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1. Abdication: Voluntary giving up of throne in favour of someone.

2. Abrogate: to cancel a law

3. Abortive An unsuccessful effort
4. Accommodation Place for putting up and sleeping.
5. Accomplice a partner in crime
6. Acrobat one who performs gymnastic feats
7. Aquatic Animals that live in water.
8. Accountable Liable to be called to account.
9. Admissible That which can be admitted.
10. Adolescent growing from childhood to puberty
11. Agenda Items to be discussed at meeting
12. Agent one who acts for an other
13. Agoraphobia fear of open spaces
14. Alimony Allowance paid to wife on legal separation.
15. Alien A foreigner
16. Alias An unreal name of a person
17. Allergy Excessive sensitivity to something
18. Agrarian Relating to agriculture
19. Alma Mater An institution where one has been educated.
20. Almighty Having all sorts of powers.
21. Amateur A person who does some work for the love but not for pay.
22. Ambulance A carriage to carry the sick persons to hospital.
23. Ambassador Official representative of a state in an other state
24. Amnesia Lack/loss of memory
25. Amnesty A general pardon given by a state to persons who are guilt
26. Amphibia Animals livening under water and on land
27. An-aesthetic A medicine that produces insensibility
28. Ancestor Member of one’s family many generation ago
29. Anarchy Want for government in a country.
30. Anatomy science of human structure and body
31. Animate Having life
32. Annual Occurring once a year.
33. Animate Put life into something.
34. Anomalous Deviating from rule
35. Anonymous A letter or paper bearing no name of the writer.
36. Antedate To put a date before the actual time.
37. Antidote Anything given to counteract the effect of a poison.
38. Antipathy Dislike towards a person.
39. Antipode Those who live on the other side of the globe.
40. Anthology A collection of poems.
41. Anarchist A person who wants to create lawlessness in the state.
42. Anomaly Departure from common rule or standard.
43. Arsenal A place where weapons and ammunition are stored.
44. artist: one who draws, paints or plays music
45. ariste: Professional singer, actor dancer etc.
46. Antiseptic That which prevents a wound by destroying germs.
47. Antonym A word opposite in meaning to another.
48. Anthropology The science of human race, history and evolution
49. Antonym Having opposite meanings
50. Apostate One Who renounces his religion
51. Aquarium A place where fish are kept
52. Architect A persons who plans new buildings
53. Archaeology A study of the ancient people and ruined cities.
54. Aristocracy: A govt. by a small privileged/noble class
55. Armistice Agreement to stop war for a limited period of time
56. Achieve A place for govt. record
57. Ascetic One who gives up joys and pleasures of life.
58. assassin: One who kills a public figure
59. Atheist One who does not believe in the existence of God.
60. Auctioneer One who sells goods by calling the bids of people.
61. Audience A gathering of people who listen to some lecture etc.
62. Audible That which can be heard.
63. Auditor A person who checks the account.
64. Auditorium: A room or building for lectures
65. Autobiography Life story of a person written by himself.
66. Autocracy Absolute Government by one man.
67. Audience An assembly of listeners
68. Axiom A statement accepted with out proof
69. Aviary A place where birds are kept
70. Avoidable That which can be avoided.
71. Bachelor An unmarried man
72. barbarian: An uncivilized person
73. Barometer Instrument to measure the pressure of the atmosphere.
74. Bankrupt One who cannot pay off his debts.
75. Beneficiary: One who receives benefit
76. Biannual coming twice a year
77. Biennial coming after every two years
78. bi lingual One who speaks two languages
79. Bigamy Having two wives at a time
80. Bibliophile A lover of books
81. Biography History of a person written by some one else
82. Bellicose A man ever willing to fight
83. Belligerent A nation that is in war like mood
84. Biography Life history of a person written by another person.
85. Biped An animal having two legs and feet.
86. Bisect To cut into two equal parts.
87. Blasphemy To give disrespect to sacred things
88. Botany Science of plants
89. Biology Science of plants and animals
90. Boulevard A wide road lined with trees on both side
91. blond A person with fair skin and hair
92. blonde A woman with fair skin and hair
93. Brewery: A place where wine is manufactured
94. Blue stocking: A literary woman
95. Bouquet A collection of flowers
96. Bureaucracy Govt. by officers of state
97. Brittle Something which can be easily broken.
98. brunette A woman with wheatish skin
99. Burglar One who breaks into for the purpose of robbing.
100. Cannibal: A man who eats human flesh.
101. Capitalist one who owns and controls much wealth
102. Congregation A group of people of a common faith present for worship
103. Carnivorous Flesh eating animals.
104. Catalogue: A list of books etc.
105. Catholic: broad minded
106. Cavalry: troop of horse men
107. Cemetery: a place where dead bodies are buried
108. Celibacy: state of being unmarried
109. Champion: One who fights in defense of a cause.
110. Changeable: Subject to change.
111. Chauffeur: A motor driver.
112. Citizen: inhabitant of a country
113. Civilian: one who is not in armed forces
114. Caddie: a golfer helper
115. Caretaker: one who takes care of a house or building'
116. Carpenter: one who makes furniture
117. Cashier: one who receives and pays out money in a bank /restaurant /
118. Chauffeur: one who drives a motor car for another
119. Chemist: one who deals in medical drugs
120. Clerk one who keeps records and accounts, types and does other duties in
an office
121. Cobbler one who mends shoes
122. Conductor: director of orchestra or choir
123. Caddie A golfer helper
124. Caretaker one who takes care of a house or building'
125. Cloak-room A room where hats, coats, parcels, etc are left for a short time.
126. Comfortable Something that gives comfort.
127. Colleague: a person working in the same office
128. Comedian: one who tells jokes to make people laugh
129. Compere: one who introduces a show
130. Comparable That which can be compared.
131. Comprehensible That which can be understood.
132. Conceivable That which can be conceived or thought.
133. constellation: A number of stars grouped together
134. Conjurer One who amuses the onlookers with his feats ofjugglery.
135. Contemporary One who lives at the same time.
136. Contagious: A disease that spreads by the touch
137. Convalescent: A person recovering from illness
138. Contiguous: Places which each others at the border
139. Conservative A person who is opposed to any change
140. Corporal Pertaining to body
141. Cosmopolitan A citizen of the world.
142. Cousin Son or daughter of uncle or aunt
143. Coward One who lacks courage.
144. credulous One who believes easily
145. credible: That which can be believed
146. criterion A standard by which anything may be judged
147. curable That can be cured
148. Culpable A person deserving punishment for an offence.
149. Culprit: Person guilty of crime
150. Clown: Personal who amuses others by ridiculous behaviour
151. Dead letter A letter not claimed by anybody.
152. Debate A meeting which arguments for and against of a proposal are made.
153. Delegate: A person acting as a representative of other
154. Delible: that can be erased or effaced
155. Demagogue: A leader who gets favour by popular feelings
156. Despot: A king or ruler having full power
157. Detective one who investigates crime
158. Doctor one who attends to the sick
159. Driver: one who drives a vehicle
160. Democracy Government of people by the parliamentary system.
161. Dictionary A book containing words of a language with their meanings.
162. Dictatorship: Rule of one person or group.
163. Diplomacy: Art of conducting relation between countries
164. Digestible: That which can be digested.
165. Divisible Capable of being divided.
166. Domicile A place of permanent residence.
167. Dormant: A state of being inactive and dull
168. Drawn Game weakness of mind due to old age
169. Dotage: A match in which neither party wins.
170. Dynamo: A machine for producing electric energy.
171. Drought: Want of rain and water.
172. Drunkard: one who drinks too much
173. Eccentric: Odd in behaviour
174. Edible: A thing fit to be eaten.
175. Editor: The person who edits a newspaper or a magazine.
176. Egoist: One who loves himself and self centered
177. Eligible One who can be taken to a position according to the rules.
178. Elixir: A supposed remedy for all diseases
179. Emigrate: To leave one's country and go to another.
180. Entomology The study of insects
181. Encyclopedia: A book containing information on all branches of knowledge.
182. Endemic: Disease regularly found in an area
183. Epic A long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds
184. Epilogue: A short speech by a player at the end of play
185. Epicurean: One who is found of merry making
186. Etymology Outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly
187. Exile: One who is banished from his own country
188. Excusable: That which may be excused.
189. Explicit: A fully expressed statement or rule
190. Extempore A speech made on the spot without any previous preparation.
191. Epidemic; The study of the sources and development of words
192. fallible One who makes mistakes
193. Fastidious: One who is not easily pleased.
194. Fatal: That which cause death.
195. Fatalist: A person who believes in fate
196. Feminist: Supporter of women’s rights
197. fanatic A person motivated by irrational enthusiasm having prejudice
198. Fragile: Liable/to be easily broken.
199. fratricide: Killing of brother or sister
200. fugitive: One who runs away from justice or law
201. Granary where grain is stored
202. Garage: A shed for the motor car.
203. Garrulous fond of taking about unimportant things
204. Gallery: where work of art is displayed
205. Galaxy: the large group of stars
206. Glutton: one who eats too much
207. Grocery where tinned food and other domestic supplies are sold
208. Godown: where goods are stored
209. Gymnasium: A building reserved for gymnastic games with their apparatus etc.
210. Germicide: A medicine that kills germs.
211. Genocide: killing of whole race
212. Gregarious living in groups
213. Geologist: One who studies rocks and soil
214. Harbour: Where ships can shelter
215. Heliport Where helicopters land and take off
216. Hangar: Where aeroplanes are kept
217. Hostel Where students stay
218. Hospital Where the sick are treated
219. Handicap: Injured permanantly
220. Hemisphere: Half sphere of the earth
221. Herbivorous: An animal which lives on herbs
222. Herd: Cattle feeding together
223. Hermaphrodite: Any living being having qualities of both the sexes.
224. Heterogeneous: A thing having elements of different nature
225. Hibernation: The sleeping state in which plants and animals pass winter
226. Hierarchy: the organizational system of ranking of officers
227. Hive: A number of bees living in same place.
228. Hobby: A favourite occupation which is not part of one's business or work.
229. Homicide: The Ailing of one man by another man.
230. homogenous: a thing having elements of same nature
231. Honourable: One who is worthy of honour
232. Honorary Doing a work without getting any salary.
233. Honorarium: a sum of many offered for professional services
234. Hypocrite: The residence of students in an institution.
235. hygiene: the study of being clean and healthy
236. Hostel one who pretends what is not
237. iconoclast: breaker of images/ idols/beliefs
238. illicit: an action prohibited by law
239. Illegal Something that is contrary to law.
240. Illegible Handwriting that cannot be easily read.
241. Illiterate One which can be neither read nor write.
242. Immovable Incapable of being moved.
243. Imposter: someone who deceives by pretending to be someone else
244. Incredible Incapable of being believed
245. Incorrigible One which is incapable of being corrected
246. Inaudible Incapable of being heard
247. Incurable That which cannot be cured
248. indelible: That which cannot be effaced
249. Indefensible That which cannot be justified
250. indispensable That which is most necessary
251. Ignorant One who does not possess knowledge.
252. Indivisible That which cannot be divided
253. Ineligible Unfit to be chosen
254. Invalid One who remains weak and sickly
255. Inevitable That which cannot avoided
256. Infallible One who cannot make a mistake
257. Inflammable That which easily catches fire.
258. Influential Having influence or power.
259. Innumerable That which cannot be counted.
260. Impracticable That which cannot be put into practice.
261. Impregnable That which cannot be conquered.
262. insatiable: That which cannot be satisfied
263. Inseparable That which cannot be parted.
264. Insoluble That which cannot be solved.
265. insolvent: one who cannot pay off one’s debts
266. Intelligible That which can be easily understood.
267. Intolerable That which cannot be tolerated.
268. invincible: That which cannot be conquered
269. invisible: That which cannot be visualized/seen
270. Island A piece of land surrounded by water
271. insecticide: That which kills insects or pests
272. irrelevant That which is not relevant
273. irreparable That which cannot be repaired
274. Infanticide murder of an infant
275. kindergarten: school where children are taught with toys
276. Laboratory A place where experiments are performed.
277. Lavatory A room where hands.and face can be washed.
278. Latrine A room where one can ease oneself.
279. Laxative A medicine tending to loosen the bowels.
280. legislature: Persons who make, amend or repeal laws
281. Library A place containing books for reading.
282. Legible A handwriting which can be easily read.
283. Lunatic asylum a house for insane persons
284. Loquacious: talkative
285. Linguist A person who knows many language literate
286. Magnanimous: A large hearted person.
287. Maiden speech A speech delivered for the first time.
288. Mammal: An animal that suckles (gives milk to) its young ones.
289. Manuscript: A paper written by hand
290. Matrimony: A state of being married
291. Martinet: A strict disciplinarian
292. matricide: Murder of mother
293. Matinee: performance of play or music in afternoon
294. medieval: pertaining to middle ages
295. materialistic: a person to whom monetary gain is more important
296. Migratory: Persons or birds moving from place to place.
297. Mercenary: hired soldier or a person who fights for money
298. Memorable: Something or some event worthy to be remembered.
299. Milkmaid: The woman who milks the cows.
300. Misanthrope: a person who hates mankind
301. Misogynist: A misanthrope who dislikes women in particular
302. Museum: A building where objects illustrating arts and sciences are kept.
303. Misogamist A person who hates marriage
304. Negligent One who takes no trouble about his duties.
305. Notorious One who has an evil reputation.
306. Nursery Where young plants are kept.
307. Objectionable Something against which there can be objections.
308. Obsolete A word that is no longer in use.
309. Octagon An eight sided figure.
310. Oculist One who is specialized in the treatment of the eye diseases
311. Omnipotent All Powerful.
312. Omnipresent Present everywhere.
313. Omniscient Knowing everything.
314. Omnivorus one who eats every thing
315. Opaque A body through which light cannot pass.
316. Optimist One who always takes hopeful view of things.
317. Orphan A child whose parents are dead.
318. Oasis: A fertile place in desert
319. Orthodox Holding accepted opinion
320. Outlaw A person who cannot receive the protection of law because he
has committed serious crimes.
321. Orphanage The house where children without parents are looked after.
322. Octogeneration A person of eighty
323. Pantomime: one who acts without speaking
324. Pacifist: A person who is opposed
325. Parasite An insect or plant that feeds on others.
326. Partisan unreasoning supporter of a party or group or person
327. Patrimony: An inheritance coming by right of birth
328. Passport A permit for travelling and protection in foreign countries.
329. Pedant: a writer who shows his learning in writing or speaking
330. Pedestrian One who goes on foot.
331. Pentagon A five sided figure
332. Pessimist: A person who expects the worst
333. Philately The collection and study of postage stamps
334. Philistine: one who is anti intellectual
335. Polyandry one who loves women
336. Philanthropist: A person doing good to his fellow beings
337. Pick pocket: one who steals from the pockets of others
338. Pleader A man who is paid for arguing a case in a court of law.
339. Plutocracy: A Government of the wealthy people
340. Plagiarist: A writer who steals the writings of others
341. Polygamy The practice of having more than one wife at a time.
342. Philogynist: Having more than one husband at a time
343. Polygon A many sided figure.
344. Patricide A murder or murderer of one's own father.
345. Popular A person or thing liked by everybody.
346. Portable A thing which can be easily carried from one place to another.
347. Posthumous A child born after the death of its father, or, a book published after
the death of its author.
348. Patrimony Property inherited from father's side.
349. Propaganda Organised scheme for making a thing popular.
350. Prologue: a short speech by a player at the beginning of play
351. Post Mortem Medical examination of a dead body.
352. Picnic A short trip out of doors with refreshments etc.
353. Punctual One who is always in time.
354. Purgatory: where after death persons are purified from sins
355. Pseudonym: A fictitious name used by a writer
356. Professional A person who plays game for money and not for amusement
357. Quadrilateral A figure with four sides.
358. Quorum: A minimal number of members necessary for some meeting.
359. Quadruped An animal with four feet.
360. Queue: a person who pretends to be a doctor
361. Quack: a line of persons waiting their turn
362. Radical: one who wishes to bring rapid changes
363. Rebel One who takes up arms against the government.
364. Refrigerator An ice box for preserving food and other eatables.
365. Refugee A person uprooted from his home and lives in another place.
366. Republic A form of government whose head of state is not a monarch
367. Reliable Fit to be trusted.
368. Renegade: an apostate from a religious faith
369. Resort: A recreational place considered good for health
370. Retune a band of followers or attendants or servants
371. Rural: Pertaining to village life
372. Regicide The murder or murderer of a king.
373. Sceptic: a person who has doubts
374. Simultaneous Anything happening side by side, or done at the same moment.
375. Samaritan: A person who helps the helpless
376. Sanatorium A place with good climate for the sick persons.
377. Sleeping Partner A partner who invests money and does not take active part in the
management of the business.
378. somnambulist: Someone who walks about in their sleep
379. somniloquist: Someone who talks while asleep
380. Soliloquy He who talks to himself
381. Spontaneous: Happening without apparent external cause (self generated)
382. Stoic: an unemotional person
383. Spectators: a number of persons watching on a match
384. Spinster: An elderly unmarried woman
385. Sportsman A person who plays the game.
386. Suicide: The act of killing yourself
387. Sinecure An office without work but with good salary.
388. Synonym A word which has the same meaning as another.
389. Spokesman One who speaks for others.
390. Tangible: That can be touched
391. Transparent A thing through which light can pass through
392. Twins Two Children born together
393. Triplets: Three Children born together.
394. Team Person forming one of the sides in a game.
395. tell tale one who tells about the private affairs of an others
396. Triangle A three sided figure.
397. Theatre A building for dramatic performances.
398. Telescope An instrument for magnifying distant objects.
399. Tractor A mechanical plough.
400. Traitor One who betrays the government or attempts to overthrow it.
401. turn coat one who easily changes one’s party
402. troop: A group of soldiers
403. troupe A group of dancers, singers, actors etc
404. Ultimatum: a threat to break off talks
405. Unanimous: Something on which everybody agrees.
406. Unique: having no equal
407. Unavoidable: That which cannot be avoided.
408. Uniform: Clothes of the same type worn by everybody.
409. Universal: A rule that is applicable to all.
410. Unsociable One who does not mix freely with others.
411. Usurer One who lends money at exorbitant interest.
412. Uroxicide: Murder of wife.
413. urban: Pertaining to city life
414. Unquestionable Without or beyond doubt.
415. Utilitarian: One who looks at the useful aspects of a thing.
416. Utopia: something (state) that is perfect or ideal
417. Uxorious One extremely fond of one's wife.
418. vagabond: A person with out a settled home
419. Vegetarian: A person who lives on vegetables (and does not eat meat).
420. Veteran A well experienced person
421. Verbose: A style full of bombastic (big) words.
422. Versatile: One who is talented in various ways
423. Verbatim Word for word
424. Venial A fault/sin or crime that may be forgiven
425. Voluntary: Something that is done with one's own will
426. Volunteer One who offers one's services
427. vulnerable Not well protected
428. Veteran: One who has a long experience of something.
429. virginity Chastity of a woman
430. Wardrobe: A place where clothes are kept.
431. Waterproof: A cloth or material through which water cannot pass.
432. Wholesome: That which conduces to health.
433. Widow: A woman whose husband is dead.
434. Widower A man whose wife is dead.
435. Zoo: A place where birds, animals, and beasts are kept.
436. Zenith: The point of the sky directly over our heads.

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