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The Sun that Shone like Singing Humming birds

A Short Story
by Random Writer

Una Jones had always loved deprived Moscow with its homely, high-pitched hills. It was a place where
she felt healthy.

She was a cowardly, caring, beer drinker with charming toenails and feathery thighs. Her friends saw her
as an oily, outrageous ogre. Once, she had even made a cup of tea for a mysterious blind person. That's
the sort of woman he was.

Una walked over to the window and reflected on her derelict surroundings. The sun shone like singing
humming birds.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Annabelle Noris.
Annabelle was a charming do gooder with dirty toenails and curvaceous thighs.

Una gulped. She was not prepared for Annabelle.

As Una stepped outside and Annabelle came closer, she could see the super glint in her eye.

Annabelle gazed with the affection of 499 friendly kind kittens. She said, in hushed tones, "I love you
and I want a pencil."

Una looked back, even more sleepy and still fingering the solid map. "Annabelle, d'oh," she replied.

They looked at each other with stressed feelings, like two kind, kaleidoscopic koalas partying at a very
delightful funeral, which had flute music playing in the background and two hungry uncles gyrating to
the beat.

Una regarded Annabelle's dirty toenails and curvaceous thighs. "I feel the same way!" revealed Una with
a delighted grin.

Annabelle looked sleepy, her emotions blushing like a thirsty, testy torch.

Then Annabelle came inside for a nic

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