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Types of Communication

Public Communication
 Public Speaking
 Mass Communication
 happens in the head

 choices
 strategies
 possible consequences of actions
 takes place subconsciously
 thinking aloud
the most common type
 conveying a straightforward transfer
of messages to a familiar person;
sometimes unfamiliar ones; group of
familiar or unfamiliar persons
 Types:
 Dyadic
 Small group
 speaker delivers a message before an
 Types:
 Public Speaking – sustained formal
presentation by the speaker to an audience
 Mass Communication – a public
communication delivered to an extremely
large audience thru audio or visual means
The 5 Formality Levels of Communication
1. FROZEN Style – used in very formal setting;
makes use of stock expressions like: ‘I now pronounce
you man and wife’; ‘I solemnly swear…So help me
2. FORMAL Style – extended one-way
communication; speaker plans ahead and frames what
he/she is to say before it is delivered.
3. CONSULTATIVE Style - used in semi-formal
communication situations where a transaction of some
sort takes place
Formality Levels of Communication
4. CASUAL Style – used in informal situations
where people chat
 Ellipsis: I believe that I can help you with that.
 Casual: Of course, I can help you.
4. INTIMATE Style – a completely private language

Tasks 1 and 2, pp. 21-22

Formality levels of communication

• formality level of the language must be appropriate to

the person addressed (receiver),
• to the context of culture,
• to the context of situation

Context - directs the receiver to the

correct interpretation of an utterance

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