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Mark Sowell

HW420_ Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing

Unit # 9

Spiritual and Psychological Inventory

January 17, 2017


I will be interviewing a friend that was given some devastating new about his life

expectancy over 10 years ago. The news was that he had cancer and wasn’t expected

to live very much longer.

Question 1. As a patient that was once told you wouldn’t live to see 30 years of

age and today you stand here at the age of 40, how did that affect you

psychologically and spiritually?

Taking a minute to collect his thoughts, my friend’s eyes got watery and he

explains, “I didn’t realize the affect it would have on me 10 years later.” Psychologically,

my friend explains, I was all over the place. First, I was in denial, depressed and

thought about making life even shorter because I didn’t want to deal with unnecessary

pain. Spiritually, I had lost my faith and wanted to throw in the towel. My family and

friends explained this was a true test of my faith and to not allow myself to be defeated.

I was taking medication for about 4 years and also went through various treatments of

chemotherapy. At the end of the fourth year I had some test performed which came

back clear of cancer. I was and still am truly grateful

This is a difficult moment in someone’s life because it gives insight to what

someone dealt with psychologically and spiritually during an early part of their life. It is

important to show gratitude for each day and show love because we never know how

important people are to us until we need them. (Walsh, 1999)

Question 2. What would you tell someone who has received such news?

Placing his index finger on his lips before answer, I understand that this is a lot

easier said than done but you cannot give up and don’t lose your faith.

I think it is important to put your faith and belief into something because it helps

you to pull strength instead of excepting defeat. (Seligman, 2006).


Question 3. Would you say that you are usually pessimistic or optimistic? How

did the news affect your attitude?

I am usually easy going and optimistic about things. Upon receiving this

information, I had a pessimistic attitude because this information mentally took a lot

from me. However, overtime I adopted my optimistic attitude back because I realized I

needed to take my own advice and have faith.

Psychological traits, especially optimism can produce good health and it’s

important to have positive energy in your presence. (Seligman, 2013)

Question 4. How do you feel you are today, Psychologically?

Psychologically today, I feel great because I think a positive mind and positive

energy is empowering.

I have to say having a strong mind can help you do some incredible things even

though, physically you may think it’s impossible.

Question 5. Spiritually, where do you think you are today?

Spiritually today, I am more of a believer of my faith and God. This situation has

built my faith and I think that I am more of an example and encouragement for others.

Having faith and truly believing in God or something more powerful than

ourselves can help us have unbelievable strength, a strong spirit, help us stay

grounded, centered and balanced. (Seaward, 2013).

Question 6. What are some valuable tools that one could use to get through such

difficult times?

I think that a supportive and understanding family and friends, will power to fight

and not give up, having faith and believing in God or whatever you believe in are very


Psychologically, I think this is a great time for medicine for the soul. It is

important to find that inner peace, strength, your joy, laughter and love. (Seaward,

2013). These are also valuable in learning how to cope.

Question 7. Looking back, what would you have done differently in dealing with

your situation?

Rubbing his temple before finally answering with, this is a hard question but I

would want to maybe put my faith first and prayed.

This is where we all recognize that no matter how strong we are or think we are,

that we all have a breaking point. We all are probably going to experience it but will

handle it differently.

Question 8. What was the reaction of your family and friends?

My family and friends remained strong in front of me. They prayed with me and

told me that I was stronger than any cancer. They also told me to keep fighting.

Family and friends are very important during times like this because they can

help boost your spirits and sometimes motivate you to stop feeling sorry for yourself.

They also serve as distractors for whatever you may be dealing with.

Question 9. How difficult is it to discuss this part of your life?

For the first year after receiving results, I was on edge for fear of receiving

the news that the cancer had returned; however, I was grateful to be in remission. So,

at first I was skeptical about talking it because I was kind of afraid. Today, I feel

overjoyed (said with a smile) because I am able to talk about that journey. It didn’t take

anything from me but added an incredible strength to me.


In life we face many challenges and psychologically some of them can be

damaging to the point of no return. It is important to have trustworthy people in your life

to help you get through these battles we face.

Question 10. What is different about you today compared to when you received

the information about your life changing event?

Spiritually and psychologically I am definitely a stronger person. I take nothing

for granted. Spiritually I make sure that I take time daily to make an inner connection

with self to ensure that I am at peace. Psychologically, I take note of the people around

me and the energy that they carry. If the person is carrying a lot negative energy with

no mind set of looking at situations from another perspective I put some distance

between us.

Spiritually and psychologically it is important to look at things from different

perspectives because it promotes growth. In this world we come in contact with people

from various countries, with various opinions, and backgrounds. So, it is important to

have an open mind because it helps us to develop spiritually and psychologically.

After completing this interview, I come to realize even more so that it is very

important to have a strong connection with family and friends. When going through

such a life changing event, knowing that you have support can be strengthening both

mentally and physically, as oppose to going through it alone.



Seaward, B. (2013). Health of the Human Spirit: Spiritual Dimensions for Personal Health.

2nd Edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Seligman, M., (2006). Learned Optimism. How to Change Your Mind and Your Life. Vintage

Books, Random House, Inc.

Walsh, R. (1999) Essential Spirituality. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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