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Source #____ Bibliography (MLA or APA) Sinha, Subhadra Arun, et al.

“Efficacy of Sciatic Nerve

Block for Pain Management in below Knee
Orthopaedic Surgery.” Journal of Clinical and
Diagnostic Research : JCDR, JCDR Research and
Publications (P) Limited, 4 Sept. 2016,

Annotation: (Describe ALL info. that might be The article talks about blocking pain post orthopedic
important for your paper. Explain to the reader surgery of the sciatic nerve (the main nerve of the
and/or summarize what might be found in this spine and the connects to the lower thigh) in order
source) to combat pain of patients.

Potential Quotes: (Are there any significant “Rongstad K et al., evaluated 86 patients after giving
quotes you can use or paraphrase from this sciatic nerve block in major foot or ankle operation.
source?) The block lasted an average of 20 hours [6]. Casati A
et al., studied 45 healthy patients undergoing hallux
valgus repair” (Sinha).

Assessment: (Analyze and explain why Multiple MD Doctors from India’s Poona’s Research
this source is credible) and hospital in Poona, India. They have had their
case study peer reviewed.
Reflection: (How will you potentially use it?) I will use this article in order to show the relevance
of the sciatic nerve in blocking the pain through the
treatments in the lower back. Such implementation
can cure chronic back pain for general victims.

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