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1. Tell me something about yourself?

2. Tell me something about your work experience?

3. What were your responsibilities at that job?

4. What position are you applying for?

5. Do you have experience with that job?

6. Are you open for rotation?

7. Are you a team player or you prefer working alone?

8. Why did u choose this Company?

9. Tell me something about this Company?

10. Describe me how to get from here to Downtown? (pitanje koje služi da bi poslodavac video
kako vam ide engleski)

11. Why should I hire you?

12. Do you have any questions for me?

How and by whom will my performance be reviewed? Are there specific criteria upon which I
would be evaluated? And how frequently is formal and informal review given to new employees?

What are some of the skills and abilities necessary for someone to succeed in this job?

What are the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?

Could you explain your organizational structure?

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