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H€s Or+ I I Oi-: l?p Ortho 7 1 3 5 O O . +1 2 3 p.

1ti*rr' 5cr11 fu'lon'

1i/'ct"- fi-*&t'y
A Comparison of Shear Bond
Streng[hs Among DifFeren[
Self-Etching Prirners
LeeannS. Evans,D.D.S.,

KathleenR. Ir4cGrory,

J e r y lD . E n g l i s hD. . D . S .M
. ,S.,

Joe C. Ontir,'eros,

JohnM, Powers,Ph.D,

GaryN. Frey.D.DS.. Ph.D.

iackie Duke,M.S..Ph.D.,

The Unlversityof TexasDental

Branchat HoustonDepartments

and Restoralive

Dentistrvand Biornaterials

3 1Z T*asJen:rll:urnai Spril
l'lag O4 I 1 O2: 17p Ort,ho p.7

By the 1980's,bonding of orthodontic brackets

had become ihe routine technique for attach-
i*g fixed appliances to teeth, replacing the need
to fit and cement bands on each toothr {1}. This t

modif,cation in appliance attachment revoltttian- :


jzed orthodontics. Before, each tooth required a I

band. This meant a band must be fitted, have a

bracket welded to it, and-be cemented onto each
tooth. Not oniy lvas this process tirne consuming
and frustrating, but it meant 4 to 6 millimeters ;

of space per arch was needed to seat the bands,



h.{any cases that perhaps cauld have been treated I

rn'ithout tooth extraction ended up needing extrac- t

tions to accornmodate the band space.

t t'*-

I'Iiury differerrt products and bonding tecirniques have been marketed

for orthodontic bracket- adhesion to enamel. The standard, hon'*ier. still
seerns to be the acid etch technique introduccd b.1,Buomrcore in 1955 {2,i.
In this techniquc, a 37-percent phosphoric acid is rubbed on the enarnel
sur{ace for 15 seconds. This crt-:ates pores in the enarnel, rnaking it more
penctrable ta an adhesive. Once the etched tooth is rinsed and dried, a
primer is appiied and light cured before the bracket is banded qith a resin
ceurent. Over the last 25-30 -vears, m.any alterations have been made
ta this process {3- i3i. Eac}r neq; advancemeni decreasrs the rturrrber of
stef:s reqr-rired at cha.irside or is marketed ttith a ner\r promise of rcsis-
tance to moisture or reduced agitatian Lime. First, the orimer and adhe-
sive u'e:'e cami:ined in fit1h-generation bonding aplenls. eliminat:ng onc
c'f the thret-'steps (10). Fior.vall three products have been combined inlo
orre easJi step; thus sixth- and seventh-generalior self-etching primcrs are
easicr to use and require less chair time {10, i 1).

At first, these self-etching primers were designed ior bonding to dentin,

but norl., there are se\rcra.l orr the mari<et that ei'e iritended for bonding to
eni:mel, A sixti:-generarion self-etr:hing primer rvas designed specifir:all3,
At first,theseself-etching
for orthodonr.ic use bV 3l{ Lrnitek, Transbond Plus Self-etching Prirner. primersweredesigned
This bondi::g svstenr is distributecl in a unit dose pacl.lage. The contents
of tri'o blister welis are mixed in a third rvell l:efore applicalicrr. GAC
ta denlin,but nov
dcvclcpec a seventh-gt'r'leratian self-etching prir.rerr, Ideal l. This seif- thereare severalon the
etching primer. also designed particularly for orrhiriontie usij. requires na
rnixir:.g" Rccetrtly, Reliance Self etching Prirner lvas created for orthorlontic
markettha[ are intended
use as well, T*'o separate components are contair:ecl w'ithin inrliuidual for bonding
[o enamel.
cl'lindr'rs in a cartridge r.*hich is ioaded into a di.spenser. The srvc iiquids

| ,!iil li09
elasfr.r.filicurnal 3 13
Has O4 11 OZ:17p Ortho 7L350041?3 p.3

Table 1. Meansfsr BondStreng[h,MPa.

Adhesive Time Condition

Control Water Saliva

lvle:n Std. Dei,'. lvrlean Sic, Dev. Mean Std. Dev.

15 3.6 16.8 6.7 17.3 8.1

PhosphoricAcid iPA) "7.9
24 4?.5 13.3 28.5 11.7 25 . 2 11. ?

TransbondFlus Seltetching 1tr 14.6 1.8 ?1.0 3.3 17.9 S.3

PrinreriTB) 24 31.8 7,3 ?4j 13.4 21 . 2 7, 8

1tr 24.3 2.0 23.7 1.5 24.1 5.3

PrimeriRFL) 24 29.4 8-1 29.3 12_3 37_g 6.0

GAC ldeal1 $elf-etching 15 3.4 ?.7 6.9 -1.1 8.8 3.9

Primer{GAC) ?4 O-,' 4.1 10.7 3.9 r0.s 3.5

dispcnse simultanecusl3-into a dappen dish as the ph-ingeris pushed.

This resenoir ean hreprr:tected...rith a iight shield to dela1,'*uri:rg.

The purpose af this str-rdy rvas to conlpare the shear bsnd sk'engths at-
tained r,r.hen using these three seif-etchjng primers under three differeni
conditions: according to manufacturer's instnrctions, lr.ith salva contam-
inaLioii. ar:d u'iih water eantarninaticr:. These'cr:nditi.cns lsel-ir srudied, at
trvo different deboncl tirtres: l5 minutes and ?4 h$ur,c.

hundreo and fort_1'e.rtract-ed bovinc irrcisors lyere storcd in a dis-
infecting scluticrn ai 0 25 percent sodiun: azide solution in salinc lar no
nroi'e than -3 months. The roots of thc incisors 11rei:r]slr*rtened '"vith a
slorr;-speed diamond salv ilsor-net. Buehler, Lake Fr:rest" II-. USAI to bs
embcdded in resin clilinders. Tire facial surfaces of the incisors nrere lcfi
e>:posed to L:e used as t:nnding surfaccs. The ensrnel *'as trcft rrnabraded
i.a sin:uia:e alt orthodontic bonding enr,:ronnreni.. Tire sperimens lrrrre
rp^rtdomlv rjivided inlo four groups oi 60 specirncns eact:.

trnch oi'thr: lbur groirps was La r*present sle *f three scll'-etching prim-
ers {-lh'i Linitc=k Transbond P}r:s Seif-etc}:ing prinrer, Rr}ia::ce Self-etching
prirner', cAC ldcal I Self-etching primeri or a .3S-percent phosphoric acid
etching systern rvhich ica"sused as the ccntrol. The l-urrr groups cf 60
were fr,irther dilrtded ii'rtcr groups of 10 specimens tc tesi three canditiuns
al lrvo dilterer:i debsnd tiines. The thr"ee ccnditis-s wei'e: accarclirig tu
rnr+nufaeturer's instructions, roiltarninated with sll"liva, zut,l contarni:rated

lcrasierla'h,-r::rai -qplilLi.;:;
- 71 3 5 0 0 4 1 2 3 p.4
l'lag O4 11 O2: 1?p Ortho

q,ith.,r,ater. debond rimes 1tu"er€15 rninutes and 24 hours.

Tht: 1-u,CI Befo|e

trapdir:g. each specimen undent ent a purnice proph3'laxis: for 5 seconds

with a non-ffuoridaieci, oil-free puinice. and rvas then r:nsed f*r I O sec-
onds. For the groups l:ontlecl according to manufactllrer'$ instruclions,

t.he foliou'irg bcnding techniqti€s vi'€r€ follorr,'ed: Fcr ihe contr*l group,

thc specimens were blo',rn dry, then erched 3S-percent phospiroric
acid ctchant for I5 seconds, then rinsed foi- i5 sec$nds- A thil coat +f
light cure i:diie sive primer rvas then appticC to the incisors rrsing a inicro-
hrush. For the Transbond Plus Seb-etching Pirner grfrup, the specimens
ll.ere bionrr ciry, then the thoroughl:,- mlxed priner was rutrbed on the teeth
for lj to 5 secorici*. An oil arrd rro:.sturc-lree arr source rvas used to deliv* a
gentie air burst for one to tn'o seconds to dry the primer into a thin fiim. Fsi
Reliance Self-etching Primer, the tnoroughly
mixed primer liquicls rr.'erescrubhed ont"olhe
air-dried enanel surfaces for 5 sec*nds, The
s'.rrfacesl!'ere then dried with t'.v* pr*langeci
bursts of cornpiessed air. For GAC Ideal 1 Seli-
etching Prirner, thc primer was applied tl ihe
thor*ughlv air-<iried inciscrrsar-rclleft fcr a fuli

tt 6
20 sccotrds. Tht-'rtihe teeth were blau'n dry
so that. no exsessprimer remained- Fsr the
gfoups that tested con:aminati*rr. 2 microliters
of either saliva or n'aier wa-spipctted onto the
air-dried surface oI the incisor just belbre the
prirner lrras applied according to manufactur-
er's instructions.

Each mounted tooth was placed into an Uitra-

dent shear-bond test jig ts lacilitate bancl-
ing of a resin c-ylinder to the facial surface.
The resin used for all groups ruas 3M Unitek
The purposeof this
Transbond -XT. Photopoil'meiization lvas accornplisheci rt-irh arr Ortholux
studywasls comparethe LEIJ {3['li Uniteki curing light. The curing light was Seld directiy over

shear bond strengths the opening in the jig to tlre resin. Each c_ylinder *'as light-r:ured for 10
seconds acco:ding to n:,anufactlrrcr's instn:ctrons lbr bonding ceramic
atbainedwhen using
brarckets. I-he specimens in the grolrF' to bc debonded ai 15 minutes \trere
these thi*eeself- sheared utilizing a unirrersal testing rnachine {irrstron C*rp., Canton, I!'lA,

etchingprimers under USA; at a crosshead rate of O.5 mmr/minute. The speei:r-retlsin the group
to he debanded at ?4 hours lver€ placed in distilled water in an ir:cubator
three different at 37"C tc simulatc the cral environment prior ta debanci. The specimens
cnnditions:according lvere debondeC. r.rtilizing a unigersal rnachine flnstron Co:'p., Can-
ton, il,IA. USA] at a crosshead rate cf fJ.5 mm/minr:te.
fc manufactui'er's
instructions,with saliva h1ean r.'alucs arid standard deviations of bcrrd srrengths rvere caiculated.

contanrination,and with The data rvei:e anal1'-zed statistical$ rryith anaiysis uf variance {ANL}l'r-{i alid
Fisirer's PLSD niultiple e:cmpartsolis tt:st perfnrrned at ih* *.t15 level af
wa[er cantarnination.

Trtailarflaky,i:tt | .iprili0iS 3i 5
Has O4 l1 O2:18p On thcl 7135UO41?3 p.5

Figure1. lnteraction
BarPlotfor BandStrength,

il Control
Mean Bond E l&ater
Strengths E Satrva



Adhesives & Debond Times

15 Minutes and 24 Hours

ventional phosphoric acid etching sy;tern- T.*orthe

Results control grouF debonded at 24 hours, the phosphoric
ar:id s_r,steirTneasuredthe highest bond strength
Sixly teeth were hondecl using each prirning system 3j. h: all six scun;rios_ GAC ldeal t hatl thr
far a total sarnple size of t40. Each prime-. group
lcrn'cslbcnd strcngths. The3r-*'ere l**er frtrm the
rvas broken into su( groups rrl' i0 tceth to tcsr t}:e
next higher strength tr3.'arange af E.S-21,6 h{pa.
t."vodebond times f 15 rninutes and 14 iloursi and
the three bonding condilions {control, salir.a cnnt:rm
irr ibur of rhe eight sr:enarioccomparing th* ef-
ination, warer contamination|. The bcnd strer:gths fects of co'dition. Lhc control had rhe hignesr bn'd
measured at 24 hcurs r{verealways greater than
sirer:gths. Horvever,in trne of thssr, Reliance SEF at
thcse measured a.r l5 rninute s for corresponding
i5, fhe conirol g16up's br:nd sii-er:gthrr;as
groups {Figure 1i. Orly one 24-hour measui-ernenr,
not signifirertl-y higher thzur cirher crthercondition
GAC ldeal i rvith salila contamination, was ncrt iFigure 2). The cont:rol graup irad"thc lorvesl ]:ond
higher b1' a critical iifference than the correspr-rncl-
sircngths iri Lhreeof tht: scenarios. IrHatercontami_
rt...{n1€f,sureruent taken at ]S ininures.
natinn had the irighesi b*nd strerrgths irr t,"r,oof
ttre scenarios. but was o*lv significarrtil,-higher in
Jrr five of the six scenarios that compared tht: prim_
one- It had ihe ls11'sstbcnel $trengths in rhree af the
ers, Relia:rce StrP had thc highe st band. srrengths.
scenarios, but in ncne of the se rvas il significanti3'
Horr,.ever,for t*'s of thcse groufis, its measure;'trnt$
drfferent lrorn the next highcr measurement. saliva
T'rere not significantly differer:t rhan ti:ose of ti* cu'-
contarninaticn l'iad the highest bon,l strengths for"

3 15 Te,*a,
I "r;qii
Has 04 1I O?: 1tlp Ontho 71350il4173 p.E

Figure2" BondStrengthC*mparisons



Figure3, BondStrength at24Hours.




fj Contrri
_$ t/{ate:
Mean Bend E
I Salita
{MPa} n



'ci;ar j-lt
Dirtld;10 l .tp:ili'li'; 3 17
l'lag 04 11 O2: 19p Ontho 71350il41e3 p" 7

nva cf rhe scetrarios, but also q'as only signifrcantly higher ir: *ne. 1 L-:ai
the lorvest i>ond srcngu:s rn f*"o of ti:e scenarios. Reliance Siiir showed
lhe highest bc'nd strengihs ir: eech c;f the c.;ntaminated canditicrns for
tirsse specir:ens debor:de<! at troth 15 rninutes and Z* h$uts.

Ever sirrcc Eur:n*core revr:luri*niz*d drnicai *rthc*dantics in 1955 b3,
inrroducing the asid etch technique. there have been tluxlt:rou.s attemptr
to t-unher irnpr-ol-ethe protocc,!. Prcducts}1ar.e bccn rnarketed to im-
prilve bond streugth. red"ucctronding steps, a:rd decrease chair tirne. {Jn
product tirat has certainh,' sinrpli$ed the bsr:ding procedure is the self.
etching prinier, This pr+duct contbines ihc etchzu:ii,primer, arid ircnding
agent into one step. proving it to be quite adr,'antag*CIusccrmparedro the
cofllientiorial phcsphoric acid etchii:.g techniqur- Transbond Flus Scll:
eiching Primer, a 3I*i1uniteic produr:t, was the first seli-r:tching prirner
desigp'redfor *rthodont-lc use. $thers have been intl-,]du*ed ta the marke'
including GAC Ideal I seli-erching primer, but 3h{ siiil seems tc be the
predominantl3i used selF-etciling prirner in clinici
clinica!sr.- +rthodcntics. A new. product called Reliance Seli
etching Primer has recent'I1.-brcn developed for
in 1955 byinraducingthe acidetch
orthodonlic use as r,l-ell.
there havebeennumerousat[enrptsto
further improve the probocol. Frgducts have been Ttlis studlrcompatedshearbondskengthsusin€
steps, and decneasechair time. plus self-etching
primer.cAC ideal I ser-erch-
ing primer, and Reliance Self_etching primer. Th.
bond strengths were measured when bonded
according ro mamufacturer's instructions and when contaminated \iith
either rvater or saliva. The sarnples werc shearcd at lS fiinute$ and 24
hours after bondins.

Eacli of ihese prod'ircts is packaged differentt_rrand i:as specific bonciing

irrstructions. Transb*ni PIus S*lf-etE:hingtYirner {:ornes in incii'irlrral foii
packets n"ith biistered resenoirs and a rnicrobrush. Eaeh packet con-
tains enr:ugh self-etching primer icr cne arch. The srif-etchir:g prin:cr
is activated by combining the contents cf the frrst 6"nrlssqand rvells and
churning thcm thorcughly in tlre third u'ell. 3h{ instn-rcts that each
(.r:othshor-ild be nibtrect far s t* s seconds anri ti:e
brush shouiri be
reciipped betrveen applications. Before bra.cket placement, the la.,r-cr: sf
seit--etching prirrrer sh:oulc{he thinned v,.iri:,a-gentle burst of air {br 1 to
2 seconds. leavir:g the enarnr:l surt-ace *hi:-ry, *AC tdeai i Seit-_eici:ing
Prirncr comcs individuali-*-packaged as rveii, A piastic tab is trvisted off
the capsule zurd the accompalS'ing rnicrobrush is used t6 appl.,, the sr"-lf
etctring prirner. The self-eiching prirrrer should he k:fi r:n t5e to*th far

3 I :r.-:id\De..l1af
r.,urnaf I ApritJt}:r.q
l{as n4 I1 O2:l5p Ort,ho 71350il4123 p.s

l-r ful! 2O seconds bcfsrc being ccmpletely dried Heferences

r,r"ith a strirng bi*st of air GAC rec*inr:rer:ds
prirning, one quadranl at a tirf,e. Reliancc Self- 1. Prcffit WIi, F'ields !{W. Contemp$:anr Orrh*-
ctching Pimer is pacl<ageci fnr r:ri:lti:rle uses. dantics. St. Louis, MO: \Iosby, 2SOil; :-tii?-Sgg.
The dispen$er l:as t"x'rr c$rrlpaftrn*rrt-" ke*ping 2. \1G. A simple nrethod r>fincreas-
tl're components $epai"aie uiltii dispensed inlii a ing the adhesion of acryiic filiin"q rnaterials to
rnl'ring weli. If the tell is prcrtected fronn liqht. it enamel surfaces, J Dent Res 1955; 34;849-BSS.
rrra3,'be '-rsed for r:p tc 6 h+urs as l*ng as rn-,- 3, l\trer,r,-r:ran
G1;'" Epory adtresives for adhsdantie
cr*bnishes are ni;t rcu*qed aiter beir:g contami atlachrrrents:' P'r:gress reF,*rt.. Arii .] fJrthod
nated. r{ saturated rnicrr:l::ush is used i* *r:i-ui; Derrtofac Orth*p i9b5; 5 i :9* l-g i2.
tire enaniel surface rr-rth the disi:ensed lisuids l'clr +. Newrnon C\i. Fecq JM- The cffects of ad.hesive
.> securtis. svsterns on taoth si.rrfaces. Am J Crthod flen-
toJac 0rthr:p 1971; 59:67-75.
Seif-etchi-ng prirrrers can defrniteil: s'gd*.e th..: 5. Ameijcali Dental. Assaciaiian C*uncil *n Dental
Iengh of bonding prcr:er3ures. Brrth 3S.ITrans- h,Iaterial. Instr.rments and equipmenl- Den-
bond Plus $elfrtching Primer alci Rr:iiancc $elf- iir:" systerls: an update. JAIIA ig8?;
eiching Pimcr dernonstrated rnoie than adefiuate i i 4:91-95.
bond strengths for use in elinical crthodr:n*ics- b, *ls*n ME, Bishara SE, Ba3'er *8, Jacobsen
The major differ*nce in the in c pruducis is the JR. Effect of vairtng etching tim*s r:n thc trsnd
crtntrasting s44es of packaging, r..ach of r.hich c:r:n rtrengi,'l cf ceramic brackets. An-:J ftrthod
have ssrn€ advantage for'.,arieus rca.lons depenC- Dentoiac Orrh*p 1996; 1*9:4il3-"109.
ing on the elinrcian's preference. .fur rn viva sludv 7. Carstensen W. Eitect of redr.rcticn of phos-
tesiing these products ma3i l:e sf idrther use in phoric acir-i concentration on the shear- bond
determining their bonding surjcess.
strengtir of bracket.s. Arn J *rthcci Der.ltol-ac
Oni rop t ?95: 1$8:274-?77 ,

Conclusicn B. Carstensen W. Threeffccts of djfferent phos-

phoric acid cancentration$ r:11*urf.b*c ensntel.
Angh Orthc"rd199?; 62:51-5$"
Both Transbond Plus $e1l'-etcliing trrirner ancl
q. Philips J. Gange P Paul Cange ':n the present
Relianee Self-etchring prirner h:rd bonC strengths
state *f bcr:cling. J Clin Orth*d i 995; Zq".+Zg-
siririlar to thase of the crrntrol grollp trriltcd
'.r.ith phaspharic + 36.
acid, GAC ldeal I
iO. Craig Rfi, Porr.'ersihl" Re*toraJivr: ile:ntr:l Mate-
Pr-irner clemonstrated bond strer-lgths that rvrre
ri;:,is. ilth ed, Masiry, 2$0?; 277-2V2.
significantly lor','er than those of the t_-ont.ri;l
I l. Da'rari AR, \'assaei S, Daneshkazemi AR, yosefi
gffJup. Althougtr the saliva and u.ater contami-
Iv{H. Iiffe cr crf different tl.pes of enarnel con-
naiiori grcitFs shcrved bond strcngths
ditiorrers orr the tr*nd strengtli of orthaclontic
in some of the tcsling scenar-ios, tire rteasrlre-
brackets. J Conremp Dent Pract 2ttil?;{ri}1:03G-
rneftts \.vere still rarellabove the minirnurn i.rc-
o mntended bon d stl-ei^r91tr t-or q,,:th c,cfu:ntic br:nel -
1l- Bishara $8, Gordan \.V. VonKtld L, *lscrn
i:rg. 3[,,I Unitek Trsnsbond Sclf-ctc]ring primer
ME. Effect sf an acidic primer on sheer banct
and Reliance Seh--etching redu*e t-he
stren$h of orthodont-ic brackets" Arn,tr Clrrhr:d
number of l-ronding steps and .achier.reaccept-
able bcnd strengths- Therefrrre- rhev are hofh
1898; L 14 :243 -247 .
Dcntofac Orr--hr-rp
13- Asgari. S.l, Saias ,{hl, Er.:.glis!'r.Ili, P-i:r'""*rs
pracdcal options lbr orthc*lontic bend,inc.
Ciinical evaluatioll *f b$n{i faiir-rre rares rrs-
ing a nev.'self-e-tchingprimrr. J Clin
?Oo2:i 36]1?:687-6fi 9,

iia: i]sir:;r:;rlrl i nfilrrili? I19

Has C4 i1 il?r"ilp Or tho ?13=ilO41e3 p-S

L, S h'.iiiitn+i r:r bledicirie
t,la' olsl in:t:luies cf Hee:th

Dispiay$ettings: Abstrect
Tex DentJ 2009Apr;1Zfi(ai:31?-9

A comperisom sf shear band strengths arnsng different self-etching prirneFs.

pi:ryers Jhl, Frey GN, Duke..j.
E:{ans !-s. McGrory KE, English JD. srrtiver_r:s_.r_c,
The Univenity of T€xas DerltalEranchat Houstoi].Departmeni*f Orihcdsfitie ana ResisrffiiueD*ntistry,USA..

8y ihe 'i9S0's, bcnding af ortt':cdonticbi-acketshad became'the r*utine iec-srnique iar attaching fixed appliances lo teeth,
r'eplacingthe need t* frt a::d cerller* bands on each trcth {1i. This madifrcaiicn in appiiance aitachffent revcll,ricnized
orthodonties-Befcre, ea*h teoth required a barrd.This meant a berd r-nustbe fitted, have a bracket,selded
ta it, end be
cemented onto each lo*th. Not o*ly was this process tirr.e ccnsuming and frustratirg. but it meant 4
to 6 nrilljmeterscf space
per arch lvas needed ts seat the band$. Many cases that perhaps cculd nave be+n
treated without t*slh extractian ended us
needing extraetionsto aoegmmcdate the band scace

PMID; 1947?55SiFubMed - inr1exedfor F,,,ifSLlNEt

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