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Stative Verbs

Most verbs describe actions. However, this special group called Stative
Verbs describe states as thoughts , senses , emotions , relationships
and measurements. These verbs take the Present Simple form even when
.the refer to the present moment (now)

.Examples: This soup tastes good

.I think you are working too hard
.Now I remember his name
.The baby weighs four kilograms
.I need more time now

Senses Thoughts Emotions Relationship Measurements

Feel Appear know Dislike Belong to Cost
Hear Believe mean Doubt own Equal
See Doubt prefer Hate Measure
Smell Forget remember Like weigh
Sound Guess seem Love
taste Hope think Need
Imagine understand want

There are Exceptions – Some of the Stative Verbs can also take the –
-!ing form but then they change their meaning

.If they describe a state they take the –s form of the Present simple
If they describe an action they take the – ing form of the Present

STATE Action
Present Simple Present Progressive
.The patient feels better now .The doctor is feeling his pulse
.The soup tastes good ?Why are you tasting it
.The potatoes weigh two kilograms .He is weighing it now
.He thinks you are right .He is thinking about his problems
.He appears happy now .He is appearing in a new play
.She sees well now .She isn't seeing the doctor today

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