the file and close it.

launch Maya and check the "pdiMaya3xDemo" entry in Window->Setting/Preferences-

>Plugin Manager.

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