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Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (2009) 13, 215–228

Journal of
Bodywork and
Movement Therapies


Charge transfer in the living matrix

James L. Oschman, Ph.D.

Nature’s Own Research Association, P.O. Box 1935, Dover New Hampshire, USA

Received 17 April 2008; received in revised form 26 May 2008; accepted 3 June 2008

KEYWORDS Summary The living matrix is defined as the continuous molecular fabric of the
Living matrix; organism, consisting of fascia, the other connective tissues, extracellular matrices,
Electron; integrins, cytoskeletons, nuclear matrices and DNA. The extracellular, cellular and
Charge transfer; nuclear biopolymers or ground substances constitute a body-wide reservoir of charge
Connective tissue; that can maintain electrical homeostasis and ‘‘inflammatory preparedness’’
Fascia; throughout the organism. Recent research has emphasized the significance of
Extracellular matrix; charge transfer in relation to the scavenging or neutralization of free radicals
Cytoskeleton; delivered to sites of injury during and after the oxidative burst. Evidence comes from
Nuclear matrix studies of the role of electrons in mitigating the consequences of inflammation when
living systems are connected to the earth (earthing). The phenomenon helps explain
how bodywork and movement therapies can facilitate the resolution of acute or
chronic injuries, and how patients with inflammatory conditions may ‘‘deplete’’ a
therapist during hands-on treatments. It is suggested that barefoot contact with the
earth as well as hands-on and hands-off therapies facilitate healing by stimulating
the migration of charges into sites of acute or chronic inflammation. One hypothesis
to explain the effects of earthing is that charges from the ground substance reservoir
prevent ‘‘collateral damage’’ to healthy tissues in the vicinity of an injury. A second
hypothesis is that earthing allows electrons to replenish charge in the ground
substance reservoirs, making electrons available throughout the body.
& 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction: barefoot and charge Coghill, 2003; Ghaly and Teplitz, 2004; Chevalier
transfer et al., 2006; Oschman, 2007, 2008a; Chevalier and
Mori, 2008). These benefits are revealed by
Recent research has documented a variety of improved sleep, pain reduction and rapid effects
benefits from the transfer of charge from the earth on inflammation as negative charges (free elec-
to a barefoot organism (Ober, 2003; Ober and trons) neutralize free radicals that contribute to
chronic health problems. Such health issues can
Tel.: +1 603 742 3789; fax: +1 603 742 4695. arise from either ‘‘silent inflammation’’ from old
E-mail address: injuries that have not fully resolved, or from the

1360-8592/$ - see front matter & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
216 J.L. Oschman

observable symptoms of inflammation: heat (mea- The electrocardiogram

surable by medical infrared imaging), redness,
pain, reduced range of motion at joints and Charge transfer became a major issue in physiology
swelling. Note, however, an important caveat, and medicine with the discovery of the electro-
shown in the text box. cardiogram about a century ago. A question arose
as to precisely how the electrical fields produced
Inflammation: a caveat during the beating of the heart travel to the surface
of the body, where they can be detected with
Repeated observations are revealing that the appropriate instruments. In 1913, Einthoven and
classic signs of inflammation, heat, redness, colleagues made the simplifying assumption that
pain, reduced range of motion and swelling are the human body is a homogeneous ‘‘volume
greatly reduced or even absent when the body conductor’’ with the heart’s electricity conducted
is electrically coupled to the earth as soon as through tissues, with dissolved electrolytes serving
possible after an injury. This has been drama- as the charge carriers (Einthoven et al., 1913). This
tically and repeatedly confirmed during sev- overly simplistic model was useful in the early
eral recent athletic events in which earthings stages of research on the electrocardiogram.
have been used to treat acute injuries. If Unfortunately, the volume conductor assumption
verified, these observations will have profound continues to dominate electrophysiology. For
implications for our understanding of the example, a recent treatise on electromagnetic
functioning of the immune system. field effects summarizes ‘‘electrical transport with-
in tissues’’ as follows:

The fundamental bioengineering perspective is

The barefoot phenomenon has raised questions that the human body is considered to be a
about the ways charge can be transferred within compartmentalized (or lumped element) con-
the body. While a variety of possible pathways ducting dielectric. It consists of about 60% of
exist, this report focuses on the living connective water by weight, in which 33% is intracellular
tissue matrix. We therefore define the living matrix and 27% is extracellular. Body fluid in both the
and explore its potential to mediate charge intracellular and the extracellular compart-
transfer from the bare feet or other part of the ments is highly electrolytic, and these two
body surface to sites of injury. We will see that the compartments are separated by a relatively
properties of the matrix identified by Pischinger impermeable, highly resistive plasma mem-
and his colleagues provide a mechanism for the brane. Current within the body is carried by
whole organism to store charge and therefore to mobile ions in the body fluid (Lee et al., 2006).
react virtually immediately to injury to any part.
Specifically, it is proposed that electrons are stored Hence, when scientists think of charge transfer
throughout the body in the extracellular ground they immediately think of ions diffusing within a
substance and can be transferred via ionic conduc- volume conductor. The various organs and layers of
tion, semiconduction, drift and other methods to tissue are ‘‘lumped’’ together, essentially disre-
the vicinity of an injury. This charge transfer will garding anatomy. This is a classic example of
occur because of the gradient in charge density ‘‘meaning invariance’’ as was described previously
created as of free radicals are neutralized. (Oschman, 2008a). It is a problem that occurs again
The significance of charge transfer extends and again in science when tentative assumptions,
beyond consideration of the response to injury, as useful in the early stages of an investigation are
most physiological and biochemical processes in the gradually taken as facts. Reliance on the volume
body involve electrons in one way or another. conductor assumption has encouraged the use of
Recent studies have shown that barefoot contact approximations that affect virtually every aspect of
with the earth produces virtually instantaneous physiology and medicine, and that pose barriers to
changes in a variety of physiological measures the appreciation of complementary and alternative
(Chevalier et al., 2006; Oschman, 2007, 2008a; therapies. A closer look at the electronic aspects of
Chevalier and Mori, 2008). This report focuses on biology will help everyone understand alternative
the possible roles of electrons in the injury approaches, and will require revision of many
response. Another article will look at biochemical textbooks. Problems long considered solved will
and physiological aspects of charge transfer. We have to be reinvestigated. This step is necessary,
begin by summarizing the research of others who and is overdue. For the diffusing hydrated ion and
have contributed parts of the picture. molecular charge transfer complex are simply too
Charge transfer in the living matrix 217

large to move fast enough through tissues to at certain points on the skin surface can activate
explain the speed and subtlety of living processes, particular muscles. These discoveries document the
including the electrocardiogram. Nor can they presence and therapeutic significance of conduc-
explain the rapid physiological changes that take tive pathways from the skin surface to the tissues
place the instant barefoot contact is made with the and organs throughout the body, and in the
surface of the earth. opposite direction. While skin has a finite resis-
The need for faster mechanisms of charge tance, it is clearly not an insulator. Moreover, low
transfer also shows up dramatically in peak athletic impedance points have been identified on the skin.
or artistic performances involving perception and Some of these are acupoints, and there is evidence
movement that is far too rapid to be explained by that some of these points are electrically coupled
slow moving nerve impulses, diffusion of regulatory to specific organs (Chen, 1996; Major, 2007).
molecules and chemical reactions rate-limited by
diffusion (Oschman, 2003). Moreover, demanding
athletic events can result in acute injuries, and The living matrix
there is strong motivation for rapid healing so the
athlete can re-enter the competition. Experience Evidence has accumulated that the living matrix
with elite athletes has repeatedly documented (Figure 1) is a body-wide communication system
remarkably quick recovery when the injured part that is essential to all living functions. The living
of the body is electrically coupled to the earth and matrix includes the extracellular sugar–protein
when the athlete is subsequently connected to the biopolymers or ground substances, the collagens,
earth during sleep and recovery (Spencer; see water molecules, as well as the basement mem-
Oschman, 2008a). This appears to be true regard- branes, cytoskeletons, nuclear matrices and genet-
less of what part of the body has been injured. ic material. Structural continuity between the
It is often forgotten that controversy about the extracellular, cytoskeletal and nuclear compart-
electrocardiogram began during the 1930’s, when ments was recognized and discussed by Hay
physiologists looked more carefully at the mechan- (1981a, b), Berezney et al. (1982) and Oschman
isms of conduction of cardiac electricity. The (1984), and even earlier by Pischinger and collea-
standard electrocardiogram is often recorded from gues, beginning in 1975 (see below). Historically,
electrodes on the two wrists and left ankle, the interstitial, cytoplasmic and nuclear or karyo-
although other arrangements are used for specific plasmic elements of this continuous matrix have all
purposes. It was soon realized that the electrical been referred to as ground substances (Oschman,
pathways through the body to the sensing electro- 1984). Because of their continuity, these matrices
des are anatomically intricate, and that each tissue form a totally pervasive system, a major organ that
has a different conductivity (Eyster et al., 1933; reaches into every part and that forms all of the
Katz and Korey, 1935; Collin and Plonsey, 1978). other tissues and organs. It is the only system that
These factors are neglected in the volume con- has direct contact with all of the parts of the body.
ductor model. Confusion about the precise nature While it is the fundamental material that our
of the electrocardiogram persists to this day, and bodies are made of, the matrix system has not been
extends to many other biological phenomena recognized by Western biomedicine as an actual
involving charge transfer. organ because it is so intertwined with physiologi-
cal regulations and living structures that it is
challenging to identify it as a discrete system.
Reversibility of conductive pathways Nonetheless the biophysical properties of the
matrix and its components have profound signifi-
It is well known that the electrically conductive cance in terms of biocommunication and other vital
pathways in the body work in reverse, from the skin functions, and can help us understand many of the
surface to the organs within the body. For example, remarkable effects produced by bodywork and
electrical stimulation of the skin to affect the heart movement therapies as well as by barefoot contact
underlies external cardiac pacing and defibrilla- with the surface of the earth.
tion. Likewise, electrical stimulation of the brain When we think of body-wide communications, we
via electrodes on the scalp, in a method known as usually think of the nervous and circulatory
DC brain polarization, is being researched for systems, as they support a variety of messaging
effects on cognition and other aspects of brain functions, with signals carried by nerve impulses
function (e.g. Iyer et al., 2005). Finally, it has and hormones, respectively. However, as early as
been known since the work of Duchenne, in 1867 1845, CB Reichert had recognized that nerves and
(see Duchenne, 1959) that electrical stimulation blood vessels do not directly contact the cells in the
218 J.L. Oschman

Figure 1 The living matrix is defined as the continuous molecular fabric of the organism, consisting of fascia, other
connective tissues, extracellular matrices, integrins, cytoskeletons, nuclear matrices and DNA. This illustration from
Oschman (2000) shows the continuity of the extracellular matrix, cytoskeleton and nuclear matrix.

body. Therefore, the influences of these important Pischinger’s work and that of his colleagues
systems cannot be direct but must be mediated by demonstrated more than any other that the
and through the extracellular matrix. This and a extracellular matrix is not an inert filler substance
subsequent paper (Oschman, 2008b) focus on these or a passive mechanical filter, lying between the
mediations. Here, the focus is on the conduction of capillaries and the cells. Instead the matrix is a
electrons from the skin surface to parts of the body dynamic and vibrant and alive component of the
that have been injured. The following summarizes organism with vital roles in the moment-by-
some of the research on the matrix system. moment operations of virtually all physiological
processes. Under appropriate conditions, the ma-
trix can react quickly as a unit. Signals can spread
Alfred Pischinger virtually instantly throughout the entire inter-
meshed system in an autocatalytic or chain-reac-
The role of the extracellular matrix in mediating a tion manner. The proteoglycans in the ground
variety of important physiological functions was a substance in particular can react to stimulation of
major topic of the research of Alfred Pischinger and various kinds with a form of depolarization that can
his colleagues in Austria and Germany beginning in be rapidly propagated throughout the matrix
1975. Their research has been updated in a 10th system. This depolarization resembles the depolar-
edition of Pischingers classic text (Pischinger, ization of a neuron in that it allows transmission of
2007). The book is important for all therapists energy and information over great distances. Un-
because it provides a holistic perspective founded like the neuron, this depolarization is not ‘‘all or
on biomedical and clinical research. Pischinger none’’ or digital in nature. Instead, it is an analog
recognized that the body-wide ‘‘ground regulation system, with the degree of depolarization propor-
system’’ is responsible for all vital functions tional to the intensity of the stimulus. In a classic
including nutrition of cells, removal of wastes, paper, Becker (1991) described the importance of
inflammation, defense and injury repair. Pischinger this direct current analog system in regulating
expanded on Virchow’s ‘‘cellular pathology’’ model wound healing. What is being ‘‘depolarized’’ or
(Virchow, 1859) by stating that the smallest ‘‘repolarized’’ are the epithelial layers at the
common denominator of life in the vertebrate surface of the skin or surrounding an organ (the
organism is not the cell, but is a triad: capillary- so-called injury potential, reviewed by Borgens
matrix-cell. et al., 1989), as well as the basic electrostatic
Charge transfer in the living matrix 219

tonus established by the vast array of anionic and carboxylate groups of the uronic acid residues)
ground substance molecules. Components of this the matrix is a vast whole-body redox system
ground substance network are shown in Figure 2 capable of absorbing and donating electrons at
and include the following: any point (Levine and Kidd, 1985). This electron
transfer function extends to the interiors of cells as
1. Glycoproteins are sugar–proteins with oligosac- the cytoplasmic matrix is also strongly negatively
charide chains (also called glycans) attached charged (Ling, 1962). In other words, the entire
covalently to their polypeptide side chains. extracellular and cellular matrix is a biophysical
Integral membrane proteins and integrins are storage system or accumulator for electrical
often glycoproteins with their glycosylated charge. One of the causes of the physiological
(carbohydrate) regions extending into the shifts that take place when barefoot contact with
extracellular matrix. the earth is established could therefore be a
2. Proteoglycans are a special kind of glycoproteins normalization of electrical homeostasis in the
that are rich in carbohydrate polymers. They proteoglycan network in the living matrix and its
consist of a core protein with one or more extensions into cells and nuclei.
glycosaminoglycan chains attached. Proteogly- On the basis of thermodynamic, energetic and
cans are the largest macromolecules found in geometrical considerations, it has been concluded
biological systems. that the molecules of the ground substance form
3. Glycosaminoglcans or mucopolysaccharides are minimal physical and minimal electrical surfaces.
long linear carbohydrate polymers consisting of The mathematics of minimal surfaces reveals that
repeating disaccharide units. They are nega- tiny changes in one area can cause large changes in
tively charged under physiological conditions distant areas of the ground substance (Karcher and
because they have a large number of hexose or Polthier, 1990). These concepts have implications
hexuronic acid groups, either or both of which for virtually all physiological and biochemical
may be sulfated. The combination of the sulfate processes, membrane transport, antigen–antibody
and carboxylate groups of uronic acid produces a interactions, protein synthesis, oxidation reactions,
very high density of negative charge. Examples actin–myosin interactions, sol to gel transforma-
of glycosaminoglycans include chrondroitin sul- tions in polysaccharides, and so on (Andersson
fate, dermatan sulfate, heparin, heparin sulfate et al., 1988). Subtle interactions with a living
and keratin sulfate. The glycosaminoglycans system, as minimal as the introduction of a single
stand out straight from the proteoglycan back- photon, can produce a cascade of changes that
bones, and adjacent chains repel each other to shift the physiological state of the entire organism.
form an arrangement like the bristles of a brush Such profound changes have been observed in many
(Figure 2). The result of the charge density is a forms of complementary and alternative medicine,
strong field or ‘‘domain’’ of negative charge but have been difficult to comprehend on the basis
(Hay, 1981a, b). of classical Newtonian physics, chemical laws of
4. Hyaluronic acid or hyaluronan is a non-sulfated mass action, and Avogadro’s or Loschmidt’s number
glycoaminoglycan that is found throughout the (discussed in detail by Heine (1997). As mentioned
extracellular matrix. above, the volume conduction model has also
limited the inquiry into biological energetics by
The fundamental unit of the ground substance is over-emphasizing one of many possible methods of
called the matrisome (not to be confused with charge transfer.
matrisomes in the brain, i.e. neural structures in
the basal ganglia). Matrisomes in the extracellular
matrix are oriented in a self-repetitive or redun- Albert Szent-Györgyi
dant manner throughout the ground substance.
While all matrisomes have the same basic pattern Albert Szent-Györgyi was certain that the random
or organization, no two are alike (Figure 2). bumping about of molecules as envisioned in
The significance for the organism is that the solution biochemistry was far too slow to explain
proteoglycans and related molecules provide both the speed and subtlety of life. He looked for
local and systemic ionic, osmotic and electrical something that could move about rapidly within
homeostasis. Electrical homeostasis, in turn, in- the living structures, and focused on electrons,
volves the concentration and distribution of free or protons and energy fields. Szent-Györgyi re-
mobile electrons and protons, as we shall see searched the insoluble scaffoldings that other
below. Because of the high density of negative biochemists routinely discarded when studying
charges on glycosaminoglycans (provided by sulfate solution biochemistry.
220 J.L. Oschman

Figure 2 Details of the extracellular matrix: (A) The fibroblast embedded in the proteoglycan meshwork, along with
details of the ways the proteoglycans attach to hyaluronic acid. The region in the circle represents one ‘‘matrisome’’
and is enlarged below. (B) The matrisome is a repeating proteoglycan unit consisting of the core protein linked to
hyaluronan and glycosaminoglycan side chains. The glycosaminoglycans stand out straight from the proteoglycan
backbones, and adjacent chains repel each other to form an arrangement like the bristles of a brush. The result of the
charge density is a strong field or ‘‘domain’’ of negative charge. Original artwork is by Raychel Ciemma, and is
reproduced from Lee (2005) with permission. (C) Details the origin of the negative charges on the glycosaminoglycan
molecules. The dots represent the distribution of electrons in the atoms. From Ling (1962). (D) Detail from (A) showing
close packing of proteoglycans (matrisomes) within tissues. The dotted lines depict the ‘‘domains’’ of the individual
proteoglycan molecules. The double arrow shows the exchange of water and ions between the matrisome and the
extracellular fluids. (E) A single matrisome unit within a bracket. This structure is repeated again and again (n is an
extremely large number) to form a continuous ground substance reaching into every part of the organism. Figures A, D
and E are from The Extracellular Matrix and Ground Regulation: Basis for a Holistic Biological Medicine by Alfred
Pischinger, original German title System der Grundregulation, published by Karl F. Haug Verlag, copyright & 2004.
English edition published by North Atlantic Books, copyright & 2007 by North Atlantic Books. Reprinted by permission of
Charge transfer in the living matrix 221

Unknown to many physiologists is an extensive In his trilogy, Bioenergetics, Introduction to a

multi-disciplinary effort spanning some 70 years Submolecular Biology, and Bioelectronics (Szent-
detailing non-electrolytic mechanisms of charge Györgyi, 1957, 1960, 1968), Szent-Györgyi contin-
transfer in living systems. The early work was ued to explore electronic conduction and charge
reported by Moglich and Schon (1938) and Jordan transfer effects from the quantum perspective. The
(1938). The subject was advanced dramatically by work of Szent-Györgyi’s team at the Marine
the publication in both Science and Nature of the Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Korányi Memorial Lecture given in Budapest on continued for another decade, with a primary focus
March 21, 1941 (Szent-Györgyi, 1941a, b). In these on the details of charge transfer and the electronic
two papers, Szent-Györgyi proposed that proteins aspects of cancer (Szent-Györgyi, 1976, 1978).
are semiconductors and are thereby capable of Research in this field was thoroughly reviewed by
rapidly transferring free electrons from place to Szent-Györgyi’s associate, Ronald Pethig (1979).
place within an organism: Since that time, a major portion of the study of
organic semiconductors has shifted from academic
If a great number of atoms is arranged with settings to the nanoelectronics industry, as men-
regularity in close proximity, as for instance, in a tioned above. It is here that one finds the resources
crystal lattice, the terms of the single valency for basic research because of the enormous
electrons may fuse into common bands. The commercial value of increases in the speed of
electrons in this band cease to belong to one or electron transfer processes in semiconductor de-
two atoms only, and belong to the whole vices. The basic goal of this rapidly evolving field is
systemy. A great number of molecules may to use organic molecules or molecular aggregates
join to form such energy continua, along which as self-contained electronic devices in order to
energy, viz., excited electrons, may travel a produce a new level of miniaturization that goes far
certain distance. beyond what can be achieved with circuits etched
on a silicone wafer. The nanometer-scale building
While this idea met with great skepticism, it blocks include organic molecules, nanoparticles,
was eventually shown to be entirely correct. It is nanocrystals, nanotubes and nanowires (Reed and
now accepted that most if not all components of Lee, 2003).
the living matrix have semiconductor properties Szent-Györgyi (1988) stated that, ‘‘Molecules do
(Rosenberg and Postow, 1969; Gutmann and Lyons, not have to touch each other to interact. Energy
1981; Gutmann et al., 1983). The Korányi Lecture is can flow through y the electromagnetic field.’’ He
now recognized as seminal to the burgeoning continued, ‘‘The electromagnetic field, along with
global molecular-electronics industry, which makes water, forms the matrix of life. Water y can form
extensive use of biomolecular semiconductors as structures that transmit energy.’’ The structures he
components of nanoelectronic circuits. A recent was referring to are the layers of water intimately
review of this field (Hush, 2003) acknowledges the associated with the surfaces of proteins, DNA and
contributions of Albert Szent-Györgyi and his other molecules in the living matrix. This inter-
contemporary, Robert Milliken. It was Milliken facial water is essential for the conformational
who introduced the term ‘‘orbital’’ in 1932 and stability and functioning of proteins and DNA.
developed the molecular orbital theory that con- Thanks to contemporary research, we can now
tinues to be a cornerstone of quantum chemistry. visualize the way water is organized in relationship
Milliken received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1966 to collagen, which is the major protein found in
for his accomplishments. connective tissue (Cameron et al., 2007) and DNA
At the end of the Korányi Lecture, Szent-Györgyi (Corongiu and Clementi, 1981; Brovchenko et al.,
concluded: 2007). The importance of this interfacial water
cannot be overestimated. Each fiber of the living
By means of our active substances we can matrix, both outside and inside cells and nuclei,
produce the most astounding biological reac- and the genetic material, is surrounded by an
tions, but we fail whenever a real explanation of organized layer of water that can serve as a
molecular mechanisms is wanted. It looks as if channel of communication and energy flow. While
some basic fact about life were still missing, electrons flow through the protein backbone
without which any real understanding is impos- (electricity), protons flow through the water layer.
sible. It may be that the knowledge of common Mitchell (1976) referred to this proton flow as
energy-levels will start a new period in biochem- ‘‘proticity.’’ Various degrees of coupling between
istry, taking this science into the realm of electron and proton flows are possible.
quantum mechanics.
222 J.L. Oschman

Charge transfer has been studied in detail at matrix that is poised to couple the biological
relatively small levels of scale, such as in the oscillations of the cell from the peripheral
electron transport chains found in chloroplasts and membrane to the DNA through a tensegrity-
mitochondria. In these examples, what are desig- matrix structure. Tensegrity has been defined as
nated as ‘‘long-range’’ charge transfers are mea- a structural system composed of discontinuous
sured in a few to hundreds of Ångstroms, and these compression elements connected by continuous
are obviously much smaller distances than those tension cables, which interact in a dynamic
involved in the transfer of an electron from, say, fashion. A tensegrity tissue matrix system allows
the bottoms of the feet to the brain or other tissue for specific transfer of information through the
of an individual standing barefoot on the earth. cell (and throughout the organism) by direct
Between the electron donor (the surface of the transmission of vibrational chemomechanical
earth) and an electron acceptor (an inflammatory energy through harmonic wave motion. Pienta
free radical, for example) are various tissues, and Coffey, 1991) (Bracketed additions are
membranes, epithelia and other boundaries. Of author’s.)
particular interest is the inflammatory barricade, a
layer of connective tissue that is formed around a
site of injury (Selye, 1953, 1984; also see Oschman, Thomas Hanna, Mae-Wan Ho, David P.
2008a). Knight, Mark F. Barnes

In 1988, Thomas Hanna, Ph.D. (1928–1990) intro-

Kenneth J. Pienta and Donald S. Coffey duced the Greek term ‘‘soma’’ into the world of
bodywork and movement therapies. Hanna created
Pienta and Coffey (1991) published ‘‘Cellular a school of ‘‘Somatics’’ and a set of simple
harmonic information transfer through a tissue exercises that enhance flexibility and ease of
tensegrity-matrix system.’’ The report combines movement. According to Hanna, soma represents
the concepts of the living matrix, vibratory and the body of life, the body experienced from within,
resonant interactions, cellular and tissue continu- the original cybernetic system. Hanna’s reference
ity, piezoelectricity, solid-state biochemistry, co- to cybernetics is profoundly relevant to the study of
herence, and tensegrity to paint a picture of the the connective tissue and living matrix. Whether in
regulation of living systems. The abstract of their an amoeba or in the human body, the matrix forms
report describes the matrix as a body-wide com- a self-regulating system that continually strives to
munication and regulatory system: achieve stability and balance by adapting the local
cellular envronment as the external environment
Cells and intracellular elements are capable of changes. The response to injury is one of these self-
vibrating in a dynamic manner with complex regulations.
harmonics, the frequency of which can now be A more recent conceptualization of somatic
measured and analyzed in a quantitative manner principles emerged from the work of Ho and Knight
by Fourier analysis [and by other methods]. (1998). Taking into consideration semiconduction
Cellular events such as changes in shape, and proticity in the living matrix, they proposed
membrane ruffling, motility, and signal trans- that the acupuncture meridian system is a specia-
duction occur within spatial and temporal lized information network, based on liquid crystal-
harmonics that have potential regulatory impor- line resonant pathways that links and coordinates
tance. These vibrations can be altered by growth the various structures and functions within the
factors and the process of carcinogenesis. It is organism, separate from or along with neural
important to understand the mechanism by communications.
which this vibrational information is transferred Barnes (2000) further synthesized these concepts
directly throughout the cell [and throughout the in an effort to understand the deeper significance
organism]. From these observations we propose of changes in connective tissue brought about by
that vibrational information is transferred Myofascial Release and other approaches. A key
through a tissue tensegrity-matrix which acts point he derived from Pischinger is that most vital
as a coupled harmonic oscillator operating as a activity, information exchange and primary regula-
signal transducing system from the cell periph- tion take place in the matrix, and not in the
ery to the nucleus and ultimately to the DNA. nervous system. Most importantly, if the matrix
The vibrational interactions occur through a functions are interfered with, the defense and
tissue matrix system consisting of the nuclear repair systems are compromised. The success of
matrix, the cytoskeleton, and the extracellular many of the manipulative therapies is due in part to
Charge transfer in the living matrix 223

their ability to restore the functions of the matrix. is evidence that semiconduction does take place in
The barefoot phenomenon is revealing details of vivo and that PN junctions exist in living systems.
how the matrix functions in injury and repair
Robert O. Becker and the Hall effect

Helene Langevin The Hall effect is named after E.H. Hall, who
devised a method that can be used to distinguish
In 2006, Helene Langevin published a study that between conductors, semiconductors and insula-
explored the possibility that connective tissue is a tors (Hall, 1879). As shown in Figure 3, a magnetic
‘‘previously unrecognized’’ body-wide signaling field is set up at right angles to the direction of flow
network. At the same time, she pointed out the of charge through a material. The magnetic field
antiquity of the concept, as acupuncture theory is exerts a force, called the Lorentz Force that
based on the idea that the body possesses a deflects some of the charge carriers, producing a
meridian system that functionally interconnects voltage perpendicular to the direction of current
all parts of the body. Langevin and Yandow (2002) flow. This is called the transverse Hall voltage. The
documented the close relationship between acu- experiment works differently for different kinds of
puncture points and connective tissue planes. current flows. For any given strength of magnetic
There is evidence that at least some of the field, the Hall voltage is proportional to the
meridians represent low resistance pathways for mobility of the charge carriers. Ions in a solution
the conduction of electricity; that stimulating a are large and are barely deflected by a magnetic
point on one meridian may affect the electrical field. Free electrons are abundant in a metallic
properties both on the same and on other mer- wire, but also have very low mobility. Electrons in
idians; and that diseases and disorders can influ- semiconductors are fewer in number, but they are
ence electrical properties at some points very free to move, and readily give rise to
(summarized by Major, 2007, p. 57; Chen, 1996). measurable Hall voltages, even with weak mag-
Langevin further stated that it remains unknown netic fields.
if the extensive in vitro research on the semicon- In his 1979 review, Pethig pointed out that
ductive, piezoelectric and photoconductive proper- matter exhibits a wide range of electronic con-
ties of biomolecules (e.g. the work of Albert Szent- ductivities. Metals are classified as conductors, and
Györgyi, Pethig, Mitchell and others cited above) have conductivitiess of around 108 mho/m, whereas
has biological significance. However, there is plastic is an insulator, with a conductivity of about
substantial evidence that electric fields generated 10 17 mho/m. This is an enormous range, extending
naturally by the piezoelectric effect and streaming over 25 decades of magnitude at room tempera-
potentials in bone and other tissues regulate bone ture. However, conductivity is not the only factor
and tendon remodeling, providing a biological basis to consider in relation to the speed of charge
for successful treatments of fracture non-unions transfer. The two quantities that dominate are the
(summarized by Bassett, 1968, 1995). There is also number of mobile charge carriers and their effec-
an extensive literature on the biological roles of tive mobility. For example, diamond, which is a
photons (e.g. Pavesi and Fauchet, 2008; Shen and superb insulator, and germanium and silicon, which
Van Wijk, 2006). are semiconductors, have electron mobilities more
Langevin also raises the important issue that than 25 times greater than that of metals such as
electronic charge transfer over a distance might copper. All materials contain electrons, but the
require a gradient in charge density to give rise to ability of these electrons to move and their
diffusion current. Alternatively, a sustained poten- migration velocity is not easy to predict from
tial difference would be needed give rise to a drift theory and from measurements made on isolated
current. These are significant considerations in molecules. Fortunately, the Hall effect can dis-
relation to injury and the injury potential. As free criminate between simple conduction, ionic con-
radicals are neutralized by mobile electrons, a duction and semiconduction.
gradient in electrons will be created that will favor In 1961, Robert O. Becker, MD conducted experi-
the creation of a diffusion current, as Langevin ments on the limbs of intact salamanders (Becker,
suggests. However, there can also be a drift 1961). He was studying the pulsing direct current
current, as drift currents in semiconductors can field that is set up by the brain waves and spreads
actually be independent of potential difference, throughout the body. In other studies, he had found
particularly when the drift is across a PN junction that this field regulates growth and regeneration.
(Physics Forum, 2007). We shall see next that there Becker found that there was a significant transverse
224 J.L. Oschman

Figure 3 The Hall Effect can distinguish between conduction and semiconduction. (From Oschman (2000), after Becker
and Selden, 1985, p. 113.)

Hall voltage across the salamander limb, and that it Becker’s subsequent work showed that the two
disappeared when the animal was anesthetized. components of bone are semiconductors as well.
This indicated two things. First, the pulsing fields Collagen is an N-type semiconductor and apatite is
are set up by the low-frequency oscillations of the a P-type semiconductor (Becker and Selden, 1985).
brain, since they were reversibly eliminated by the
anesthetic. When the brain fields cease to oscillate,
consciousness is lost. Secondly, the Hall effect Charge transfer: a variety of mechanisms
documented that the pulsing fields are semicon-
ducted through the tissue. Becker suspected that A wide variety of electrolytic charge transfer,
the fields are set up in the fascial sheathes donor–acceptor, semiconductive and redox reac-
surrounding the nerves, called the perineurium. tions are taking place within an organism at any
Charge transfer in the living matrix 225

given time. Some of these processes involve ionic reduction in inflammation produced by the charge
conduction; others involve charge transfer in and transfer.
along the molecular fabric of the body, the living
matrix, via semiconduction, quantum mechanical
tunneling, resonant transfer, solitons and related Conclusions
processes. One description of the charge transfer
process in the matrix is, ‘‘highly vectoral electron Study of the barefoot phenomenon is providing new
transport along biopolymer pathways’’ (Lewis, insights into the ways the body responds to injury as
1982). Still other mechanisms involve the body- well as the mechanisms by which earthing and
wide clouds of negative charge created around the other techniques can facilitate regeneration and
proteoglycans, as shown in Figure 2. Taken repair. The following lists what is generally
together, the insoluble semiconducting fabric of accepted about responses to injury, and the
the body, the soluble and mobile charge transfer testable hypotheses that are under consideration.
complexes in cells and tissues (e.g. Slifkin, 1971; It worthwhile to emphasize that the schemes
Gutman, 1978; Mattay, 1994; Gutmann et al., 1997) proposed here are mechanisms for quickly provid-
and the protein–carbohydrate ground substance ing antioxidant electrons to any part of the body
provide multiple opportunities and pathways for that is injured, without exception, in order to
the movement of charge between the skin surface reduce collateral free radical damage to nearby
and the free radicals involved in the inflammatory healthy tissues. This is possible because of the
response. ubiquity of the ground substance, which is a part of
Electron flows from the skin surface to a site of every living structure, including individual cells and
injury or inflammation will follow the usual rules nuclei. These concepts also provide a possible
for electron flows in multi-component systems: mechanism by which the body can restore its
the preferred route will be the pathway or path- reserves of antioxidant electrons in order to
ways of least resistance and the gradients in charge maintain inflammatory preparedness:
density, as described above. Moreover, such charge
transfers will be driven by the established princi- 1. Established fact: any injury, large or small,
ples of attraction between opposite charges. results in an oxidative burst in which neutro-
However, there is a fascinating and unexpected phils and other white blood cells deliver highly
paradox in the relationship between the speed of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species to the
electron transfer reactions and the ‘‘driving region to destroy pathogens and to break down
force’’. Rudolph A. Marcus of the California damaged cells and tissues.
Institute of Technology predicted a phenomenon 2. Hypothesis: when free electrons are readily
that was completely unexpected by the chemist’s available, they can reduce or prevent free
intuition and that was initially difficult to accept radical ‘‘collateral damage’’ to healthy cells
and confirm. When the driving force increases and tissues during and after the oxidative
beyond a certain level, electron transfer will begin burst.
to slow down instead of speed up, as we would 3. Hypothesis: Free electrons in the tissues are
expect (Marcus, 1992). Odd as this may seem, the the ultimate antioxidants because they can
phenomenon was established experimentally and traverse the inflammatory barricade that the
led to Marcus receiving a Nobel Prize in chemistry in body forms around an injury site.
1992 for his contributions to the theory of electron 4. Hypothesis: the classic signs of inflammation-
transfer reactions in chemical systems. A conse- heat, redness, pain, reduced range of motion
quence is that a vectoral electron transport process and swelling—are largely avoidable if the
does not necessarily require a large potential tissues have sufficient free electrons to prevent
gradient, and may actually be greater when the free radical collateral damage to healthy
potential is small. tissues near a site of injury.
In addition, the precise pathways of charge 5. Hypothesis: free electrons from the earth can
transfer from the skin surface will depend on the enter the body via the bare feet, and can be
location of a site of injury and the impedance and transferred to sites of injury.
other properties of the various tissue layers and 6. Established fact: while skin tends to have a
fluid compartments. These pathways will also relatively high resistance to the flow of
depend on where on the skin surface the earth electricity, significant electrical coupling
contact is made. Finally, the pathway will change across the skin to the body interior is evidenced
from moment to moment as physiological and by the ability to record the electrocardiogram
behavioral changes take place due to the localized and the electroencephalogram from the heart
226 J.L. Oschman

and brain, respectively, and is also evidenced On the basis of its system-wide distribution and its
by the ability of electrical fields applied to the capacity for charge storage, the living matrix is
skin to enter the body and influence the ideally suited to provide electrons that can prevent
functioning of those organs. ‘‘collateral damage’’ to healthy cells and tissues
7. Established fact: the foot has a major acu- when the oxidative burst delivers free radicals to a
puncture point called Kidney 1. site of injury. This conclusion arises from the
8. Hypothesis: some of the acupuncture points observation that connecting the body to the earth
have lower electrical resistance than non- immediately after an injury seems to reduce or
points, and the points connect to meridians prevent the classic signs of inflammation, and by the
that extend throughout the extracellular ma- observation that all parts of the body are affected.
trix of the body, although there is debate about Continuity of the anionic extracellular matrix with
these issues. the anionic cellular and nuclear ground substances
9. Hypothesis: mobile electrons can enter the enables the protective effects to extend to the cell
body via Kidney 1 and other areas on the skin interior and nuclear matrix, including the DNA.
surface and can be distributed throughout the A physics description of the human body is that it
organism via the ground substance, the mer- is composed of matter which is, in turn, composed
idian system and other methods of charge of electrons and protons. Some of the electrons are
transfer. free electrons. These electrons can be described as
10. Established fact: The extracellular sugar bio- particles, as a sort of electric fluid, as a cloud, or as
polymers or ground substance forms a body- a gas. Physicists and quantum physicists have used
wide reservoir or accumulator for electrical all of these terms: particles, delocalized electrons,
charge. fluid or quantum fluid, cloud, and gas to describe
11. Hypothesis: the ground substance maintains mobile electrons. The proteoglycans in the ground
electrical homeostasis and the ‘‘inflammatory substances form a body-wide field of negative
preparedness’’ of the organism because of its charge (see Figure 2B). The behavior of these
capacity to store and transfer charge to sites of electrons is significant in terms of physiology,
injury. behavior and therapeutics.
12. Hypothesis: charges stored in the matrix are Inflammation has been associated with a wide
attracted to sites of injury because of the variety of chronic diseases, and the various body-
gradient in charge density created as electrons work and movement therapies are especially
are depleted by neutralizing free radicals. effective in the treatment of chronic issues. We
13. Hypothesis: wearing shoes with insulating are learning that the earth is a rich source of free
soles isolates the human body from the or mobile electrons and that most people are
surface of the earth and thereby disturbs deficient free electrons because of infrequent
electrical homeostasis, depletes the reserves barefoot contact with the earth. This information
of charge in the ground substances and is relevant to our understandings of how various
reduces the ‘‘inflammatory preparedness’’ of hands-on and hands-off therapies can stimulate the
the organism. healing response. The laws of physics teach that
14. Hypothesis: Electrons entering the body via the electrical fields produced during touch (the piezo-
feet can replenish the charge in the ground electric effect and streaming potentials) and the
substance reservoirs and thereby make antiox- biomagnetic fields introduced during hands-off
idant electrons readily available to injury sites therapies such as healing touch, therapeutic touch,
anywhere in the body. polarity therapy, Reiki, and so on will influence the
15. Hypothesis to be presented in the next report movements of charge within the body of a patient.
in this series: providing free or mobile elec- When this information is viewed from the perspec-
trons to tissues saturates the electron transport tive of the inflammation hypothesis, it can explain
chains in mitochondria, thereby increasing the how restoring the reservoirs of electrons in the
availability of adenosine triphosphate that ground substance and stirring of the clouds of
energizes the activities of immune cells and electrons can produce healing effects for a wide
other cells involved in tissue repair. range of acute and chronic injuries and diseases.
16. Hypothesis: electrical continuity between the
human body and the surface of the earth allows
geophysical electrical rhythms to cause rhyth- Acknowledgments
mic changes in the electrostatic tone of the
matrix, which can set the organism’s biological I thank Clinton C. Ober, Dr. Gaétan Chevalier and
clocks. Dr. Jeff Spencer for many valuable discussions
Charge transfer in the living matrix 227

about the earthing process. I also thank Gregory Chevalier, G., Mori, K., 2008. The effect of earthing on human
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