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Papers, Please - Beta


This is a pre-release beta and may contain bugs. It is definitely missing some
features. For more information about this game, visit

Press ALT-ENTER to toggle fullscreen (OPTION-RETURN on Mac).

Please send any bug reports to

Beta 0.5.13

Bug fixes.
- No new content.
- Show helpful error when trying to run without enough OpenGL.
- Fixed some issues with continuing a game in progress.
- Fixed "Invalid News0" citation message.
- Fixed crash when continuing from day 9.
- Fixed double-detain bug on scripted entrants.
- Corrected citation penalty amount text.
- Removed Jorji and made day 3 a much more casual-friendly experience.
- Just kidding. It seems the last fix worked. No more changes to day 3.

Command-line parameters

win : Force windowed mode

savedir [DIR] : Override the save directory (full path, must exist)

EG: > PapersPlease.exe win savedir "C:/MySaves/PPSaves/"

(Run in windowed mode and write savefiles to C:/MySaves/PPSaves/)


Lucas Pope

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