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Sally Gazaway

Practicum Task 5 Program Evaluation Rubric

Jane Macon Middle School Library

Part 1: Evaluation of the operation of the media center.

Target Indicator: Level of Proficiency

1. Information Literacy Standards are Basic: Information Literacy Skills

integrated into content instruction: AASL curriculum is comprised of basic library
Standards for the 21st century Learner media orientation skills and instruction on
how to find information
are integrated into content instruction
Comments: This happens sometimes but
not often.

2. Collaborative planning includes both Proficient: The Library Media encourages

the Library Media Specialists and collaborative planning among teachers
teachers to ensure use of library media who are teaching units of similar content.
center resources that support on-going The Library Media Specialist is familiar
classroom instruction and implementation with the website
of the state curriculum and the GPS and adn the Common Core Standards and
CCGPS. encourages teachers to use the resources
available on GSO web page.
Comments: Professional Learning
Communities include the Media Specialist
with the Reading teachers and the

3. Professional library media staff are Basic: The Library Media Specialist
engaged in active teaching role(s). makes recommendations to students for
class projects and pleasure reading. The
Library Media Specialist provides basic
orientation and instruction on information
location skills.
Comments: Media Specialist is brought
into the classroom to teach lessons
occasionally, but it is not a common

4. The library media center resources Exemplary: The library media center is a
encourage and support reading, viewing, critical element in the school’s reading
and listening. program. The library media program
meets the needs of both the
reading/language arts curriculum and
recreational reading.

5. Services are provided to students who Proficient: The library media staff selects
have diverse learning abilities, styles, and resources and informs teachers of these

needs. resources with recommendations to

support students’ diverse learning abilities
and styles.
Comments: Recently expanded the
Spanish collection. The high-low and
high-high level collections

6. Student achievement is routinely Proficient: Together the teacher and

assessed. Library Media Specialist develop a
rubric(s) or another effective means for
assessing student achievement.
Comments: The Media Specialist along
with the teacher have implemented Book
talks. They are assessed through a rubric
and assignments. The Accelerated
Reader program is also in place within the
school media center.

7. Technology Management: provide and Proficient: The library provides an

manage access to digital collections, adequate technology infrastructure to
technology tools and technology support teaching and learning.
resources that support and enhance The library may have a plan for the
instruction and reflect the needs and updating and replacing hardware,
interests of diverse P-12 students, school however it not implemented on a regular
and community. basis.
The library has a virtual environment
which provides basic information
concerning library programs and
additional resources.
The school library media specialist
sometimes promotes 24/7 access to
electronic resources.
Not all subject area teachers may be
aware that there are electronic databases
available for research and to support the
CCSS literacy focus.

8. Technology integration: The school Proficient: The school library media

library media specialist integrates the use specialist directs teachers and students in
of emerging technologies as a means for the conventional use of technology tools.
effective and creative teaching to support He/she encourages adaptation of
P-12 students’ conceptual understanding, technology by allowing students to select
critical thinking, and creative processes. a tool and modify its use to accomplish
the task at hand.
The SLMS integrates emerging
technologies into instruction that reinforce
the skills, dispositions, responsibilities,
and self-assessments in AASL Standards
for the 21st-Century Learner and state

standards that support student

The SLMS often recommends technology
tools to enhance instruction.

9a. If less than bse size: A school system N/A

shall provide no less than half-time
services of a library Media Specialist for
each school less than base size and shall
provide adult supervision in the library
media center for the entire instructional
Base size:
Grades 6-8: 624

9b: If base size or larger: Basic: In compliance with the state board
A school system shall employ a full-time rule, but the Library Media Specialist may
Library Media Specialist for each nase be required to perform other duties on a
size school or larger. daily or frequent basis.
Comments: Library is staffed full-time.
Media Specialist and Secretary. Media
Specialist has lunch duty, but is able to
skip if she has a class.

10. There shall be a plan for flexibly Proficient: Flexible scheduling and library
scheduled library media center access for media staff are available throughout the
students and teachers in groups or as day to assist teachers and students
individuals simultaneously throughout regardless of ability or disability. The
each instructional day. library media center is available either
Accessibility shall refer to the facility, the before or after school.
staff, and the resources and shall be Comments: The library is always staffed
based on instructional need. with one or two staff members. Library is
available before school for students and

11. School library media center square Proficient: Based on FTE, the library
footage requirements based on FTE: media center exceeds minimum square
footage requirements and is large enough
to accommodate large and small groups
and individuals working simultaneously.
Shelving, storage areas, and electric
wiring meet the needs of the collection.

12. Streaming video is used throughout Proficient: Streaming video is used on a

the school to support the curriculum. regular basis to support the curriculum.
Interactive whiteboards and computers The school has several white boards
are used for teaching and learning located throughout the building and used
throughout the school. A centrale on a frequent basis.

electronic media distribution system is Electronic distribution system meets state

also available. requirements.

13. Print and non-print resources and Exemplary: Print and non-print resources,
access to online information are basic to a including subscription databases, access
library media program. A school network to the internet, and other library media
is effective for delivering media resources center resources are available on the LAN
to the classroom and beyond. Multiple throughout the school. Some library
computers re available for student access media center resources are accessible via
to online resources that enhance internet access outside the school.
instruction. Students use library media center
technology independently for extended
projects and information retrieval.

14. All library media resources are Exemplary: The OPAC is available on a
managed for maximum efficient use. The LAN throughout the school. All resources
library media center has an electronic are recorded in MARC format so that
online public access catalog (OPAC). access is available on the LAN and
Funds for acquisition of computers are weeding of our-of-date materials can be
utilized to implement the goals.objectives timely. The OPAC is up-to-date and
set forth in the State Technology Plan reflects the library media center holdings.
2007-2012 or in the System Some library media center resources are
Comprehensive School Improvement accessible via Internet access outside the
Plan. school
Comments: ebooks are accessible on
outside internet access.

15. One if the national educational Basic: Students will be given instruction in
technology goals states: “Effective and accessing GALILEO. The password will
engaging software and on-line resources be provided in a timely manner.
will be an integral part of every school’s Comments: Instruction to the teachers
curriculum.” The GALILEO Virtual Library depends on what teachers want and have
provides Georgia students and teachers time for.
access to exceptional on-line resources at
no cost to the local school district.

16. The local system superintendent shall Exemplary: The SMCP maintains
appoint a system media contact person communication among Library Media
(SMCP) to serve as a liaison to the Specialists in the district. District level
department. administrators facilitate the
communication among the SMCP, Library
Media Specialists, and themselves. The
SMCP understands the role of the Library
Media Specialist and encourages
opportunities for Library Media Specialists
to meet regularly. The district encourages
links on school and district websites for
library media center announcements and

17. Administrative staff support at both Exemplary: The school principal and
the school and district levels is essential district administrators take a leadership
for the development of a strong library role in encouraging teachers to integrate
media program. library media resources into the
curriculum, fostering a climate of
collaboration and inquiry, encouraging the
Library Media Specialist to be
knowledgeable about current educational
trends, promoting occasional visits to
exemplary programs, and providing
budgetary support.

18. Each local board of education shall Proficient: A library media advisory
adopt a library media policy that provides committee exists and meets a minimum of
for the establishment of a media twice a year. Planning and evaluation of
committee at the system level and at each library media program is executed
school. A library media committee makes regularly. (This committee may be the
recommendations and decisions relating same as the technology committee in
to planning operation, evaluation, and some schools.)
improvement of the library media Comments: We meet quarterly.
program. This committee shall annually
evaluate library media services and
develop a multi-year media plan for
budget services and priorities.

19. Local Board approve library media Basic: A written library media policy exists
policy is current. This policy requires and is implemented and updated
development of procedures for the school inconsistently.
system and for selecting materials locally,
handling requests for reconsideration of
materials, considering gifts of instructional
resources, using non-school owned
materials, and complying with the
copyright law.

20. Each local school system shall spend Basic: The library media program
100 percent of the funds designated for receives an allocation for expenditures
library media center costs. every year. This amount meets the
minimum expenditure tests.
Comments: I’m not sure. But I believe this
is based on FTE enrollment. WE have the
2nd highest budget for middle schools.
QBE Funds (Quality based education).

21. Staff development opportunities are Proficient: Library Media Specialist seeks
available both for the library media staff to to enhance his/her professional skills,
enhance their own professional particularly technology skills, beyond
knowledge and for the library media staff those required for recertification or by the
to provide information and technology school district. Library Media SPecialist
literacy skills to other teachers and provides occasional formal staff

administrative staff. Professional development instruction and informal

resources and services for all faculty instruction during collaborative planning
members are provided in the library with teachers. The school system makes
media center for the “learning staff development options available for
community”. library media support staff. The Library
Media Specialist is knowledgeable of the
district professional development
Comments: Schools do have to pay for
outside PL unless it’s a free conference.

Part 2: Action Plan

A. Address Basic Ratings.

Indicator 1: Provide teachers with Information Literacy and ISTE (International Society for
Technology in Education) Standards. Provide opportunities to unpack those standards with the

Indicator 3: During PLC (Professional Learning Community) meetings, discuss time that MS
(Media Specialist) could teach a portion of the lessons instead of just providing ideas and
instructional strategies.

Indicator 9b: Remove MS fro the duty schedule or switch the MS for the Media Clerk on the duty
Indicator 15: MS will provide a systematic Professional Learning on Galileo instead of an as
needed basis.

Indicator 19: Use the recently increased monthly media meetings to review district policies.

Indicator 20: MS will research and apply for Grants as well as finding more fundraising

B. Moving Proficient to Exemplary

Indicator 2: Continue meeting with current PLC (Professional Learning Community), Join other
PLC’s such as the Vertical Content PLC so that MS (media specialist) can meet with all content
teachers at once.

Indicator 5: MS can collaborate with CT (content teachers) to develop non-fiction collection to

better address the standards. Also MS will develop a maker space for the non-traditional

Indicator 6: Set up monthly conferences with students to discuss Lexile level, growth, and
achieve 3000 data.

Indicator 7: Develop a replacement schedule for equipment such as projector remotes, active
pens, interactive slates, and document cameras that may have been purchased by the district
originally, but replacements are the responsibility of the school.

Indicator 8: MS will create more project based learning opportunities for the students. Initially
the MS will need professional learning on Project based learning to be able to redeliver to the
teachers and collaborate on project based learning.

Indicator 10: MS will research and apply for Grants that are available to provide extended hours
for the library.

Indicator 11: MS will move the A/V room to the Career Technology classroom and use the
space for a production and presentation space. Also will add grabbers to the tall shelves to
assist in accessibility.

Indicator 12: MS will acquire an interactive whiteboard that is portable for the media center.

Indicator 18: Increase the meetings from quarterly to monthly to aid collaboration and

Indicator 21: MS will collaborate with the Instructional Coach to determine needs of the teachers
to plan more Professional Learning opportunities.

Part 3: Summary

In completing the evaluation of the media center, I discovered that the media center is working
at a proficient level. That being said, there is a lot of room for growth. The media center is not
working efficiently, collaborating with teachers, or providing a facility that the teachers and
students think to use as a learning space. The action plan that has been set forth will address all
of the concerns of the media specialist. Being able to provide a space that is effective for
students and teachers is the main concern. Students and teachers should feel like the media
center is a hub of the school. The media specialist would like to b e able to collaborate with
teachers and create lessons that will promote authentic learning experiences for the students.
The action plan will help move the media center into being a 21st century space for the students
and teachers. Media specialist is going to need the support of the administration and district to
move the media center forward. It will involve the whole school to create a space the is to
become the center of the school. It will require moving the A/V lab to the career tech classroom
as well as acquiring some equipment for the media center. The media specialist is confident that

the changes will vastly improve the space and the use of the space. Students and teachers
need a space that they can use for a collaborative learning space. The changes proposed will
help create this space.

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