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PRODUCT NOTE NO. 8510-3 Measuring Dielectric Constant with the HP 8510 Network Analyzer The Measurement of Both Permittivity and Permeability of Solid Materials WA eaceane Measucement of complex permittivity e) and permeability (noo vector quae of lcs Gr sbsorpve materials as geined increasing importance with expanding use of the [cad microwave spectrarn particlaly communication indcketromapretic countermeasure applications In avon {he network analyer ha een ioteaing we in non-dest- tive measurements to determine the chemical compostionof { vample dielectric material. The method deserbed here is Sete the meacurement of sme peti ad meaty of slid type materials which have bath eee icandenctalic charecterisios and withareltveyhighlons tund.For low loss land mately, the sie measurement Principle also gives valid resale for the dielectric constant [crimeaautement bot the measurement uncertainty of oss factor) igh ‘These messurements have been made for years using numerous methods. A conventional technique involves a twoestep pro- (has wainga slotted line or network analyzer Firs, the sample is bucked up by a short circuit end the input impedance is tmensuced. Newt, the short iret is moved 4 from the "Simple to imolate an open cult termination where isthe incident signal wavelength, and a second measurement is made The results ofthese tomeasurementsarcused to se simultaneous equations for ¢, and y,. This procedure is. Fepoated foreach frequency of inerent Uncertain inthe measurement include test Setup frequency response, mis: match, and directivity error, as wellasthe uncertainty inthe physical postion ofthe short ezcut Despite the fact thatthe messorements are dificult to make, time consoming, and prone to errors, much data has been ‘gathered using ths or similar methods. ‘hen derberaprceurefor ing te HP 810 network Tagen tbinpete fabs ures wie a ec al re Shc ang acape Siewtency pins ehoped and enced scr eum taa Boa gee cpa of the HP seve exs Cini te tet ela ites he eaten steven ccrscy een fren ‘Thecriginal idea for computation of complex permittivity and permesbility from Siparameter data was suggested by icoleon and Ross! for ther time domain measurement of Aisociric materials In the Mdoal care, consider the sample ‘material ingalled in 50cm (| air ine as shown in Figure > he rr a cay Fare 1 Air Line wh Pld Matra Assuming no source and load mismatches, then equations [AI] through {Ad) in the Appendix deseribe the elecleomagnetic relationships in each epion of Figure 1 By slving th bound: -yeancltions at = Osan! ois poste Lo late 5, “and'Sy(a tothe eflection coefficient ("| and transmission ‘oofficont(] seth the flowing equations: arr Sula) = pre ti a- Tat Sule) = Spe ‘Where ip the reflection coefficient between Zand Z, when the length of materiale efit (= mand VE ist a VEw ‘Theterm Tis the transmission coefficient inthe materials of E Tength) and ean be written Teepe Vive a) = exp [jole] Vine a] (3) ‘Equation (1Jallows F and To be derived by measuring (0 snd Sj) These quantities ean then be used to calculate the ‘complex permitivity (end permeabilty (a) Network analyzers measure the magnitude and phase Fesponse of linesr networks and companents by comparing, thlinident signal with the sgnel transmitted by the deview ‘reflected from itr inpat parameters are used to express ‘measurement results because they provide a simple notation tovrepresen th device responses with exact dats consisting ‘ofalinear magoitude atc and relative phase angle. Ako the Siparameters may be used to compute eter quantities such aS SWR, complex impedance, and group delay as wells com- ples permittivity and permeability Figuce2 showsa signa lowgraph using S parameter notation fora two-port devies. The notation is ead Sq where the first number represents the output port and the second number represents he inpal port. Thus, Sa isthe response measured at port L with the stimulus applied at port The notation 5,0) represents the frequency domain response S40 ots sets ron on ‘Piwe 2S Parameter Flowpaph Neon. Asshown in Figure 3 signal separation devices separate the stimulus sigoal rom the sour info an incident gna seat {othe deviovundor est anda reference signal goiet which the magnitude and phase ofthe reflected and transmied se om a de et ar ogee: Tee ‘nasa proceed by the network analyoe to develop the onplex ratio for dspay Figure Naork Avon Spd Bock Diagram Measuremen! His ‘To measure the complex permittivity and permeability ith the HP 8510 network analyzer, arneasareraent fixture must be fabricated to hold the sample, This sample holders a coae ior waveguide transmission line, and # dielectric semple ‘must be machined to slide nto the sample bolder Its from the parameters of this trnsmission line that, and y, see ‘aleiated. Any SOohm cosul beadles airline oF waveguide Coaxial Measurement Setup ed Coaxial Sample Holder (10 cm APC-7 Beadless Air Line) sample bolder However, itis recommended that the length ofthe sample holder isthe sameasthat ofthe ine the effect ofthe loss and phase shitinthe transmission line between We sample and measurement erence panes. The optimum length ofthe sample material ac tead ltor| For the measurements described here to ferent types of sample holdersare used. Figure shows the physical dimensions of the costal and waveguide sample Folders Waveguide Measurement Setup omar 2 r 1 L i T. pose Waveguide Sample Holder (Xband) oat Le sat Pur & Caza and Weverie Sale Holds 3 “The coaxial sample holder used here consists of 50-0hm, ‘Fim beadles ai in (10cm) with the sample material formed (Groplace the air dsiectse stone ond ofthe ai ine Using this fixture, tis importan! thatthe sample completely fils the farea betweun inner and outer conductor and presents lat ‘Surface atthe reference plane. Measurement calibration is [performed wsing the standards in the HP 850508 7 mm Cal- Fevaton Kit For these measurements, a waveguide sample holder as fabricated by eating the flange from a Teng of standard ‘waveguide of the appropriate band (X-band). Is important That ihe end surfaces of the flange are ws flat anal smooth as possible go that good matingcontacts achieved. Measurement Enibration used typical waveguide standards: a fixed or siding Grtermination, 4 hy J8 offst shoe, and © Sly/ oiset short {where Ay isthe Waveguide wavelenglh af the geometric ‘ean freljuency)- ‘The waveguide sample holder has the advantage that the rec: angular shape makes he sample easy to form. However, the frequency coverages resticted by the highpass characteristic fthe waveguide ‘he soni fixture provides wide frequency ‘overage although ie much more cfu to fom the sample {nto the pproprate shape so that the sample completely ills thoarea between the inner and ouler conductor in he Deals air ine structure Measurement Procedure “The following measurements are made with the HP 8510 network analyer aystem which consists of the HP 85108 Network analjrer the HP RMOA synthesized sweeper the HP S315A S parameter test set and an HP Model 8000 Series 200 computer. Since best accuracy and repeatability are Feared forthe measurement of 50] and 8, (0, the fall ‘2 por ealibraton with step sweep mode and averaging is used, ‘Conversion from $ parameter data measured by the HP 85108 to the dielectric properties Is accomplished by reading trace atanto the computer performing the required conversions ‘and then plotting of isting the results (Refer to Appendix B forthe menvusement flow chart Since Tin equations (AB) an [Ali] isa complex number, thes equations have an infinite ‘numberof root (i, the imaginary part ofthe logarithm is. qual othe angle of the complex value plus 2m, where ms fequal othe integer of, and isthe actual wavelengthin the material). However, the correct value of n can be decided by analysisof the group delay* Also the reference plane ot ‘Sonn the waveguide can be peeformed by using an extemal ‘computer as described in Appendix D. Measurement Results ‘Thee diferent mates, Teflon®, nylon, and polygon, were [ncvured both ncowta and wavepue tmp holders The Tempio each samen he eavegue fires 0-448 cv and tnelsured at 24°C figure 9 shows the measurement esas ‘teeth moterial nthe X band waveguide sample ature The fheamared data agrees elit the data manned wing other {Echnigucs Fr example, the measured for Teflon was 201 SLI17GHeandthisie very cn tothe vale 2043 which as ‘uote by. Roysh ugreconterteshniques® As Telon BPN Sonmagnetic material, its should be vnity. The theasured value was 1.00 t 11.7 GH In the case of nylon, using the cossial sample holder the et ete a) ti wns 299 wich gers wal wis he ‘rau 8 which was quoted by Von Hippel Aga wsylon Mtonmapncte mater is relatve periment shoal be tity Tae measured yale war L081 GH Although no fat are avalale for comparison at higher frequencies, the fheturedvalucet 10 GHz eng he wovegude ample boler feore 2.03 fre, snd 1.00 for, which compares well with the lower freueney data _Asan example of metalic device, a plyron sample |e minture ‘of epaxy and icoo| was measured. Since polyron is mcllli ‘he Felatve permeability i greater than Lad also It shows ‘elatvely high loss dielectric constant and permeability (ie relatively large ¢", andy €or Poyton 4. for Plo Figure 5. The Charctersese andy, Teflon, Nyon and Poon 1 denotes th al prt dente the fmagnary ~ we fr Bayon gure & (Conn) Th Charcoal for Ton, pon ‘ant Pn donates the eal part amt the imaginary ‘Table 1 shows thee and y, characteristic of Teflon measured in the coasal ai ine [10 em). The length of sample i 0.5m and meaeured at 2 GHeto 4 GHz, and 25°C neat agony | Raat Haginaey Bue) Gs | ue ei) 8] & LEE | | is ‘abe 1 Tflon Measurement Coasal Fare Measurement Speed ‘The date inched here was measured using the fll 2port error mode, which requires actual measurement of al four Siparameter ofthe two port sample holder st 201 frequency Dalai using the step sweep mode with an averaging factor of 128, After measurement calibration, the system requices bout 2 minutes fo produce flly averaged data and perform, the required conversions Measurement ime cen be reduced bby reducing the numberof frequency points to 51 or 101 and Aereasing the averaging factor. Accuracy Considerations Several error factors, such a instrumentation, dimensional er rors caused by an airgap between material and conductors, by roughness of the srfae ofthe material, ae by the highee order [mode exstation, must be considered inthis measurement Due to the complexity of modeling these contributors, only the instrumentation ad dimensional erors ure considered Instrumentation Error. The measurement errors and ‘i, dc to instrumentation ercor can, in principle. be eat latad by using the partial derivetive technique. However, the following eror analysis is done wing = computer simolation. Because the instrumentation error of the HP 8510A depends fon the magnitude of the measured Sy, (a} and Slo itis necessary to know the bebvior of these parameters forthe ‘ven material as a function of frequency. ‘The characteristics ofS) and So) forthe given materia ‘ean be calolated from equations [1,12] and [A15} Figure ‘shows the simulated characteristics ofthe Teflon sample [length = 0.445 em) the X-band waveguide sample fixture ‘The assumptions are, = 203, e%, = 0.0008, y1,~ 1, and w= Dat those frequencies. Fir & Simla 8, fo) and 5) fr Ton (12 GH Pal Seale = 1) Figure 7. Maas (4) an Sy) fr Ton (612 GH ull Sale = 1) Figure 7 shows the actual measured data and shows that the simulations agree with the measurement ‘The magnitudes of , (a) and S, (a) vary from 0507 0 0.422, 4nd 061 to 0.905, respectively. The instrumentation errors tthe HP 8510 syste for Sy, and Sy (ofr this magnirede ange are about 10.005 [£1 degree), and £0.005 (+025, ‘egre) respectively, After knowing the calculated 6), (a) and, fa, the measure- ment error for, and y, can be calculated. The computed Imerimam measurement errors and ly, fortis measure> ment are: Ae = 20.025 Ay = 2013; Se, = 2002: and Mu", "T0003 The measured and p, for Tefion are within this ‘messurement uncertainty. From the computer simulations, the measurement acuracy for «andy, with tis technique twas found to be approximately 1% when the permittivity Depetmeablity ofthe sample srclatvly smal a ith Teflon And nylon, However, because ofthe are eros ine andy, tow losstand measurements are dificult with this technigue {Toget reasonable accuracy, the [os tand0of the sample should be greater than 0 ‘Optimum Length of Sample Material. Te instruments tion error forthe HP 510 eystem depends oa the magnitudes OF Sj(e} and Sy(a) The magnitude and phase errors for Syla increase when |S, [al] approaches O and decrease ‘wlisa approaching 1. ‘The mapnttede and phave errors for Syja are about #005 dB and +025 degrees, respectively, land these are practically independent ofthe magnitude of ‘She when [Sy (el i between 0. to J. For further infoome tion onthe instrumentation error, plese refer tothe HP 8510 data sheet AAs |S» | usually bigger than 0.1, the minimum error for «andy, occurs when [Sy a) is maximum. Beeause of the (berth/8 wansformer effects the maximara and ranimam (Shia) occur when the length is an 1 and (n+ 11K, respectively. This means that the sample lengths elected {orbe length — Aj, the uncertainties for ¢ and y, willbe sinimized, ‘The wavelength inthe sample material inthe coaxial sample fintare can be celeulted hy the following equa +%(7-) wl where ys the wavelength in Fee space. Because ofthe dispersive characteristic ofthe waveguide sam ple ature, the So] and Sy fa) characteristics differ fom fhat‘of the coaxial sample finture. In the waveguide, the ‘wavelength lean be calculated as follows sm ( Vay ) 8 (le coma Hine, A, = %) Figure 8 shows the simulated, (a and Sof responses {toma to t2 Giles the ein tne Det engel wren Ineasured in the coacial and reveguide sample holder, and tindcstes how the behavior of fe two seaponss airs between the ta mesturements Ain Coss Semple Holder (Pll Sele = 1) Figure 8. Sonate Ron a) and) bhaor 6:12 GH: eh Sea em eye BOS = O00 ps y= OL ts Woveuide Sample Holder Pull ele = 2) Sua ad Sy eh (612 ‘Sono i Figure & (Conined Simted ek ‘Uncertainty ofthe Sample Length, The uncertainty for, and y, caused by a small evor in specifying the setual physical Length ofthe sample material i, fr practical pur poses, proportional tothe percentage ofthe error. Experience Incatethisto he tranforlength specification error smaller than percent Thus a percent error inte length of material produces about I percent ertor in the «and data. As is fot unasualy feu to form the sample length to within "E001 mm accuracy, the uncertainty da loan eror inthe Engh character the sample materia isnot main factor for this measurement method. Further Enhancements Using Gating Because of imperfect system source and load mate, and [because accuraryeshancementtechriqus cannot completely Temove theve musmaich ellecta (rom the measurement, {esidual mismatch erors willbe seen inthe measured dat {As the effective load match ofthe HP 8510 system after fll 2-portertor correction i about 40 4B (0.0), the mismatch error is 40.005 hen the reflection coeficont magnitude of the matcial is 09, This wil enuse some ripple in te (0 Characteristic and produce visible nipple the ¢ and, ‘haracerstcy. Thiereor appears as note fhe ire dors fesponse By galing around the main path response of the sample the effects ofthe mismatch eror can be further ee: {Suced. This improvement also takes place in the (ated) frequency domain Sy, o) data and subsequently in the, and i dts Por farther information 9m ime domain and peng, plese refer tothe HP S510 Operating and Programming Nana Figure 9 shows the ¢, characteristic of Teflon with and without time domain gating. Gating hs reduced the eects fof source and load match ple inthe, characteristic A.NoTine Doms Gating Faure 8 of Tin Wik ond bet Tne Domain Gating Conclusion ‘This technique is usable forthe measurement ofboth and 4 of materials which have relatively high oss tané(20.1) and {fiseapeially useful for thc evaluation o absorptive materi ‘Themeasurement of low losstand samples (cb 01), however, {difficult using this technique and requires different one suchas the resonator techniques Appendix A "The flowing shows the derivation ofthe formulas fr permitivity and permeability em ave oot Tem ue en fs (at) we tmen ave omy ib em ave ot ANE ST Osta 182) Ie gs em ve emt Vyavy Enea trata nek (ot om) wry reppin conta nc = & VIET es a felt ae Fae OSes ieesner CS fey oti ese Reel eee EER ere EonAe ain FanSSfoitey etl Feng el IRE Splits ISR dine in ater SNOPES “The boundary conditions for Figure Al are: ‘, te 1 G0 \; ated (sa Roh tad From equations [A] through [Ad]. the and ean be vritn: TeKaVRRT [as] where, xc ~ Sula Soll +1 Bie p= Sule! + Stell = ia TSB ite) + Se (4 roi equation (2) (3] we can define x and ya follows: Be (28f Jo ian wee [Sop (as) the, we VEE rc ae VE tao) For measurements using the waveguide sample older, the ‘equations [A7] and [AB] can be writen as follows z eG] em where Re(4) = “ ae ry fae ee pce arden =e wengot (eed) ‘Note: Equations (12 and [A13) ae also applicable to mea: ‘siemens ung the coaxial sample older where = © a at tas) ius, ine wh Ped Mato Appendix B ~ ‘The following chart shows the messuremnent procedure for permittivity and permesbility of slid type materials ‘The measurement procedure fore, and 4, Setup 8510 System 4 Input Cutoff Frequency + Perform Full 2-Poet Cal (Coaxial or Wavegside) ‘ Insert Sample Material ' Input the Material Length 4 Input Reference Plane Rotation ‘ Measure, Sy.) 1 ~ sai) 3 Caleulate F Fa Ks VRPT, whee = Bute = Stall = + [Sulol + Sula) =F CalulteT Te Biter Seal 4 aul, v Catelte g + Prin «and Lot aye ‘ wine f= ~[ota » CH} Prats and a + Bnd Appendix ‘Following isan example calculation for poyiron type materiel Measured 8, (0) = 0.382 178.8" Sule) = 0308 L — 156.1" and the measurement frequency, fy is 10 GHz. ‘The sample is inerted into the X band sermpe holder. The length of sample is 0.2 cm, and the cutott frequency for X band, f, estrone Fiat allt K ‘Sut(o) - Sy?(w) +1 x - Sutlel = Site 1 1125 + jo0st Therefore, Treks VEFi = (1126 + j 0061) + VERE ITT— Because fs then, Fr -1d26 = 0.081) + (0528 ~ 0.108) = [Sula] + Sula) = 6 T= Bylel + Salo = 04s7t “189° an (2) » on (2.188 1509 « tm (2.188 (2686 rad = (2.89) + j 2.686 + 20) here, 8 = 0,1, 2,3, --»thedateger of (a), Thien can be ‘etermined by anaiyes ofthe group dey or tan be estimated {rom 4, using the predicted values of and forthe sample For the case thatthe parameter a sequal 00 then, tn(H) = 0769 + j 2696 0.598 - 0.058, t 0410 ~ 50201 1 * Ege (07es « 2600 de aaseenr cna Re (2) > 0, hen, 2487 ~ 50605 = 22274 165° JED. casa —jo04s - 02584 -102" since i) = 10GHs, a = 4878 em Therefore, 6557 GHz, Ler ry ae 2227 L 16S" x 0258-102" _ 9949) 265° Vir - aa ° ° Ged w 1 [24.9601 14740 « TSP) x 3 . - eee = 207-35: Ths ey = 200 e220 Appendix D Reference plane rotation, ‘When the reference plane for the measurement is different from the original calibration plane, the corresponding phase sift ‘must be removed from the measured S, (a) and S(o) data. This will occur whenever the sample length is shorter than that of the sample holder For messuremeals using the coatal sample holder. ths can be done by using the internal HP 8S10A reference plane extension capability. However, forthe waveguide sample holder, an external computer isrequiredtoremovethe nonlinear ‘Phase shift caused by the dispersive characterise. The phase shift for 8, (o) and S,(o] can be calculeted using the following, Equations Fors Vo where /, - (Sy fo = Measurement frequency. rmesne 2 3 VE gay 5 htt ene te aves Forse = ‘eiosy eig ; {5 My dice between he leat line sor aM melessrmon peel hepa oni MO (EY A, b= Mpa dace Ltwcen h alteon plne Phase sit (arb AGS] fn measurement pane of the pot 2. ee He Figure AB. Reference Plane Rotation References 1. AM. Nicolson, G.R Ross. “Messurement ofthe Intrinsic Properties of Materials by Time Domain Techniques IEEE Tans Instrum. Meas, VoL IM19, pp. 277-382, Nov. 1970 2. William B. Weir. “Automatic Measurement of Complex Dielectric Constant and Permeability a Microwave Fre quencies” IREE, Volume 62, No I, Jan, 1974 43, ¥. Kobayashi. “The Measurement of Complex Dielectric Constant at Microwave Frequencies” 1982, written in Japanese 4. Arthur R. Von Hippel. "Dielectric Materials and Applica- tions!" The MIT Pres, Cambridge, MA. 5. BW. Hakki and PD. Coleman, ‘A Dielectric Resonator Method of Measuring Inductive Capecities In the Millimeter Range’ IRE Trans, Microwave Theory and ‘Techniques, Vol MTP, pp. 402-810, July, 1960. u

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