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Commas ,
1. A comma is used to separate words in a list. This includes separating

We had coffee, cheese and crackers, and grapes.
I had a marvelous time eating in taverns, swimming in the water, going for walks,
and sending post cards.
*Separating adjectives:
He is a strong, healthy man.
We could also say healthy, strong man.

The Oxford Comma: The flag is red, white, and blue.

When not to use:

When the adjectives cannot be interchanged. (Not a list)
We stayed at an expensive summer resort.
We would not say “summer expensive resort,” so no comma.

2. A comma is used to introduce direct speech.

He said, "I don't care."
"Why," I asked, "don't you care?"

Comma before opening quotation mark
Capital letter beginning the quotation
End punctuation inside end quotation

3. A comma is used before a connective.

For sentences where two independent clauses are joined by conjunctions, put a
comma at the end of the first clause.
Conjunctions = for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so (FANBOYS)
**Of course, you can omit the comma and conjunction for a………………………...????
4. A comma is used after an adverbial start and also for interjections
Adverbs tweak the meaning of verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and clauses.
Adverbial start is a sentence that starts with an adverb, or adverbial phrase.
“Slowly, I turned.”
Silently, he crept.
Quietly, the teacher asked the children to finish their game.
Loudly and convincingly, Jonathan spoke about the advantages of leasing rather
than buying cars.

5. A comma is used to mark of an embedded clause. (Appositive)

*This is when a sentence has an obstacle in between.
**Double comma trick
Jackie, going around the defender, passed the ball to Joe.
Karen, on her way to school, lost her book.

6. To separate names of cities and states

Garden City, New York
Franklin Square, New York
Boise, Idaho

7. To separate the day and the year in dates

July 17th, 2016
December 2nd, 1988
October 31, 2015

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