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Entrevista Abi:

A: Tell me about your eat. Do you eat any meat?

Z : Yes, I eat meat and some chicken

A : How much do you eat on the week?

Z : Three times a week

A : Do you eat any fruit ?

Z : Yes , I eat some mango,watermelon,pineapple and strawberry

A: Do you eat many vegetables?

Z: Yes , I eat a lot of vegetables

A: What do you drink all days ?

Z: I drink much water and some coffee

A: Do you cook?
Z: Sometimes
A: And what you cook ?
Z: I cook eggs, soup, pie, chiken , fish ,rice
A: Well , You should eat more vegetables and more fruit to have a healthier life.
Entrevista Zuleyma :
Z : Tell me about your eat. Do you eat any junk food?
A : Yes, I do. I eat some french fries,chocolate,cupcakes,hot dogs.

Z : Do you eat many fruit?

A : No, just a few

Z : Do you like eat much fish ?

A : Yes , I like eat a lot of fish.

Z : How much coffee drink in the day?

A : Two or three cups of coffee in the day

Z : How many cookies eat in the morning?

A : I don´t eat cookies in the morning

Z : How Many soup maruchan eat in the week?

A : I eat once for the week
Z : Okay,you should visit the nutritionist

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