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Fourth Euro. Conf. on Computer Vision, Canbridge, England (April 1996) Detecting, localizing and grouping repeated scene elements from an image ‘Thomas Leung and Jitendra Malik Department of Electrical Engineering; and Computer Sciences University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 91720 email:, maliktesberkeky.ed Abstract. ‘This poper presents an akerithm for detecting, localizing and grouping instances of repeated scene ements. "The grouping is rep- resented ly a graph where nocks comepend to individu elements and arcs jin spatially neighboring, elements: Associated with ead are an affine map that best transforms the image patch at one location to Ue other. "The approach we propose consists oF4 steps: (I) detecting inter- esting” elements in the image; @) matching cements with ther neighe bons ane estimating the affine: trom between them: (3) growing the ekment to form a more distinctive unit; and (4) grouping the elements, “The Hea is analogs to tracking in dynamic imagery. In cur context ‘ve “tide an elemento spatially neighboring keatiors in cre im “while in temporal tracking, ene would perform the search in neighboring imoge frames. 1 Introduction ‘This paper presents an algorithm fordetecting, localizing and grouping instances, of repeated scene clements. ‘The notion of srene elements is intended to be quite general and inchudes as special cases = texels on a surface as shown in Figure I(a). Other examples might be spots on a leopard’s skin or the pattern of brickwork on a pavement. = discrete structures such ax the eyes on a person's face, ‘The goal of our approach is to compute a representation where the individual elements are detected, localized and grouped. The grouping is represented. by al graph where nodes conespond to individual elements and arcs join spatially neighboring elements. With each ar 13; is exsociated an affine map Aiy that best transforms the image patch (ar) 10 I(a). This affine transform implicitly defines a correspondence between points on the image patches at rj and 2. What is this representation good for? The two short term objectives are: 1 Grouping of these repeated! elements is a useful goal in itself: Certainly this provides an operationalization of one of the Gestalt laws of grouping, that based on similarity. 2. Knowledgp of the affine transforms between corresponding patches, or equiv= alently knowledge of the point correspondences between filucial points on the image patches, can be used to recover 3D scene structure. The mathematics for shape recovery can either follow analysis of shape frem texture [4. 10, 11] or structure from motion, or variations of the ideas therein, In the Ieng term. our primary driving application is reecgnition, For that the vital importance of grouping hes long been noted. ann] recovery of 3D structural relationships can be useful as well, A more novel aspect is that given a knowlege of the 3D scene structure. we can also hope to tecover what one of the soene lements locks like from a canonical view (Say fronto-parallel). The appearance from such a canonical view is distinctive and invariant (up to a wale factor) to camera pose and could be used in an iconic matching scheme to provide another visual cue for recognition, 2 Relevant previous work ‘The mest relevant previous work is that on texture processing and on recone struction from repeated stractune. 2.1 ‘Texture processing, ‘Texture has often been defined to be some repeating pattern, so itis natural to think of the problem of finding repeated clements as being a problem of finding regions with coherent spatial texture. This i simplistic-we will discuss bekwy ‘the similarities and differences between texture processing and our work. First, we talle about the similarities. As pointed aut by Malik and Rosene holtz [10, 11], shape from texture is a cue to 3D shape very similar to binocular stercepsis and structure from motion. All of these cues are based! on the infor mation available in multiple perspective views of the same surface in the scene. In the context of shape frem texture, two nearby patches appear slightly differ ently because of the slightly different geometrical relatiorships that they have with respect to the observer's eye or camera, We thus get multiple views in a single image. This naturally leads to a two-stage framework (1) comparting the “affine texture distortion” from the image. and (2) interpreting the ‘texture dis- tortion” to infer the 3D orientation and shape of the scene surface. When we deal ‘with repeated scene elements. clearly the idea of multiple views of the “same” clement being available in one image carries over. ‘The differences are enumerated a follows: 1. ‘The notion of texture includes very imegular arrangements where one may ‘not meaningfully speak of a basic unit. a texel, that is repeated across the image. Some of the techniques in texture analysis, such as looking at the r= sponse of multi-scale, multiForientation filter outputs are of course applicable, However we exclude such textures from our consideration of arrangments of repeated! scene elements. 2. We want to deal with the cases where there are only a small number of repeated! elements (c.g, two eyes). In this case, the notion of texture is usually not appropriate and coherence of filter outputs is too weak a grouping cue. 3. In the case of texture analysis, one usually ignores the precise positional n= Tationships. A cradle summary of the prychophysics results of Julewz, Bock, ‘Treisman and others is that in preattentive vision, the positional relation ships between the fextons do not matter, enly the densities need to be con sidered. This insight has carried over to the quasilinear filtering mocels that now dominate the fieldspatial averages of filter outputs are considered [9]. In our context of finding repeated scene elements. the precise positional ro= lationships between the features on a single element do matter: we cam talk atout precise point to point correspondences between features on one element and another. In summary, we have a problem fornmilation that exudes a certain class of texturesstocheastic textures with ill defined texture elements—but considering, only repeated elements enables a notion of point to point ccrrespondence that is now entctly like that in motion or stercorsis. 2.2. Reconstruction from repeated structure Ithas been pointed out (1.6.7. 12] that structures that repeat in a single imageof a scene are equivalent to multipleviews of asingle instance ofa structure. If there are many identical objects available. then one can even calibrate the camera and recover structure up to asimilatity ambiguity, Though arrived at independently. fundamentally this represents a variation of the same idea as expressed by Malik: and Resenholtz in the texture context [10. Ll]. But. here, the notien of point-to- point correspondence is exactly the same as in the motion/stercopsis context. ‘However, in previous work on this topic, the early vision operations of finding image correspondences have not been addressee. ‘The work in this paper makes this process feasible. 3. The Algorithm An intuitive understanding of the algorithm can be obtained rather simply by an analogy to tracking in dynamic imagery. Suppere, one has identified one of the elements somehow. Ta identify others like it, we “track” it by searching for it in neighboring locationssin the image plane, just asone would in the temporal track ing context where we search in neighboring image frames. A temporally tracked object would be expected to changp in size and shape because of its differing eve with respect to the camera. That change. if small enough. can be conve= niently modeled as an affine transform. For finding the best match.variations on the theme of maximizing cros-corrdation or minimizing SSD (sum of squared differences) have been demonstrated * to be simple and robust. Once the object hhas been Tocated in the next time frame, one can then use a new template based €n its new appearance to search for it in the subsequent frame and s0 on, Ree liable, robust temporal tracking; has nw become a core technology in dynamic computer vision. ‘The succes of temporal tracking suggested that a multi-directional spatial ‘tracking approach to finding repeated scene elements should work well. The diffi- cult partis that of finding a good initialization—it is not easy as in the temporal tracking context. Qur approach was to look for “interesting” windows-ones with encugh image intensity variation. The algorithm consists of the following steps 1. Detection of interesting windows in the image. These windows constitute the possible candidates for the repeating clements. The criterion is that they are distinet encugh so that matching can be dene easily and unambiguous 7 Wenlaiesa of corrdaticn/SSD approaches for very binge changes in forshct eins asin widebaseline stereo are not relevant in this setting. 2. For each window. we look at the neighboring regions to search for similar structures, This search allows for small affine deformations. 3. The size of the unit is allowed to change to maximize the distinctiveness of the element. 4. ‘The whole repeating structure is grouped together with the individual cle ments marked. 31 Detection of distinctive dlements ‘The first step of our algorithm is to look for distinctive elements in the image. We break up the whole image into overlapping windows. At each window. we compute the second moment matrix: Swe VV@vi@) @ wr where V is the gradient operater. ‘The second moment matrix tells us hew much spatial intensity variation is present in the window. It has been used before in early vision processing as in [3, 5]. The eigenvalues, ky and ky (assume ky > ky). of Syy represent the amount of “energy” in the two principal directions, For 2D structures, ky and zy will be large aml comparable in magnitude; ky will be Targe anel ky will be close to zero for 1D stnacturess both ky and fy will be sural if little variation is, prevent. Using the two ejgenvalues, we can give further characterization for each win- dow. Fora 2D patter, fy and ky will be similar: pen @ Here, ry is a constant. It desctibes the ratio of the energy in the two directions of the spatial structure. This tells apart a 2D from a ID pattern. In general. there are two types of LD structures. They can be an edge or a pattern in one direction (a flow), eg. the vertical stripes on a shirt. However, they can be distinguished! by looking at the sign of the gradient vectors. Consider an edge versus a bar. The gratlient vectors in the neighborhood of an edge will all point in the same direction, while the gradient vectors point in oppesite directions om the two sides of a bar. Making use of this observation. we can tell a flow from an ede, Let v denote the dominant or¥entation in the window This, is the direction of the eigenvecter corresponding to the large cigprvalue of Sy. Let az be the pixel locations where the gradient makes an acute angle with the dominant direction, ic. 0° V (1) > 0. Similarly, let 22 be the locations where ‘the gradient makes an obtuse angle with w, ic. oY (x2) <0. Define Sv and =v @) For a flow. 5 and Sp will have similar energy. while for an exige. most of the enesgy will be concentrated in one of them, Therefore. an I-D pattern has to satisfy the following requirements: bh mato.) » E> Tinga). soa) <" 6 Here, o(A) refers to the spectrum of the matrix A. ry is the same as in Fquae {hon T telat ease dsting ith ID pater rssencomeene ce ig the ratio of energy in 5 and 5p. distinguishes a 1D flow pattem from an edge. Tall oor expec yal sane fine, eset yc, rng tat patter is defined to be 2D if the energy in the dominant direction is no more ‘than 4 times langer than the energy in the orthegonal direction. The value of r is fixed to be 2, meaning that when the ratio of the energy in © and Xp is no ‘more than 2, the pattern is declared to be ID flenv, as oppesed to an eclge. 3.2 Finding Matches: ler tei a candidates, we exanine cach of them to dete ifthe’ teen tn png trun, Ths cn by sec fo dar atten int neglect oan tat lee {iio rat sro apes’ Aro psten fein ing the neighboring patches where the SSDs to our candidate are small. We then use a differential approach BB, 8] to estimate the affine transform which will bring the two patches in better correspondence: and Bre = (le) = he +0)? 6) (Ard) =arg mip Ere © Tis the intensity at the neighboring location. Linearizing, AwI4+AA and de Odd @ Err = )7( a) - i) -Vilay’ AAw - Vi(ay' 5d)? 8) AA and 6d can be estimated by solving a system of linear equations. See [§] for details. We then iterate by warping the image and refining the affine transform, Similarity of the two patches are measured in a normalized way. Define D(x) = I(x) — WA +d) (9 (a) -T(n)P (19) = (De) — Dey? ap ‘Two patches ae declared to be similar if oe Bim = F< re (1) 2 The repeated dements are rehted by a profctive transformation, but an affine ‘trarsform is a very good approximation for neighboring elements. cr can be interpreted as the contrast of the image® and ge the variation of the error, 2 can then be thought of as the inverse of the signal-to-noise ratio. 7. a constant threshold taken to be 0.2 in all our experiments. Notice that this error measure is invariant to both constant scaling of image brightness and an illumination offset. ‘The output of this procedure isa list of elements which form units for repeat= ing structures in the image. Associated with each element are the neighboring patches which match well with the element, tegether with the affine transform relating them, 3.3. Growing the Pattern ‘The initial size of the window is chesen quite arbitrarily 4, and thus each ele ment may not correspond to the most distinctive unit. ‘Therefere, we allow the clements to change in size. ‘The criterion for change is that it will decrease the matching emer (Eq. 12). This is measured against the neighboring patches that swe obtained in the previous step. With the affine transform, we can warp each inslividual neighboring patch to one which registers with the element. We iterae tively increase the hight and width of the window and measure the total error. If the total error decreases. we enlarge the window and continue the process until the error stops decreasing or a maximumallowed size is reached. The out come would be a set of elements which are more representative to the uneleriying repeating structure, 3. Grouping Elements ‘The final step is to group the elements together. We start at each basic unit and look inside its 8 neighboring windows for similar elements. In each of the 8 swindon. we find the patch which matches the element best. The affine transform between them is also computed. Ifthe error between the neighboring patch and ‘the element is smaller than Te (Eq. 12}. we group the two patches together. When we propagate the growing procedure outward, the size and shape of the basic cement in the image will change. This is very well illustrated in Figure 1. Owing to the slanting of the surface, the glass windows look smaller when we go towards the far end of the building, The affine transform tells us exactly hewv the size and shape change. So. if we initially have a rectangular window, the neighboring dements are best described by a parallelogram in the image plane. We appreximate the parallelogram by a rectangle, defined by the midepoints of the 4 edges of the parallelogram. This notion of changing the winelow size is very important because we are grouping scene elements, not image cements. Because of the surface shape, the srene elements will “look” different in the image. 4 Results ‘The results of applying the algorithm on a number of images are presented in this secticn. In all our experiments, we set my = 4 (Eq. 2). r2 = 2 (Eq. 4) and Fe=0.2 (Fa. 12). Tin pevchophysics, contrast is usually defined as o7/T. This has no dfect on our similarity measure, because 0 will be sealed by the same factor and the ratio will not change. A amiltesale analysis may hep in chosing the optimal window si Figure | shows an image of a baikling, Architectural objects usually have a very large number of repeating elements. like windows or doors. ‘The rectangle marked in (a) indicates where the initial element is. ‘This unit is found auto matically by the “interesting-windew” search described in Section 3.1 and the size automatically adjusted to give a more distinctive element. ‘The crosses are the locations of the cements obtained by the grouping process. Notice that the spacing of the crass are smaller as the umits get thinner when we propagate to the far end of the building, This is where the importance of changing the windene size and shape by the affine transform shows up. In (b). the grouped region is displayed. This provides us with a segmentation of the surface patch. ‘The algorithm also works well on curved surfaces, where affine distortion between neighboring elements is significant. Figures 2 and 3 are some textile images. In Figure 2, the repeating unit chesen by the algorithm was 2 units of ‘the actual pattem: in Figure 3. it wes one unit. Note that there is an inherent ambiguity here because the 2unit element chosen in Figure 2 is ako a repeating, pattern. In Figure 3. note that the front of the shirt is isolated fre the arms. ‘This is to be expected because the grouping process zesumes small changes from ine element to its neighbor. This offers usa usefial segmentation technique where ‘the shirt front, left arm and right arm would emerge as separate groups. Work fon human figure recognition [2] have shown the usefulness of such segmentaticn, into parts. Figure 4 shows another type of grouping. Here, we have a simpk repeating pattern. ‘Traditionally, this would not be regarded as texture as it does not have significant 2D spatial extent. Instead, it is a distinctive ekment in the scene. ‘The grouping works well too and the repeating units are found. Figure 5 is an example of a yet different kind of image. Here the pattem is that of an oriented flow field, Note that repeating, units are found though obviously the breakup into individual caments is somewhat artificial. However. the knowledge that these have predominantly 1D structure could be used to perform a more suitable grouping operation in a post-processing stage. 5 Conclusion We have demonstrated a technique to detect. localize and group instances of re= peated scene elements in an image. The result & a graph where nodes correspond to individual elements and ares Jpin spatially neighboring elements. Associated swith each arc is an affine map that best transforms the image patch at one lo cation to the other. Results on a variety of images are shown. They include 2D structures on planar and curved surfaces and 1D flows on curved surfaces. A mumber of extensions of this work follow immediately, A multi-scale anal- ysis would be useful to group elements of different scales. At present, the initial partition into windows is arbitrary. In principke. this should be chesen based on. ‘the scale of the features we are looking for. Another direction of werk that will be dene is to use the affine transfoms and the point conespondences in the patches to infer surface shape. ‘Techniques from shape from texture [4, 10, 11] or structure from motion will be uscful. @ o Figs 1. Architectural image, ‘The rectangle in (a) is the unit we found and where the growing proces starts. ‘The crosses are the kecations of the units grouped together. ‘The seamented region is shown in (b). Notice that the spacings between the crosses become smaller as we propazate to the far end of the building, This is capturing; well the change in size and shape of the units in the scene, @ ) Fig.2. A textile image on a curved surfaces The rectangle in (a) is the initial unit we faind, The erases are the keations of the units grouped together, In (b), the seqnenter! negion is shown. Notice that the mvetangle inchices two units in the actual pattem. ‘This is due to the inherent ambiguity in defining a repeating unit, namely, 2 Units together is till a repeating element (@) ©) Fig. 3. Another example ofa textile image on a curved surface, Fig.4. A different type of grouping is shown in this figure, ‘The rectangle in (a) shows a distinctive dement in the image. ‘Traditionally, this would not be considered as texture because there is no sinificant 2D spatial extent. Our algorithm works wel in this situation too. The crosses in (a) mark the instances of the unit. As we have pointed out, the ultimate goal of our work is object recognition. ‘This algorithm can provide grouping and 3D structural information atout the scene, Given the 3D structural relationships. we can recover what one of the scene elements looks like from a canenical view (say fronto-parall), The appearance from such a canonical view is distinctive and invariant (up to a scale factor) to camera pose and could be used in an iconic matching scheme to provide another visual cue for meccenition. (@) ) Fig, 5. An ariented 1D flow fiekl, Notice that repeating units are found though obvie ‘cusly the breakup into individual elements is somewhat artificial. However, the knowl eke that the: lave predominantly 1D structure could be used to perform a mare suitable grouping operation in a post-procesing stage. Acknowledgement: ‘This werk was supperted by the Digital Library Grant IRE941134 and a Berke ky Felkmship. References L. M, Armstrong, A. 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