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I love Yasuní

I had been looking forward to going to Yasuní to help my brother with some work he had. Last
summer my brother received a call and the government office told him they were preparing the
itinerary because they would need him to go as soon as possible.

We started the trip early one Sunday but we hadn´t thought that it could take that long to get
there. I was very excited about getting there. Next day, I was going to start the day with
breakfast but I felt sleep I couldn´t eat anything.

By the time I got to the port, it started raining so while everyone was getting there I was looking
how the river increased the flow. I was scared because I hadn´t been learning to swim yet.
However I accepted to go. Then, we went on a boat and took some pictures of the landscape
and as we were having a good time we didn´t realised that it got dark.

At night, we decided to go to the camp and at the time we were sailing, the river flow decreased
and we got stucked at the middle of the river. Our first impression was scared but then we
realised it would have been worst. Finally we can up the boat and had to walk with our feet.

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