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Monyea Barber


Period 0

Artifacts #4 (best work)

In my best work I used a project from my math class, my teacher gave us a story with no

graph , after reading the article you need to solve the equations given, write all the points that

were found on a table. Then after you do that create an graph and label both the y and the x axis

to match the story that she gave us. After that she gives you a graph with plotted points, you

label the axis and make up a story. My story was about 4 seasons and how the weather changed

through this time. Explaining how it gets cold in December and very very hot in january. I think

this is one of my best work because it included my creative side in math. I received a pretty

decent grade for this project , my teacher explained that the more creative you are the more

points you will receive. I heard lots of great stories in my class but only a few stuck out. Mines

was one of them ! The project took some time seeing that the equations were pretty complex,

during this lesson was probably some of the hardest problems we came across as a class. But my

teacher tried her best to make it make sense to all of us but adding cool little assignments and

application into the mix. My teacher always allows us to do cool projects in her class, but she

somehow always relates it back to math in ways you wouldn't expect. This project is my best

work because it shows both sides of me. The side that sucks and math and the creative writer

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