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Comparison of 2 Poems

The two poems are the Song of City Dweller and Hometown. The persona of the former
is somebody from a city, hence city dweller, while the persona of the latter is someone who left
and then came back to her hometown.

Both poems are about their perception of what a countryside or how living in it is.
However, they have different views about it.

The first poem’s view on body of water is silent, and empty. It literally says that it has
only silence of their voices. On the other hand, the next poem views it as something bountiful. It
is implied by the crab from river. This symbolizes that there is life in there.

From the point-of-view of the city dweller, living in a rural place is dull, plain, and boring.
Though the author uses flowery words like lovely crystal in the first line, for me, it doesn’t change
the fact that clear still means no color. Grey, from the second line, also symbolizes lifelessness.
Bottom-line, I think that what he is saying is that countryside is beautiful and peaceful yet very
much still, passive, and dreary. The author probably wants the audience to know that city dwellers
are used to everyday life with so much activities. Hence, slow pace life isn’t really for them.

On the other hand, the second poem, Hometown, from the perception of someone native
from it says that living in countryside means living abundantly with nature along with all its perks.
It also enables the speaker to be her real self. She wants nothing else but to be able to stay in this
still and peaceful place she calls her home. In this case, for me, the author probably wants the
audience to know that somebody native to a provincial life, no matter what happened, whether
they move from places to places, specifically the city, they will always have that shred of their
existence that would always look for a bit of the place where they came from. They would also
most likely to always find their way back home.

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