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Name: David Zambrano López

Course: 8/17

Coffee as a resource healthy

The people of Guayaquil that work in an offices feel stressed every time because
they work for long time in the office for this reason they don’t have time for relaxing.
A group of professionals examine different way to prevent the stress in the
To star with the analyses a group of professionals decided apply a survey to know
the principal strategies of the employees for combat the stress. The principal idea is
select into the strategies of the employees, a strategy more adequate for implement
in the companies. They need analyses all the options.
The 60% of the employees that participate of the survey said for combat the stress
they drank coffee. The 40% of the employees expressed for combat the stress they
made exercises. The group of professionals offered two options to the companies
for help the employees to prevent the stress.
Then the majority of the companies decided to implement free services of coffee in
the offices to reduce the level of stress in the employees. The companies will offer a
better experience to the employees for that they feel comfortable and improve their
Finally, many studies show that the consumption of the coffee help to prevent the
stress because the coffee has component as caffeine and chlorogenic acid, these
elements have effect relaxing for the body. Coffee as a resource healthy should be
implement their consumption in all place as university, homme, offices.
Takako, Y., & Yamasaki, S. (2002). Modulation of the stress response by coffee:
an in vivo microdialysis study of hippocampal serotonin and dopamine levels
in rat. Neuroscience Letters, 87-94.
Takeda, E., & Terao, J. (2004). Stress control and human nutrition. The Journal of
Medical Investigation, 139-145.

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