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August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Free Talking

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

1. open season - period of the year during which game can be hunted without
Hunters from other countries visit Australia during the open season to hunt

Sentence Construction:

You said: She already met she friend.

Better say: She already met her friend.

You said: She really want to live in Australia.

Better say: She really wants to live in Australia.

You said: Their behavior a little bit strange.

Better say: Their behavior is a little bit strange.

You said: Older people are rude younger people.

Better say: Older people are rude to younger people.

You said: I was kindly to older people but they come back to me rude.
Better say: I was kind to older people but they were still rude to me.

You said: She worried about them.

Better say: She's worried about them.

You said: She doing good well.

Better say: She's doing good.
She's doing well.

You said: My father don't like live in Asutalia.

Better say: My father doesn't like us to live in Asutalia.

You said: I want go back Australia.

Better say: I want to go back to Australia.

You said: Kangaroo more than Australian people.

Better say: There are more kangaroos in Australia than people.

You said: They get angry easy.

Better say: They get angry easy.

You said: They scare we.

Better say: They scare us.
Next Lesson: Problem with Skinny Jeans



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.


butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Next Lesson: Problem with Skinny Jeans



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.


butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Pattern Speaking

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

Sentence Construction:

You said: I need to wearing my earphones.

Better say: I need to wear my earphones.

You said: In the night when I sleep, there is rain. It falls rain.
Better say: Last night when I was asleep, it rained.

You said: I heard she song.

Better say: I heard she sang.

You said: I feel a little scary and fell asleep.

Better say: I felt a little scared and fell asleep.

You said: I'm curious one thing.

Better say: I'm curious about one thing.

You said: When my friends visited Japan there are a little earthquake.
Better say: When my friends visited Japan there were some weak earthquakes.

You said: She really scary. She really surprise that.

Better say: She was really scared. She was really surprised about that.

You said: There were no surprise Japanese.

Better say: Japanese were not surprised.

You said: Sometimes you pray typhoon will coming.

Better say: Sometimes you pray a typhoon will come.

Next Lesson: Pattern Speaking



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.


butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Pattern Speaking - concerned about

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

1. concerned about - think about or worried about something
We're concerned about the quality.
I'm concerned about the shipping costs.
She wasn't concerned about looking like a model.
We're concerned about our financial condition.

Sentence Construction:

You said: Monday was so tired.

Better say: Monday was so tiring.

You said: I did work out on Sunday.

Better say: I worked out on Sunday.

You said: Exercise makes me muscle pain.

Better say: Exercise makes my muscle painful.

You said: My brother already married.

Better say: My brother is already married.

You said: I can see my brother sometimes.

Better say: I can only see my brother sometimes.

You said: Today in Korea, many family is has a one child.

Better say: Today in Korea, many family has only one child.

You said: My mother always is concerned about me when I am in kitchen. Especially I

make a food or I cut the apple.
Better say: My mother always is concerned about me when I am in the kitchen.
Especially I when I cook food or I cut an apple.

You said: break and refresh

Better say: break and relaxation

Next Lesson: Problem with Skinny Jeans



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.
butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Free Talking

Pronunciation Practice:
console - [kun-sowl]

1. console - give moral or emotional strength to
I painted her face to console her.
2. responsible - worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust; or held
She is a responsible student. She submits her homeworks on time.

Sentence Construction:

You said: Raining stopped

Better say: The rain stopped.

You said: I will give present other painting.

Better say: I will give you another painting as my present.

You said: I will paint new painting for you.

Better say: I will paint a new painting for you.

You said: Please don't angry because it is not similar your face.
Better say: Please don't get angry.
You said: This my friend face.
Better say: This is my friend's face.

You said: She told me about her worrying.

Better say: She told me about her worry.

You said: Her parents sick.

Better say: Her mother is sick.

You said: She looks like sad face.

Better say: She looks sad.

You said: Whenever I talking in our class I felt thankful.

Better say: Whenever I talk to you in our class I feel thankful.

Next Lesson: Free Talking



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.


butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday
Today's Lesson: Pattern Speaking - Drive (someone) crazy

Pronunciation Practice:
changed - [cheynjd]

1. annual - occurring every�year
He has an annual trip to Paris. He goes to Paris every December.
2. attendee - a person who is present and participates in a meeting
The concert satisfied both organizers and attendees.

Sentence Construction:

You said: I conservated many people.

Better say: I observed many people.

You said: There so many young people and I never seen that before.
Better say: There were so many young people and I've never seen that before.

You said: Take away their stress

Better say: release their stress

You said: The festival lost original goal.

Better say: The festival lost its original goal.

You said: I was bited by a lot of mosquitoes.

Better say: I was bitten by a lot of mosquitoes.

You said: It's so itch.

Better say: It's so itchy.

You said: My plants was died.

Better say: My plants died.

You said: To get away of the mosquitoes

Better say: To get rid of the mosquitoes

You said: Evening noises in the night drive me crazy.

Better say: Noises in the night drive me crazy.

You said: It irritate me.

Better say: It irritates me.

Next Lesson: Problem with Skinny Jeans



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.


butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Free Talking

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

1. strenuous - characterized by or performed with much energy or force
Lifting weights is an strenuous exercise.
Farmwork is strenuous.
I am doing a strenuous job.
2. relaunch - to launch again
The company relaunch the product that was recalled.

Sentence Construction:

You said: NUS computer very complicate.

Better say: NUS computers are very complicated.
You said: I'm go out.
Better say: I went out.

You said: Last week I called NUS computer center about my computer problem but not
yet respond.
Better say: Last week I called the NUS computer center about my computer problem
but they have not responded yet.

You said: I'm hard time.

Better say: I'm having a hard time.

Next Lesson:




someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.


butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Pattern Speaking

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

1. Don't tell me ~
- expresses disbelief
- anticipating something that is unbelievable or unacceptable
Don't tell me that it's over.
Don't tell me I'm wrong.
Don�t tell me, she can�t come because she�s got to work late.

Sentence Construction:

You said: I'm still jetlag.

Better say: I still have jetlag.

You said: In this Thursday and Friday, I have a class.

Better say:

You said: Hanna and I go to play.

Better say: Hanna and I went to play on Wednesday.

You said: Don't tell me it's broke.

Better say: Don't tell me it's broken.

Next Lesson: Problem with Skinny Jeans



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.


butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Pattern Speaking

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

1. Don't tell me ~
- expresses disbelief
- anticipating something that is unbelievable or unacceptable
Don't tell me that it's over.
Don't tell me I'm wrong.
Don�t tell me, she can�t come because she�s got to work late.

Sentence Construction:

You said: Insun doesn't matter that.

Better say: To Insun that doesn't matter.

You said: Before we went travel, we catch already.

Better say: Before we went to Germany, we caught one rat already.

You said: One of my friend visit my house.

Better say: One of my friends visited my house.

You said: We have to stay house which given by gallery.

Better say: We have to stay in a house which is given by the gallery.

Next Lesson: Problem with Skinny Jeans



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.


butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Pattern Speaking - How come ~

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

1. How come ~ ?
How come you're late?
How come she acts so silly?
How come you speak good Chinese?
How come I've never heard of him?

2. willing - disposed or inclined toward; not brought�about by coercion or force

I am willing to do whatever you want as long as you pay me.
Sentence Construction:

You said: It will be rain coming today.

Better say: It will rain today.

You said: When I was return to Korea.

Better say: When I returned to Korea.

You said: You spend 4 year in China, How come your Chinese is bad?
Better say: You spent 4 years in China, How come your Chinese is bad?

You said: She go to some Chinese academy.

Better say: She went to a Chinese academy.

You said: She better than me.

Better say: She is better than me.

You said: She goes there one year.

Better say: She went there for one year.

You said: I don't know she mind.

Better say: I don't know what's in her mind.

You said: I don't pay him.

Better say: I don't want to pay him.

Next Lesson: Pattern Speaking



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.


butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: TOEFL Questions

Pronunciation Practice:
reached - [reecht]

Sentence Construction:

You said: I'm got reached in a cafe.

Better say: I've just reached the cafe.

You said: I succeess.

Better say: I succeeded (in connecting my laptop to the WiFi).

You said: I prefer to try new kinds of food for the following reasons.
It was broaden my view because when I eat something new I also learn experience
about new recipe
when I was go to abroad I was eat something new.
In this experience I was also learn about new recipe.

Better say:
I prefer to try new kinds of food for the following reasons.
It broadens my view because when I eat something new I also experience a new
When I went abroad I ate different foods.

You said: I need to creativity.

Better say: I need to be creative.

Next Lesson: TOEFL Questions



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.
butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
Young Jai
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Xi's show of force declares China's battle readiness to the world

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

1. multitask - perform more�than one task at the same time; originally of
computers, now also more generally
Your ability to handle these multitask jobs is a critical skill for success.
2. remittance - payment of money sent to a person in another place
Dollar remittance helps our country's economy.

Sentence Construction:

You said: They do every years for president birthday.

Better say: They do every year on the president's birthday.

You said: They want to get North Korea.

Better say: They want to get North Korea's territory.

You said: North Korean also want to be included in China when they destroyed.
Better say: North Koreans also want to be included to China when they are
You said: To go abroad for working
Better say: To go abroad to work

You said: We was very poor.

Better say: We were very poor.

Next Lesson: Korea becoming home to deadly sea creatures



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.


butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.
August 1, 2017 Tuesday

Today's Lesson: Pattern Speaking

Pronunciation Practice:
*no mispronunciation

1. tired of - bored or angry because something unpleasant has been happening for
too long
I am tired of curry and rice.
I'm tired of playing computer games.
My son is tired of pizza.

Sentence Construction:

You said: 1 hours

Better say: 1 hour

You said: I am tired of work.

Better say: I am tired of my work.

You said: I wanted to playing piano.

Better say: I wanted to play the piano.

You said: I knew that I not genius so if I wanted to be a pianist a lot of money to
studying piano.
Better say: I knew that I am not a genius so if I wanted to be a pianist I need a
lot of money to study.

You said: I'm playing the piano at service in church.

Better say: I play the piano during our church service.

You said: My friend sick and tired of washing dishes.

Better say: My friend is sick and tired of washing dishes.

You said: He can't cooking.

Better say: He can't cook.

You said: Every people don't like washing the dishes.

Better say: Every person doesn't like washing the dishes.

You said: After eating, I'm not want to move my body.

Better say: After eating, I don't want to move my body.

Next Lesson: Problem with Skinny Jeans



someone wouldn�t be caught dead

Meaning: someone dislikes something very much

1. I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress like that � it's like something my
grandmother would wear!
2. I wouldn't be caught dead doing ads for that company.
3. I would not be caught dead in that miniskirt.
butcher - [bu-cher]


1. meat trader, slaughterer, meat merchant, meat seller
Example: I went to the butcher for steak for my lunch.

2. murderer, killer, slaughterer, slayer, destroyer, liquidator, executioner, cut-

throat, exterminator
Example: Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.

1. slaughter, prepare, carve, cut up, dress, cut, clean, joint Example: Pigs were
butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.

2. kill, slaughter, massacre, destroy, cut down, assassinate, slay, liquidate,

exterminate, put to the sword
Example: Our people are being butchered in their own homes.

3. mess up, destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, mutilate, botch, bodge (informal)
Example: I am not in Cannes because they butchered my film.

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